1. It happened unexpectedly, though ... Part 1
  2. It happened unexpectedly, though ... Part 2
  3. It happened unexpectedly, though. Part 3

First of all, on the screen, I see myself leaving the room, then nothing happens for a minute. A click is heard - the entrance door closes behind me. I stare hard at the screen, my eyes are riveted on the front door. Opanki ... I see how Natalya pulls off her blanket, exposing her leg ... thigh ... ass ... Oil painting ... my beloved waiting ... Leg and half-pop peeking out from under the blanket, while from the clothes on my only absolutely transparent peignoir of gently light green color. The game began ... And here are the other characters. The handle on the door slowly goes down, and the door quietly opens. Igor's head appears, his gaze falls on the bed. You should have seen his face!

Lips stretched to the duck quack, eyes - with two penny. The pause did not last long, five to seven seconds, the door opened wider and two conspirators tiptoed into the room. Then, during sex, Natashka told me about the emotions that engulfed her, but this is a topic for a separate story. I will continue ... Igor went to the bed itself, Borka stayed at the door, constantly looking at the front door. It was evident that he strained his hearing, listening to whether I had returned prematurely. The guys eagerly looked at my spouse, constantly gesticulating, raising a finger to his lips, pointing to the front door, etc. It all lasted a minute and a half. Then Igor came closer to the headboard and began to peer into Natasha's face. She peacefully snuffled, almost completely buried in the pillow. It was clear from the guys that they were already accustomed, the entrance door was of little interest to them now, they were obviously plotting something.

Or rather, Igorek planned something. He went to the other side of the bed. Natalya lay literally half a meter from him, seducing with an amazing view. But Igor this was obviously not enough. Yes, and to tell the truth, who would resist in such a situation not to pull off the blanket. After all, this is a gift of fate - almost a naked woman, in the chop off, and, most importantly, a STRANGER. Borka was already standing next to Igor, impatiently giving him signs. And here it is ... Igoreha gradually, watching the reaction, begins the process. In general, in half a minute the blanket lay to the side, Natalia covered only the peignoir. Although, what he covered there ... I did not notice how I released my "boyfriend" to freedom. One of the most burning of my sexual fantasies comes true. Emotions - the sea! So what do guys see?

Before them, a naked woman lies practically on her stomach, but her ass is completely naked. I see how the guys are bumpy shorts, they continually correct their heroes. And then something happened that probably should have happened. Natalia began to move, her left leg slowly crawled upwards, revealing an amazing view to the guys. They stood, literally numb. The first to wake up was Igor. He came closer to his legs, bent down, and literally stuck his eyes into the pussy that opened to him. Borka unzipped his fly, pulled out his penis and began to smooth it without haste. And Igor ... damn, he obviously had something in mind ... Having made a sign to Borka, he brought his face close to the crack, and then ... then he just stuck out his tongue and licked Natashkin's clit. Natasha's body startled, as if she had been electrocuted. Those guys distorted, they shrank to the side. And Natalya ... she, as if inadvertently, in a dream, threw her leg even more and slightly bulged her ass. Even I, on this tiny screen saw Natasha flowing. Did the guys see it? I'm afraid they were not up to it. Meanwhile, Igor calmed down, grew bolder, and it was evident that he decided to continue.

He stuck out his tongue and again touched the clitoris of my wife. It was evident how Natalia’s body was trembling, as she clutched a blanket. But it seems that only I saw it. The guys resembled dogs at a dog wedding.Igoreshka boldly drove his tongue across the genital lips, slightly squeezing them with his lips, in general, amused himself to the fullest. It was evident that he was a big Cooney lover. I will tell you frankly, I tried to elude such kind of caress, somehow they did not attract me. Igor, on the other hand, was completely dissatisfied, it seems that the guys finally believed that Natalya was in complete trouble. And here Natasha stirred. Igor quickly pulled away from her, slid to the floor and froze there on his knees. Boryan was right next to him. Natalya slowly turned over on her back, sweetly smacking her lips, and so she froze. Her legs were wide enough, not like during sex, but it is enough for the guys to fully enjoy the sweet sight. Igor wanted to fall again with his lips to the coveted bud, but Borka showed him a fig and shook his head toward the door. Yes, their time was running out.

So, what is happening now, how are friends there? I pressed the puzu and looked out of the restroom. Sounds of sex and unprintable comments of guys were heard from the nursery. Okay, and I will continue.

I sat comfortably and turned on the playback. Natalia lay in a beautifully shameless pose, arms and legs outstretched. Borka clung to her pussy and set to work. I brought my wife's face on the screen. She was clearly in seventh heaven from the caresses she received. And then I could not stand it and finished, powerfully, long and with a storm of emotions. Continuing to peer at the screen, I collected all my labors from the tile. And then I saw Natalya finish. She restrained emotions as best she could, but I’m not living with her for the first year. A spasm ran through her legs, she somehow casually hid her face in a pillow, right before her eyes her whole body turned red. Borka, not noticing anything, continues to lick her clit. And suddenly the picture changes dramatically, Igor with a distorted face, frantically waving his hands, Borka in two leaps is at the door, she closes. I came! But the movie continues! I see how Natalya’s hand reaches out to her clitoris, she starts desperately masturbating, now not holding back emotions. No, she does not moan in her voice, everything is written on her face and body. She cums again, arching and wheezing intermittently, then turns on the barrels and throws the blanket over herself.

I turned off the playback and left the toilet. The guys were still stuck at the computer. Well, I'll go to them. I went in, they stood and pulled their ends. When I appeared, they twitched, turning sharply to the door. Apparently, they were afraid of the appearance of Natasha. Seeing me, calmed down. I went. On the screen was a video clip where Natalya was riding on me, with her back to the camera. She bent low, while slowly then sit down on the penis, then also slowly raised her ass. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart. And then I go to the computer and press STOP. The boys began to grunt. But by that time my plan was already ripe. And he needed to discuss. “So, everybody, let's go, business is there” - I turned off the computer and left the room.

They poured beer and I started to outline my plan. “In general, this is the case. I will now go to our room and spin Natasha for sex. Leave the door open. If he asks about you, I will say that you have gone home ”- friends froze with outstretched faces. “Well, I did not understand, you want to see live porn?” - we often touched fantasies with peeping during sex. Borka woke up first, nodded his head and fell to the glass. His throat seemed to be dry, he could not speak. I set aside the beer and poured fifty grams of vodka. "Well, I went, and you still sit here."

I gently opened the door. It was difficult to understand whether Natalia was sleeping or not. Everything looked quite dignified. I felt the jitters begin to beat me. In one evening and night, to carry out almost all of my fantasies ... I went to the bed, undressed and lay down. Throwing back the blanket, I saw a wet spot on the sheet. Hmm ... My palm lay on her pussy and immediately my middle finger was in her slit. E-May, how wet she is !!! And then, without opening his eyes and sitting down on a finger, mine opens its mouth and quietly asks: "Where are the guys?"I clung to her lips and we began to kiss passionately, I literally already got her to the uterus. And then the body of Natasha set a wiggle, she moaned loudly, drawn out with anguish. I looked up from her lips and saw the guys in the doorway. They with might and main tricked their members.

I leaned over to Natalia’s ear and whispered: “The guys are watching and jerking off.” And then Natalia herself turns me across the bed and sits on top of me, with my back to the doors. She takes off her peignoir, bends down to my lips and again we are carried away somewhere in a long kiss. And in front of my friends picture, as if descended from a recent clip. God, that Natasha gets up with her ass - waves, eights - she was just insane! And at the same time she moans! I tilted her head to my lips and whispered: "Call"? "Yes," she could only answer. I raised my hand and waved: "Come here." "Condoms in the bedside table under the telly." Five seconds - and they are already looking for condoms. Another half a minute to put them on. "Who do you want in the ass?" - All this time she continues to sit down on my penis. "Igor". I continue the interrogation: “Bore do a blowjob?” “Yes!” I begin to give orders: “Igorekha, take any cream from the shelf and go ahead” - and I’m showing myself on the ass. “Borka, take off the condom until you need it” - he quickly understood everything.

And here's the picture: Natashka is sitting on my penis, sticking out her ass, Borkin “friend” is already in her mouth, Igorek, after smearing her ass with cream, gradually begins to pull her “buns” on her cock. I look at my own, and I understand that she is close to a faint and dizzy, she is so excited. She no longer moans, releasing a member of the lips, she growls, wheezes! And then her convulsions begin to shake, it seems that for a few moments she lost consciousness. Borka literally takes her by the head and inserts his dick into her mouth. I look at my wife and I understand that she is in prostration, she is simply fucked in the mouth. Natalya gradually began to come to consciousness, she moaned and I saw in her performance a blowjob, which I couldn’t get from her later on. Igorkom and I continued to properly hammer her holes. I did not take my eyes off Natasha's lips. What she got up! Her tongue went all over the trunk, her lips seemed to play some kind of melody. A member entered her throat, and I saw it! I felt an orgasm roll in. I could not pull out a member, more precisely, I could, but where to stop? Igor on the thighs? And I understand that Borka is also close to orgasm, he makes an attempt to pull his dick out of Natalia’s mouth, but I unexpectedly, wheeze: “Stop it.” We shot at the same time. Natasha started to shake, zacked, pounded! She chopped off! Seeing such a thing, Igor made a couple of movements and finished, quietly howling. I got out from under my wife, wiped a sheet of sperm from her lips. This has happened to her, but not often. And sperm to swallow at me she always flatly turned out. Hmm ... "Let's go, roll" - and only I could say.

The voluptuous execution continued for a long time, I do not even remember how and how much the guys left. And the memories of this night still fill the body with life-giving juices.

  • December 19, 2014 0:02

    As far as I understand, people need beautifully presented fantasies ... You can, of course, sit down, also dream up, beautifully and with curlicues. But scrap! Lazy. I thought to make an essay from sketches ... There were a lot of them. There was a striptease of drunk, and the exit to the guests for his birthday in the body shop from the sex shop that I donated. But each such case, it is literally 15 lines, is showered with shit, they are stuffed with troyakov. I do not want...


    • Rating: 0
  • October 26, 2016 21:15

    The people in the mass is not homogeneous. Fantasies are good, but I, for one, get more real stories. It is difficult to distinguish them from fantasy. But there is a chuyka. Write as you can, without combing phrases (if it does not work or scrap). I want to ask, and with the wives of friends of similar stories your trinity was not? And it would be cool! Write, do not be lazy!


    • Rating: 0
  • Alenka (a guest)
    December 20, 2014 14:57

    Author, do not pay attention to appraisers.write, you are good at it. And you also have your own audience


    • Rating: 1
  • nitroglicerin (a guest)
    December 25, 2014 10:28 PM

    My friend, you do not be offended, but you write, as if bukha still. Honestly, the story is cool, but you state it as if with an ax or a member on paper. It's not about “fantasies” as you said, but in a normal language of presentation, in feelings, and you write everything as you chop firewood.
    The same story can be stated so that you finish 10 times, and here, excuse me, I barely reached the end of the story and did not finish. for presentation - 3, for literacy - 3, for the history and experience of group sex - 5
    Peace to you!


    • Rating: 1
  • December 26, 2014 11:28

    I do not argue, it is. But he could and properly set out. But the brain was too lazy to strain. May follow ...


    • Rating: 0
  • nitroglicerin (a guest)
    December 26, 2014 10:32 pm

    Do not be lazy! Porno writing is not so difficult, but as a member, it requires careful handling to finish. There is potential, but really improve your writing style and presentation style and everything will work out! Good luck!


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