1. Skyrim. The adventures of the Grou-Mak Part 1
  2. Skyrim. The adventures of the Grou-Mak Part 2
  3. Skyrim. The adventures of the Grou-Mak Part 5
Sharg Gro-Mac scratched the stubble on his chin and swore. For two months, two infinitely long months, he wandered around these damned Dwemer ruins. After the arch collapsed into which the sorcerer’s spell, Dervils, had buried, buried under hundreds of tons of metal and stone and the sorcerer himself, and the way to the surface, the surviving gang members descended lower and lower in endless corridors filled with half-dead mechanisms and luminous mushrooms .
Sharga wanted to wash herself normally, change the clothes that stink of sweat under the armor, and eat her normally. Something cooked in a kitchen stove, and not dried meat, causing terrible heartburn, or a freshly caught cave parasite that does not taste less good than it looks.

But most of all Sharg wanted a woman. Itching in the loins became almost unbearable. For a young, healthful orc, such a long abstinence was like death.
For two months under the ground, from the once strong detachment left three. Sharg himself, the leader of the gang, Stalborn Blue, and the young archer Anuril. Stalbjorn masterfully owned his ax, and his armor was much better than the other bandits. A young empire with an elvish name simply did not climb into the fray, because of his bow in the cramped dungeon was of little use.
Now they stood in the center of a small cave, littered with rubbish and bodies of Falmer, which were so stupid that they climbed on the bandits with their bone knives.

“Sharg, finish the wounded,” the leader ordered, “For now, I'll look for food.”
Sharg, muttering in agreement, raised his mace. My mace is good, thought Gros-Mac. Whom you want, if not kill - so stunned for sure. A couple of weeks ago, he stunned the steam centurion, so that he stood for three minutes, turning from side to side, while the still-living Idrick did not crush the hinge in his knee.
The still-life Falmer lay trying to pinch the ripped belly, and blew bubbles of blood. In one motion, having crushed his head, Sharg went on. The second falmer, attracted the attention of the orc, hung bent over the enclosure of the corus corral, thrown back by the blow of the mace. Broken in half, the staff lay around. Coming up, Sharg wanted to repeat the blow, but he stopped when he saw the enemy belt winding up. Recalling that the Falmer’s staffs are shamans, and the Falmer’s shamans are entirely their own females, he established himself in his opinion.

“Hey, Anurik,” called the orc of the archer, “but this is a woman!”
The Imperials, carving an arrow from a corpse, threw up his head, and then spat contemptuously.
- What is this woman, this is Falmer.
“And Cho, the Falmer also have women,” Sharga thought stirred in his head. Not that the Falmer had a good-looking appearance: blind, with pale, spotty skin, tight bony slouching bodies, with sharp teeth and holes instead of a nose. But the heated orc saw in front of him not this, but a small rounded ass, no doubt belonging to a female being.
- Yes, I think right now, even a troll will come down, - Sharg grinned, - as you wish, but I will probably try.
- Phew, one word - orc! - the archer grimaced, - yes she is probably dead.
- No, I hurt her a little, only stunned.

Lifting the lean body by the neck, the orc looked at the abrasion on the temple, sharp teeth in the open mouth, claws on the fingers. Chuckling, he pulled out a rope and tied the hands of a Falmershi behind his back. Throwing the victim on one of the fur bedding, he took a dagger and began to cut the strings of her chitin bib. Falmerka, awakened by the tip of the blade, woke up and stared blankly at the orc with clouded eyes. Finally, when she came to herself, she hissed shrilly, enraged, trying to cling to Sharg with her teeth.

“Oh, it came to life,” said the orc, taking off his breastplate and weighing a strong slap in the face of the man of fear.Under the breastplate undoubtedly revealed female breasts. Small, almost spherical boobs bounced when the falmer twitched, trying to free themselves.
Cutting off a dirty skirt from a falmer vest, the robber shoved this semblance of a gag into her mouth. The creature stopped hissing, and only jerked in impotent rage, held by a firm hand. The orc immediately launched a second hand between the skinny legs of the falmer. She jerked twice stronger, but could not do anything. The orc's thick fingers dug into her gut, pushing the narrow hole of a thin, underground resident.

- To the touch it is just like a woman, only a sight has let us down, - Gr-mack grinned. Pulling out his hand, he spat on his fingers and smeared his huge sticking cock. Grabbing tied creature by the hips, he pulled her to him. Without delay, he perched between his legs and with a growl drove a member immediately to the full depth. The raped semi-intelligent creature arched from the pain and howled through the gag. It seems that the thick gray member of the orc turned out to be much larger than the organs of its tribesmen. Sharg furiously falmerku, forcing her thin pale body to shake from pain. He bit her small round boobs, squeezed the narrow back with wide callused hands, his piston went back and forth with the frequency of a Dwemer steam pump, on each movement resting on the uterus. Faster and faster. With a roar worthy of a dragon, the orc finished, spewing a fountain of sperm into the torn vagina of the falmerki.
Attracted by loud sounds, the gang leader approached them.

- What are you ... oh you! - only he could say, - tell me that I do not see it!
“No, boss,” said the archer, “I see it too.”
A rather smiling orc rose and waved his hand toward the limp body of the sub-chamber.
- Join, cho you!

Stalburn shook his head and silently turned away, heading for the extinguished hearth. Anuril twitched after him, but then he stopped. His head itself turned to Sharga and falmerke, and the bulged codpiece clearly showed excitement.
“Ah, fuck it all ...” The archer waved his hand and in one jump found himself beside the fame, unleashing the belt of his pants as he went.
Glancing at the torn vagina of the falmer, from which the sperm flowed interspersed with blood, the Imperial frowned. But after a moment, he brightened his face and reached for the abandoned traveling bag. Taking out a bottle of Dwemer oil, he turned the unconscious creature on his stomach and poured oil on her ass. He also plentifully lubricated his small hard member, he stuck it between the small buttocks of the Fulmer. From sharp pain, she again woke up and screamed in a gag, but no one listened. (Porn stories) Anuril carefully pushed his piston into the narrow cave of her anus, sticking his tongue out of zeal. Sharg, dabbed with matched rags, stood beside him and looked at it. Anuril introduced the penis completely and began to slowly move it around the falmer in the ass. Smacking sounds, the grunting of the Imperials and the lowing of a connected creature, whose vagina was torn, and a member went faster and faster to the bottom, were heard throughout the cave.
Stalbjorn returned. Having stood and looked at the Imperials who was crawling on a falmerka, he again shook his head. But in his eyes, a flash of excitement was already burning. In the meantime, Anuril reached orgasm and, having driven a member into the anus of a creature for the very eggs, groaned with pleasure, filling the rectum of a raped falmer with sperm.

While Anuril was rising, Stalborn with the curses dropped the shell and the leggings. The orc smirked at this, but said nothing. Already almost undressed, the leader glanced at the prostrated body of their victim and wrinkled his nose. Removing a small red bottle from his belt, he pulled the gag from the falmerka's mouth and, holding it with his hand for dirty, colorless hair, poured a sparkling liquid into his throat. The weak healing potion worked almost instantly, and the bleeding from the vagina and anus stopped. Nodding contentedly, Stalbjorn climbed onto the farmer and plunged his cock into the stretched vagina of the creature. With a chug, Stalbjorn fucked a pale-skinned woman of a race of feral underground elves, almost pulling out his penis and plunging him back to full depth.Falmerka no longer hissed and did not resist, on her eyeless face you could read a complete fucking. Noticing this, Stalbjorn grabbed her skinny waist with her hands and turned over without leaving her. Now he was lying on his back, and the falmer had a limp doll in his hands and sat on his penis, shaking his head from side to side.

Gro-mak, seeing all this, was excited again. Coming from behind, he knelt down. Having exchanged with the leader with nods, the orc pushed his rising phallus into the developed farmerka. Raped by two men at once, the creature moaned softly to the rhythm of movements, her small breasts jumped up and down. Two members walked inside it, giving the rapists immense pleasure.
Anuril returned, bringing with him two bent spoons. His cock rose again and was ready to go. Grabbing Falmerka by the chin, the imperial forcefully bent the spoons into her mouth by the left and right cheeks. Now the creature could not close the teeth, than the archer immediately took advantage. Clasping the head of the falmer, he pushed his cock into her throat. The creature tried to push the penis out of the tongue, which only gave the rapist more pleasure. Not sparing the prisoner, he fucked her in the mouth, driving her cock deep down her throat, while other thugs rammed her vagina and anus at the same time. The first to end Stalbjorn. Shuddering, he was discharged into the vial of the falmerki, hands squeezing her boobs. Behind him in a few quick movements, Anuril reached the final, filling the victim's throat with his sperm. Sharg, who was the last, grabbed the folmer by the tied shoulders and stood up, lifting it on his penis. With a growl tearing at her anus, he pressed the falmer's ass against his pubic and cum, filling it with sperm and the third hole of the creature.

After an hour, having rested and had a bite, the three warriors continued on their way through the dungeons, leaving the half-dead Falmer to wallow in a pool of sperm that had flowed out of all its holes. To achieve by tacit agreement did not.
None of them heard the quiet giggles coming from nowhere ...

  • June 28, 2014 1:03

    The author, well, you surprised. I read a lot about the Scroll world, but this is ... Unusual. I've never even seen such “combinations” in any story.
    Catch deserved otsenochku.


    • Rating: 0
  • June 28, 2014 6:24 am

    Very peculiar story. Later, read the 2nd chapter. Pretty descriptive and informative. As if you get into this world of fabulous creatures ...


    • Rating: 0
  • Dementia (a guest)
    June 29, 2014 0:30

    In the name of Sheogorath, it was exciting!


    • Rating: 0
  • August 9, 2014 13:37

    Just get hurt! I am absolutely delighted !!! I didn’t expect anyone to view Skyrim from such an angle !!!))) O Heavenly Mara! Ten!


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