For almost two weeks, Kairat has not called me. The already sad autumn morning in Astana with a leaden sky, strong gusts of wind and incessant rain made me feel particularly lonely. I was afraid to admit to myself that I still love him. I love his reserved laughter, arrogant glance, cynical grin ... I love everything about him! Perhaps that is why I gave him the right to fully dispose of me. This is the whole essence of a woman. I remembered a line from Dumas, something like: “women are like dogs, they cannot live without a master”. And waiting for him is also true for a long time, if you really love; and women usually love those who reciprocate them. Here is a question for you to write a thesis, gentlemen psychology ...

The phone vibrated sharply. SMS: “I will soon, put on my favorite piercing”. Just a few words, but from him! Adrenaline from anticipation of the meeting in an instant drove the blues. Having exposed her breasts, she changed her nipple piercings - from small dumbbells to massive beautiful platinum rings, a gift from Kairat. They looked great on my large elastic breasts, somewhat giving me the appearance of a medieval eastern concubine.

Coming out of the door, I saw Kairat in a new sports car, small and predatory, sparkling with numerous chrome-plated details and airbrushing around the car in the form of a silver dragon. In the tiny back seat, barely fitting, sat a barely familiar guy - Bach, Kairat’s partner in eternal parties. From their shabby appearance, I realized that they did not go to bed last night, and most likely came only from “Velvet”, in which they practically lived, despite the fact that both “worked” in solid posts in the House of Ministries. So, they just decided to “come to life” after a stormy night from special pleasures ... And so it turned out.

The roar of the engine, the gas pedal almost to the floor, Astana skyscrapers and Khrushchovka rush past, the bridge over Ishim - and we are on the embankment from the park. Rare passersby in these morning hours looked disapprovingly at the gorgeous car, parked in the wrong place, with loudly playing music and drinking champagne with a spectacular girl driver.

- Inna, I argued a little bit here with Baha ... He does not believe that you have rings in tits.

I looked at the guys inquiringly. In response, Kairat's trademark grin and the carnivorous, greedy look of Bahi. Despite the champagne drunk and the joy of meeting with Kairat, I somehow felt uneasy at the thought of having to show a chest to an almost unfamiliar guy. In general, until today, we have not advertised the “features” of our relations with Kairat.

“Damn, you won't let me lose the whiskey box, will you?” - Kairat stared at my face, - Come on, you also like to feel accessible and depraved!

An exhibitionist lives in every woman. Beautiful woman - exhibitionist doubly. Why do we need many hours in the gym and beauty salon, many thousands of tenge for all sorts of creams and gels - only to assert their beauty, and, consequently, women's power. And every woman is ready to show her beauty even to the first comer, you just need to find the key. Kairat owned this key for a long time.

From his words, the excitement was growing ... and the presence of Baha strengthened him many times. To feel like a whore is to break the taboo, the ban that you have absorbed with your mother's milk, which you live in everyday life, playing the role of impatient and successful girl with “perspectives”. How sweet it is to show these two males your true self, to fall for some time into this forbidden, muddy pool, and at the same time feel the full power of the power of your beauty!

And I also adore dirty words ... I adore listening to them in my address and speaking myself. Kairat knew this very well.

“Come on, titted cow, don't make you wait,” he said harshly.

These words lightning flashed my excited brain ...The special piquancy of my fall was emphasized by the Asian nationality of “lovers” of piercing in my nipples. I unbuttoned the buttons on the jacket, and my massive breasts were pulled out to the guys. I don’t need a bra — despite my size, my chest doesn’t need support. So even Kairat, who repeatedly saw my charms, could not hold back his admiring glance, and Bach genuinely whistled in amazement.

- Remember your milkings, shake them ... come on!

Submitting, I squeezed my breasts with my hands, my nipples sweetly swelled and ached in anticipation of caress; piercing rings rises appealingly. I ran my fingers over the nipples, rubbed them ... A belly burned over the burning languor, and the tart smell of my excitement filled the interior of the car.

- Little brother, yes she has awesome boobs! And what rings, I would never have thought that the Inca wears them! In short, you have a cool fuck! - admired Bach could not hide emotions.

“You haven’t seen her ass yet,” Kairat said through gritted teeth, deliberately cold. Hid his excitement, slybryuga.

I did not have to repeat. Turning around on the seat and putting the fifth point in the direction of the guys, I slowly pulled off my leggings. At first they saw a tattoo on the lower back in the form of a cat, a moment later the upper part of the buttocks, and alle-hop - all my posh, round and voluminous butt was put on display.

- What a meaty asshole! - breathed out Bach.

In response to this “compliment,” I shook my ass a little, which made the resilient, big buttocks sway seductively, and then spread them apart, showing off my narrow anus and oozing vagina. I sat down again on the seat, I saw the result of the show - the guys' eyes were burning, Bach was noisily breathing intermittently, and most importantly - the pants were both ready to explode.

- Umnichka Inna ... now serve the tits with this lever, and we will observe, - taking a sip from the bottle, Kairat pointed to the gear lever, which was a four-inch handle with a leather-trimmed handle.

I grabbed the lever with my breasts and started rubbing against it.

“Inna is more alive ... and tell us what a vulgar fuck you are,” Kairat demanded.

Well then ... let's light it up! (Especially for I slowly spat on the lever, and then leaned over, bent the bare ass upwards, and from below, looking into Kairat’s eyes, diligently licked the cap.

- Mmm ... do you like how your slut shows your friend your milking?

- Yes ... what are you slut Inna ... your white udder looks great with this thing.

Then I began to actively rub my breasts on the lever, imitating the masturbation of a member, while wagging my tattooed ass. My excitement was growing, I was ready to straddle this lever ...

“Yes, come on jerk off with his tits,” Kairat croaked, not constraining himself.

Kairat abruptly took out his penis and began to masturbate, looking at me ... Bach, judging by the sounds coming from the backseat, apparently, he did it for a long time.

“Kairat, I am your fat-headed pig, your property ... you can do with me what you want ...” I stopped short here so as not to say “beloved.”

With these words, Kairat brought his dick to my face and began to cum on him. Finished plentifully, firing large amounts of semen over and over again. Unable to withstand the tension in the lower abdomen, I ran my hand between my legs and began to frantically pull at the clitoris. My groans filled the salon ... I no longer understood what I was doing and what was happening, seized by one desire - to finish.

Suddenly Bach snarled loudly and began to cum right on the edge of my seat, one of the jets hit me on the shoulder, the other on the lips ... With a scream, I convulsed in the convulsions of the strongest orgasm, his new and new waves didn’t release my body for a long time, making him shake . All in sperm, with disheveled hair, free hand, I grabbed my left breast for more buzz ... And then I turned off, my consciousness left me ... Full out!

The voice of Kairat helped me to wake up, he had already smoked a cigarette, and therefore was extremely cold, but so dear to me ...
- Lick the Baha sperm from the seat and it's time to go. It's time for breakfast.

  • May 10, 2014 15:10

    amusing :) thanks!


    • Rating: 0
  • May 23, 2014 21:02

    Dumas-son told the truth: “Women are like dogs, they cannot live without a master”. But he missed one important detail, because grandmothers are women too and want their portion of thrills in a sports car. I would like to read the sequel in the style of all the same Dumas: “Kairat. 20 liters of sperm later ”, where we will meet Innochku who has become pretty old.


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