What does every man dream of? And what does any woman resist? Yes, gangbang, of course! And we dream about ZHMZH, at least, and here ...

Long ago, it was, long ago ... But everything happened. In my student youth. I studied at the second year of the institute, having already served the army. At that time, there was a group of girls on our course that secretly preached sexual revolution and free love. Sometimes they selectively invited guys to their company and engaged in group sex with them. But not all and not all. Moreover, this invitation could come a week before the planned orgy. And they could just pull them out of bed in the middle of the night. Naturally, these girls no one refused. On the contrary, any of us only dreamed of being in a kind of company and enjoying the forbidden fruit. Of course, we heard about all kinds of veno-diseases, but we thought that it was somewhere, far away, and this could not happen to us, because it could not happen in principle. But is it us, the young, then worried?

Then one day, completely unexpectedly, Nonna was approached by the company and, in a languid voice, offered to spend the evening alone with her and ... with her friends! At the same time she asked if I had money and I was a reckless person? Having received a positive response to both questions, she set a time and place for the meeting and withdrew, gently shaking her hips. Everyone knew that the girls there were a solid magazine version - they were pretty with themselves, with beautiful figures and something incomprehensible. These guys see in erotic dreams, waking up in the morning "with the riser" or ending on a sheet. I also saw. But suppose such a reality? Yes, I did not even dare.

In the dormitory at the appointed time I trampled under the door of the room indicated to me. On my knock came Nonna, she was wearing a light thin short robe. In the corridor I explained the conditions of the game for which I was invited. I have access to the bodies of five girls, my task is to fuck everyone for a minute. The time will follow the Nonna and give the command to go. My task is to visit each and not end. If I manage, then the money pays me; if I fail, then I pay. Girls have no right to touch me with their hands, but they can moan and squirm, provoking me to finish faster. The task seemed simple to me, I thought that I would be able to hold out for 5 minutes very easily, because my previous friend had trained my endurance. The rashness of such confidence I realized when I saw the “battlefield” for the upcoming game.

Two, from this small group of girls, managed somehow to knock out for themselves the largest room in the hostel. The furniture in it was arranged so that in the middle there was a rather large expanse. Right on the floor lay mattresses, covered with sheets, five girls settled on them. Some were completely naked, others had light shirts, but my legs and, most importantly, between the legs, everything was visible and in my accessibility. The girls lay their heads in the center, forming a "daisy." The legs of all were bent at the knees and divorced, touching the neighbor's knee in a circle, and the hands were locked together with each other. Full flower sensation on the floor. Flower of gorgeous girl bodies. I must say that all the girls in this “daisy” and the truth as to the selection - seductive figures and breast size for every taste, blondes, redheads and brunettes, and with each one could have romantic, and not only relationships.

My blood pounded in my temples, my heart pounded wildly, and my military friend began to tear out of his pants, realizing that this was all for him and intended.

I undress completely, shaking hands with excitement, fold the clothes to the proposed place. I depict on the face: “And I follow the heat of a dick!” - and with an impudent, self-satisfied smirk, but on bending legs, I approach the first petal of this “daisy”. In my head just a thought: “Yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyt, I live on the left oooooooh! And this is all mAyayoyoyoyoyoy! ”

In a businesslike manner, I am settling between the legs, helping myself to attach the penis to her vagina and start moving. Blah ... it's almost dry! Down the chain of kisses on the neck to the elastic chest of my first partner and in a businesslike, but gentle, I start to caress her nipples. The girl beneath me is thrilled, moans, and the lubricant is already actively helping the movement of my penis. I want to move in it sharply and insert at full length, but I understand that I will finish so quickly, slow down and start counting in order to distract myself. The first minute seems like an eternity to me, especially since the partner is gorgeous - a kick-up figure, gorgeous bosom, pretty face and plump lips, which she periodically licks.

In general, barely waiting for the signal, I turn, or rather, crawl to the next “petal”. Here the sensations are somewhat different: the vagina itself is wider, and there is a lubricant. I also caress and wrinkle my chest with the usual movement. The second partner is really excited or does it on purpose, so that I can finish and lose faster, she herself starts to sit on my penis and, moreover, to complete everything, she hugs me tightly with her legs around the waist. So after the second minute, barely restraining myself, so as not to shoot from such passion, I break out of her hot captivity.

Here is the third one. My member is already ringing like steel, and I have no idea how I can take another three minutes. But ... then I catch the eye of this red beast, she looks at me with sympathy, although she hospitably spreads her legs, inviting me and my “worker” to go inside. “Here he is a pi3dets!” - for some reason flashes in my head. I close my eyes for a few seconds, regain my breath, try to calm the swelling heart. Inhale-exhale, and now we are in the third partner. The girl, as if hears my thoughts and lies quietly, trying not to excite me. As I later learned, she was worried about me and even wanted to argue with her friends that I would pass this test, very much she wanted me to join their company. Gently kiss this beauty, gratefully caress her body and move in her gently and measuredly, she closed her eyes, and only quivering eyelashes indicate that she is very pleasant to my touch and movement inside. The third minute passed somehow unnoticed. Before you leave, I kiss her on the lips with gratitude and tenderness. So, there were two left. Although, after a quietly lying previous partner, it is already easy for me to keep up the excitement that was so fast growing up. The fourth girl is doing everything so that I am discharged - she groans and sits down on me so that she almost gets up on the bridge. I hollow her vagina with a special fury, but I have been controlling myself for a long time.

Only one thought: “Do you want, bitch? Get it! ”I caress her too, but already harder, even tweaked my hips a couple of times, from which she cried out loudly. And one more minute behind! I think that the latter is the most difficult, especially since the hole of the latter turns out to be the narrowest and narrowest, although the lubricant flows from it abundantly. As this bitch later admitted, she helped herself to get horny while I fucked her girlfriends. I insert a member into her cramped cave and immediately understand how difficult it will be to hold back. A few strokes inside and everything - I'm ready to discharge, stop for a few seconds and put in order thoughts: “Easy!” - I try to distract from damn pleasant sensations. The partner actively responds to my movements in it, straining the muscles of the vagina and even more tightly squeezes my worn out sufferer. The girl's body squirms, moans of passion erupt from her throat. And I do not care now, it is hypocritically or in fact she gets pleasure from sex with me. I am already disconnected so much that I do not notice the situation and other naked bodies lying nearby. Consciousness clouded for a moment and ...

“Time's up!” - breaks through the fog of pleasure. I stop and rise from the floor with the still tense member still standing. Nonna comes up to me and draws money: “You won! Well done! ”She looks at me with respect. I barely restrain myself from saying a banal: "Hussars don't take money." Instead, I say: "Keep it for yourself, but as a win, give me a blowjob." Nonna laughs loudly and asks the girls if there is a desire to make the bold man happy.Immediately two - the first and that, the third, red beast, want to help me out. (Porn stories) We are left alone with the redhead, while the girls put on clothes and go to the shower, which was on their own floor. The girl then made a terrific blowjob, which was a worthy conclusion to the story. I was discharged into her mouth, and she, like a real slut, swallowed everything, to the last drop.

“Husaril” I later more than once - aimed at a certain girl and after a couple of laps I ended up on her tummy. The reward for this was that I could retire with any of them if I had enough strength.

In general, sexual entertainment was popular with us, but not everyone was allowed into the circle. I, thanks to endurance and, as the girls said, natural charm, often managed to enjoy group sex. And when their regular partners joined us, we went to the apartment of one of them, and then the rules of the game changed. But that's another story.

"A person can understand only what he wants, and what he does not want, he usually does not understand." (Unknown author)

Ps. The story was written in collaboration with Diana Tim Taris.

  • February 22, 2014 21:03

    Oh, what hot students. I also seemed to be a student and also lived in a dormitory, but I did not hear about such entertainments. Although on the 2nd course, I was still modest. There is not some banal ZhMZH, here M and a lot of ZhZHZHZHZH. All the men envied you.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 25, 2015 16:45

    I heard about this game "Daisy" just in the university (not as a specific case but as a student legend), but there the number of girls should have been equal to the number of guys.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 22, 2014 21:33

    Well, this is already a repetition, the story about the daisy was and much more interesting written


    • Rating: 1
  • February 22, 2014 21:40

    Not a repetition, but your own vision of the situation. In general, “everything new is well forgotten old”


    • Rating: 0
  • February 22, 2014 10:09 PM

    This is your opinion, I expressed my own. The plot is almost one to one. Even emotions and winnings. Well, the changes are minimal.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 22, 2014 23:35

    I did not read the old story, Just somehow the author does not fit in my head with plagiarism ...


    • Rating: 0
  • February 23, 2014 0:07

    I did not accuse of plagiarism if you could notice


    • Rating: 0
  • February 22, 2014 22:11

    Yes. so just in case. I did not give a rating


    • Rating: 0
  • February 22, 2014 23:51

    Let me explain: I wrote this story for my own World and have never been here. There they criticized my story and said that it was set forth in a protocol language. I started looking for something like this on the Internet and came across a story here. In it, the story is somewhat different, different rules, another outcome. Although I laughed, the similarity of our thoughts with the main character. As far as we, men, think one-sided))))
    After the publication of several of his stories here, he decided to remake his Daisy and asked for help from Diana. She helped me. For what she is HUGE THANKS !!! It seems that I felt something was missing from my stories and there was something to work on.
    And your support and feedback are very important to me! THANK!


    • Rating: 0
  • February 23, 2014 0:08

    Especially sympathy and her stillness)


    • Rating: 0
  • February 23, 2014 0:17

    and what is wrong with them?


    • Rating: 0
  • February 24, 2014 12:38

    Forgive me Kapochka, I will explain to the author that everything is so. In the last line, the author wrote: "And your support and feedback are very important to me." To which Kapochka made a remark: “Especially her sympathy and immobility,” meaning your red-haired heroine, whose support saved the hero in a difficult moment.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 23, 2014 15:52

    Well, in general, the story is not very similar to mine, so I do not see plagiarism.Perhaps somewhere amused and so, and not just like us. Moreover, times have changed, now there is no shortage, and money solves everything. ;)


    • Rating: 0
  • February 23, 2014 21:32

    it was about the same time as yours)))) mid-80s ...


    • Rating: 0
  • February 23, 2014 14:31

    Nice story ... Do not believe that the real, but maybe once was and such.
    Excites really.
    And Diana, we understand, the style corrected a little? This is true?


    • Rating: 0
  • February 23, 2014 21:33

    Diana rules the style ... I just have trouble with this ((((some report on the work done (


    • Rating: 0
  • February 24, 2014 6:50

    The author really appreciates the situation and their capabilities. Yes, it is difficult to captivate and excite the reader with such a statement, I cannot put above +7. Now about the content. I believe that the story could have taken place, although, like Marina, I cannot imagine such a hostel. But, I studied at the male faculty and lived in a purely male dormitory, and this changes a lot. In the mid-80s I heard the story of an eyewitness and a visitor of a similar circle. But there was an illegal fucking club at the brothel level. The conditions were tougher: not five, but a dozen women in a circle, and high stakes. According to an eyewitness, he never managed to win ... And the last one. The final phrase (of an unknown author) seemed completely out of place to me: what kind of philosophizing in a simple story in FIG ?!


    • Rating: 1
  • February 24, 2014 9:03

    A similar story was told to me, so, quite real. How many participants were there was not interested. True, they told a slightly different version. There were several young people, and whoever finishes first, paid the price.


    • Rating: 0

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