1. Puppet seller. Part 4
  2. Puppet seller. Part 6
  3. Puppet seller. Part 7
  4. Puppet seller. the end

- Well, let's get started? My dear friends? Wash it and start in an hour! I want everything to be at the highest level! If she dies, everyone will say goodbye to life here !!! - his voice sounded menacing, imperious, hopeless ...

“And you will not see Hollywood from your windows, and forgive me for that,” I sang a song that sounded in my head as a hymn, while restless hands washed me sterile, “and souls wear out, but we tolerate everything here for this love ..” .

- Shut up !!! Keep quiet! - my future owner was obviously nervous and cut circles around me. And I wanted to sing, so that the pain in my chest would not tear me apart.

- You are arrested, you are arrested, buckle up and be silent. After all, this is again, after all this is again, the emerald green of my world ...

I sang and sang, listening to the executioners in parallel.

- What to do with the scars from gunshot wounds?

- You did not understand? I need her like this! - he poked into my photo where we are on the banks of the Volga.

- Will be done.

“Always alone, I’m shouting what I’m looking for ...”

- Close her mouth already, finally!

I put a gag, squeezing his lips. The pain became indifferent to me, after I saw Alex’s departure, I could not do any more pain, if I had resisted before, now I felt a complete emptiness and worthlessness of my persona. I will be a toy in the hands of Victor. Good. A lie did not save for the good of anyone, and did not save me. Tears flowed in a stream, and the nurse wiped them again and again, as if sorry, or what? Now I understood those girls who went to him, signing a contract, they are just like me - alone, abandoned or just stupid. More recently, she wanted to be with him with her whole heart, even for a minute or two, and now it is not known whether I will open my eyes after anesthesia, the next, when something will be irrevocably made out of me. How many times I lied to Alex, I did not finish speaking, I couldn’t even ask for forgiveness ... Victor went somewhere, taking Andre with him, cursing a lot among themselves, throwing the phrase that all these bullets were filled up for nothing, it’s all the same to Alex.

Now I was clean and dressed in a new shirt, I was in a fever and, probably, was carrying some kind of nonsense. With me there were two nurses. One was huge as a rock, the second is slightly lower, only eyes are visible, faces are hidden under a mask.

- Do you want to drink? - asked the thug.

- We are forbidden to talk to her!

- Why? Let him drink water, she is still a man. Get a glass there.

The thug approached me and examined my face, his hands trembled, he touched his swollen lips and the gap on his cheekbone, the belt on his neck and arms and legs, and I was looking somewhere through. Apparently the horror is just beginning, they will take it by force. The guy came up to him and turned to look at the door, at this moment the bully turned his neck. The crunch even sounded unpleasant to me. The glass shattered on the tile. He leaned over me and took off his mask ...

- Honey, honey, can you hear me?

I can not see the face, my head was spinning, but this voice, angelic voice.

- Alex ... you ... - my strength was running out, apparently this is nonsense.

- Get up, honey, can you go? - he diligently unbuckled the belts, taking off the sensors, and began to shake me by the shoulders.

- Forgive me, Alex ... - I finally lost the border of reality, gently touching the tips of his fingers.

- There is no time, there are cameras here, Vita, Lord, what did you get in there ?! - he threw me over his shoulder.

- Probably, a sedative ... or something else ...

He pulled out a pistol with a silencer, and we sneaked into a maze of catacomb corridors.

- The second is?

- You're barely standing on your feet, stagger, no!

“I will ... cover your back,” wheezed in his ear, “Chris ...”

- What is Chris? - he was looking for a way out, and apparently so far unsuccessfully, the red lamps came on and a siren of war sounded - chase.

- Chris has always covered me, and I will cover you ... give me a barrel, you will not lose much if I shield you from a direct shot or not ... we still can’t get out ...

- Shut up! The main thing is to leave the laboratory!

From different sides, there was the sound of the tramp of guards; we barely managed to hide behind another door, barricading it. Wolves chased the lambs - it's a failure. My brain did not work completely, stupidly and stupidly, deadly and indifferently.

- Do you have a plan?

- Yes, get to the top!

The door behind us was cracked with a crash, the bullets whistled almost somewhere nearby, Alex ran faster and faster, and it was extremely inconvenient to shoot back.

“You either give me the chance to escape, or you can leave here, you cannot stop them alone!”

He immediately put me down and gave me a weapon. It is very good that Victor injected this drug to me, I was completely calm, although with my temperament without him I would already feel a pulse in my ears!

And we all rushed, somewhere, faster, my legs were already numb from the cold, we barely managed to break away from death, coming on the heels. A spiral staircase circled and raised higher, ice stones instead of steps, were broken and chipped into the feet. A door. Helipad. The wind impressed me on Alex.

- God, how cold ...

He squeezed me in his arms, soothing, rubbing his shoulders. Night. Moon. And the nightmare is ahead.

“I love you, Alex, I love you.” From our first meeting, from our first glance, from our first kiss ...

- Here are our little birds, - a caustic voice rang out behind our backs, a searchlight lit up, illuminating everything around, - well, Alex, is to blame ...

Victor stepped forward, aiming at him, but I barely, carelessly covered a huge body with myself. His hair was disheveled by the autumn air that foreshadowed the snow ... and he flew ... with flakes, fluffy, white, clean, fresh, bright ... a little priporoshil area, wriggling in the wind. I felt Alex's hot hand on my shoulder, as if a message, warmth came to my heart that everything would be fine.

Shot. And silence. Time froze. My weak legs gave way and, taking a few steps, fell on a white sheet, where red drops sprawled, devouring the snow. My whole life flashed before my eyes, here it is - Victor, still quite young and in love, here are our meetings, fleeting quarrels, conversations ... over the years you remember only the good, even all his madness and beatings I did not remember now, at that very moment when these feelings and thoughts whirling out of my brief “no” and etched in the cold, dead gray eyes, which reflected me, still young, still loved and the only ...

I fell next to him, my hands were stained with blood and sobbing even more, squeezing the pierced head of a patient in my chest, and swaying as if swaying a baby, this pain, aching, was absorbed through his skin ...

My wide eyes stared at the murderer, and he brought the still hot barrel of the pistol to his temple, smiling slightly, a tear rolled down his cheek, and his quivering lips whispered:

- It's over, enough of violence and lies, a chair is waiting for me, for treason, but I saved everyone from the torment ...


Andre fell beside him, his face froze, under thin red streams.

A helicopter, a bright light, we were surrounded by the military ...

It took about a month, I was examined by psychologists, therapists, everyone who at least treats something in the human body. I was discharged from the hospital, now with things to the exit. “Good” stamp in the documents that I can continue the service, but after all this, my answer is no. No more. I flew down the steps to the exit, inadvertently touching people, I was carried by the wings of freedom and ... love ... A future and beautiful beginning not only of the day, but of the whole life.

Over the years, only the good is remembered. (Porn stories for all) I will remember you. Puppet seller. Rest in peace. Perhaps now you will find peace of mind, because up there, you know everything about me.

- I love you, crazy! - his lips were caressing mine persistently, his hands threw a heavy bag from his shoulders, and, seizing me by the hips, he swirled.

- Let me go!

- I have not seen you for a month! I won't let you go anywhere! What is this place? Jail? - he laughed and carried me to the car.

- More I will not come back here, really! - kissing him on the neck several times before sitting on the seat.

- Truth be told, then you will not refuse to play one game, when we get home, I updated the bar? - he closed the door in the tinted car and signaled to the driver to go by pressing a button, the cabin was hidden from prying eyes through the rear-view mirror. He looked at me like no one ever, with his dress up, sat on his knees to his face. My hands impatiently freed my breasts, my tight nipples were absorbed by the sharp caresses of my tongue ...

“You don't think that ...”

- Come to me ... - he whispered, quickly unbuttoning his fly and tearing off her panties, put such a welcome, hard, hot member to my tender, wet flesh. He growled, penetrating so deeply into the waiting trembling wound, my moans could not catch his lips, we got lost in each other from overstrain and long waiting ... the finale was close, ending with convulsions in arms and groans ... a little later, barely having time to catch my breath, I again felt how a member gained its power.

- Alex!

“Get ready,” with slow, deep jolts, made me shut up again, “after the marriage, you dare not argue with me ...”

Instead of answering, he listened to my not ceasing moans, flying away with me in endless pleasure.

The end

  • October 29, 2013 10:13 PM

    Yes, the law of the genre can not be broken)


    • Rating: 0
  • Vera (a guest)
    October 30, 2013 11:02

    For sure. Very strong story


    • Rating: 0
  • Nastya (a guest)
    October 30, 2013 20:55

    this is genius!!


    • Rating: 0
  • Lucien (a guest)
    October 31, 2013 1:37

    Wonderful story! I am delighted! The author is well done! :)


    • Rating: 0
  • October 31, 2013 6:33

    Fine. Loved it. Well done.


    • Rating: 0
  • October 31, 2013 8:59

    Thank you, I am very pleased, very glad that you liked it!


    • Rating: 0
  • Angel of Passion (a guest)
    November 6, 2013 2:34

    Action, here people feel that. Here is a story! Respect!


    • Rating: 1
  • November 19, 2013 22:10

    Thank you, I am pleased.


    • Rating: 0
  • Angel or Bes (a guest)
    February 3, 2014 16:10

    The first time I write comments on this site. After reading the name I thought another nonsense but starting from the first line I did not notice how I read all the parts. Very cool story very much))))))))))))))))))))))


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