1. Housekeeper. Part 1
  2. Housekeeper. Part 2
  3. Housekeeper. Part 3

And I woke up again in this room. There was no one. I went out into the hall and looked out the window. Dark. It's already night. And went to the same bedroom on the third floor. When that door was already in front of me, I felt fear. I was very scared to go there. And what if he is sitting there again and holding a belt? But still he will come to get his own, but you still need to sleep. And clicking on the handle, I opened the door. The same four-poster bed. Because of the hanging white fabric, and even in the dark nothing could be seen. But still I came up and looked in there. And there is. This scumbag lies on the stomach, and a tattoo on my upper back, almost on the neck, has opened up to my eyes. Scorpion tattoo. I was still afraid to go to bed, but I didn’t really want to sleep, so I decided to go to the stairs and go to the attic.

She boldly climbed the “fire” ladder, because there was nothing to be afraid of, because the monster is sleeping in the bedroom, which means that there was no one more terrible than him in the house. On the ceiling door. I pushed her and she opened the darkness of the attic to me. I quickly climbed and closed behind me. She felt a handle and a bolt on it, but did not close the bolt. And she looked around quickly. A round window illuminated this small room. Through it flowed a bright blue color. There was no switch, but my eyes were now focused and I could see at least a little. Mattress, candles, dust, cobwebs and shelves of books. A little cool, but still better than in the bedroom with a tyrant. I shook the accumulated dust and some rubbish off the mattress. Laid down So I fell asleep.

- Ale! Ale, where are you? - Sasha screamed and I jumped up. Again this voice.

- Ale, bl * d! He is very angry.

I listened to the floor and when I heard him go down, I immediately opened the door and climbed onto the stairs. She pulled the rope and the attic door slammed shut. I quickly went down and did not know where to go next.

- Bitch, I still find you and it will be worse! - that voice was getting closer.

And here he goes upstairs and notices me. I run off to my bedroom and begin to hold the door with my whole body. Sasha ran up and started breaking and knocking on the door.

- Open, bitch, but it will be worse. You know me!

But I was very afraid. Adrenaline was still boiling in me, and my heart was beating a thousand times stronger. And again a strong blow to the door. And I almost lost my balance. And then he rested on the door and began to put pressure on me. His deafening power did not allow me to confront him and I fell to the floor and broke my lip. Sasha entered the room with a terrible anger on his face and looked at me.

“Why didn't you open it?” He asked in a calm tone. I was not able to answer.

- Why didn't you open ?! - asked already in a high tone.

I began to crawl away from him, and he was getting closer to me. And soon I was not going to crawl, but between us the distance was only one meter.


With his bare-chested, pajama pants and no slippers, he could look sexy, but not now. And I could not say anything. There were thousands of words in my mind, but not one thing came out. And Sasha squatted next to me.

“Why should I yell and call you all over the house?” - he again said it in a normal tone.

I could not take my eyes off him, although at that moment I was afraid of him more than anything else. Sasha clasped my face with his palms and ran his thumb over my lower lip. It hurt me. Either from the fact that he touched my broken lip, or from the fact that it was all the same person who brutally and violently raped me and was now in a rage. And I was very scared that now he could well hit me. I closed my eyes and tears flowed from my eyes. He removed his hands from my face. I got up and looked down at me.

- Take it easy. On the bedside table there is a tablet and a glass of water. Then he leaned over and looked into my eyes. “You know what I'll do if you don't drink.” Yes, and you will not go to work.I extend the mother business trip for a week. Straightened up and left the room ...

I got up and on shaky legs went to the bathroom. Took a shower, combed her hair and looked in the mirror at my lip. There was an abrasion. Not small, but not huge. And from touch she was very sick. I left the bathroom naked, as Sasha was not, and went to the dresser for clothes. And as soon as I pulled out the first box, he entered the room, in a business suit and a raincoat. Sasha, with the same serious expression on his face, began to examine my body. I instantly took a few things to attach them to their intimate places. After I covered myself, he looked into my eyes and smiled.

- You're scared. Your eyes are filled with such strong emotions, - all this he said with such a smile, as if it were ridiculous. - I'm at work. I'll come in the evening. I want you to cook me dinner. Breakfast in the kitchen. Anastasia has a day off again today. Until.

And retired.

And I put on shorts up to my knees and put on a training shirt. She emphasized my chest, so at first I was afraid to put it on. But Sasha will return only in the evening, and until the evening I could still change clothes twenty times. I went to the kitchen and had breakfast with fried eggs and sausage. Then she remembered the pill and went to drink it faster. I hope that after the meal is also possible. And after it became incredibly boring. What to do? So he will go to work every day, and me? Hmmm ... Attic! And rushed to the "fire" ladder. Climbed and pushed the attic door up and my eyes opened already lighted by daylight. Eyes fled. I closed the door behind me and went to the bookshelf out of curiosity. There were books by classic writers: Pushkin, Tolstoy, Yesenin, etc. And then I decided to clean this room and make a “nest” for myself, where I would sit quietly while Sasha was at work. So she ran for a rag, mop, broom and dustpan, and after two hours everything just glistened here. I also noticed a muddy window and decided to wash it too. She opened it, washed it and left it for an hour so that the attic would be ventilated.

But it is not known when the last time anyone was here. I decided to read Tolstoy and read it until the evening. And as soon as she came to her senses, she jumped up to close the window and leave from here. The window stuck. I tried with great effort to close it and ate and ate it closed. I began to look at the clear sparkling window and saw Sasha's car pulling up. So fast I have never run. Quickly went down and rushed to the kitchen. Thank God that there were frozen cutlets in the freezer. Instantly pulled out and laid out on the stove, but while frying began to quickly chop the vegetables on the salad. Suddenly, Sasha picked me up in my arms and pulled me to him.

- Hello. What are we cooking?

- K-cat-years.

- And why is it so-called?

- Let me go, please. He set me on my feet, and I turned back to the vegetables. And Sasha silently went somewhere. I turned around and saw a bouquet of red roses on the kitchen table. Surprise. You will tell nothing. But, unfortunately, or fortunately, I did not like roses. If he knew my character, he would understand that in some bouquet he would not reassure me. She put salad and meatballs on a plate and put it on the table. She began to wash her plate, left after breakfast.

“I have a present for you,” Sasha unexpectedly went back into the kitchen again. I said nothing, but he came very close to me and turned me to him. He had a long velvet box of red color in his hands.

- This is you. I got lost.

- I do not need anything. Take it away.

- I bought it for you.

- I will not take.

“Take it if you don't want to explore the second closed room on the second floor.” I silently took the box.

- And thanks?

- You made me. Sasha moved away from me and ran his hand through his hair, tousling it with this.

“Now I will eat and we will go to the“ cinema room ”where I last fucked you,” he said in a slightly irritated voice. - Wait for me there. - Sasha said and hung a raincoat on the back of the kitchen chair.

I silently went to the bedroom on the third floor. She put the box on the trellis and went to the "cinema room". There was some kind of tension in this room. And there was a tropical smell. Probably, when he beat me here yesterday, I did not notice how it smells strongly of tropical fruits. (Erotic stories for all) I tried to calm down and began to look at the pictures. They are all in black and white style. In one picture a woman arched like a cat, on the other she covers her private parts with some kind of rags. So, what made him smile like that: I was in the same confusion and also covered myself with rags like this woman. And in the next picture a girl with a whip. And the moment when he beat me with a belt surfaced abruptly in my memory. Even the ass began to tingle from these memories. We need to see if there is a belt here now. I started to walk around the room and look around the corners of the room. The door swung open, Sasha entered.

- Isn't that what you are looking for? - He said, smiling and with a belt in his hands.

Immediately I began to hear the rapid beats of my heart and instinctively pressed against the wall. And he went in and locked the door. He began to approach me with his imposing walk. I leaned very hard against the wall. And when he came close to me, he said:

- Do not be afraid. Today you behaved much better than last time - and threw the belt somewhere back.

- Look at me. - ordered Sasha. And I looked into his green eyes. I was scared.

“You have beautiful blue eyes,” he said.

- I want to watch a movie with you. Let's go to. And he led me by the hand. Now, we were sitting on the couch. - Sit on my knees and hug me.

She did so: she sat down on his knees and hugged her neck. He pressed a few buttons on the remote and threw it on the floor. The scenes sparkled on TV. It was an erotic film: a two-meter black approached the naked blonde and inserted his dick into it. I flushed with embarrassment, because I had never watched such films. Moreover, I would not look with someone, but there was something exciting in it. I felt an increasing tension in my lower abdomen. And with my body, I felt that everything in Sasha’s pants had risen. Then, he ran his hand into my hair. And touched the delicate scalp. He kissed me very passionately. It was a pleasure. After a moment, he was already holding me with both hands on his back, and the moans of the blonde were coming from the TV: “Ah! BUT! BUT! I! I! Yes, yes, yes! ”- and the Negro finished blonde, she fought in ecstasy. I almost did not pay attention to the fact that Sasha penetrated my anal with several fingers. And then gently entered me ...

  • nike (a guest)
    October 8, 2013 11:39

    And again a strong blow to the door. And I almost lost my balance. And then he rested on the door and began to put pressure on me. His deafening power did not allow me to confront him and I fell to the floor and broke my lip. Sasha entered the room with a terrible anger on his face and looked at me

    With his bare-chested, pajama pants and no slippers, he could look sexy, but not now. And I could not say anything. There were thousands of words in my mind, but not one thing came out. And Sasha squatted next to me.

    “Why should I yell and call you all over the house?” - he again said it in a normal tone.

    flushed with embarrassment, because she had never watched such films. Moreover, I would not look with someone, but there was something exciting in it. I felt an increasing tension in my lower abdomen. And with my body, I felt everything in Sasha’s pants rise

    Author!!! You wrote the story poignantly)))) You need to go to come up with humorists)))))


    • Rating: 0
  • October 8, 2013 20:27

    you would have copied the whole story, you are our rzhev


    • Rating: 1
  • Incognita (a guest)
    October 8, 2013 17:45

    I liked the story very much, I look forward to the continuation !!!


    • Rating: 0
  • October 8, 2013 18:52

    Hike we once refused to this "author" of virtual sex, since he decided to arrange such garbage !!


    • Rating: 1
  • October 8, 2013 19:27

    Hmm, mda ... no offense will be said, the housekeeper is not at all readable, unlike the doll, but there is too much spyware mixed in) so those who have stolen it ... Eh, it would be better to steal the best


    • Rating: 3
  • Chupacabra (a guest)
    October 9, 2013 7:25

    Bullshit, not a story.And I didn’t get it - why steal sucks? Well, if plagiarism, then something worthwhile))))


    • Rating: 1
  • October 9, 2013 10:39 PM

    Well, since such a conversation has begun, everyone considers his creation to be his brainchild, work, imagination, etc. I cannot say that a great writer or is so popular that just some books on a shelf with my last name. However, I appreciate what I have. Let not something worthwhile, but his, for me it is important. I am not pleased to see the text being copied, and not because he takes the nobel (for example).


    • Rating: 0
  • Anna_Cat (a guest)
    October 15, 2013 21:06

    Padla, deleted my comments! Vooooooor !!! Loser and chmooo!)))


    • Rating: -1
  • Arina (a guest)
    November 4, 2013 0:27

    Author, well, where is the continuation? Do not make it wait so long!


    • Rating: 0
  • Honey (a guest)
    November 4, 2013 23:27

    There will be no continuation, because I stole these stories from the Erotic Stories application on Android. I am a thief and a loser, farewell.
    I couldn’t even write them off normally, but I don’t have enough of my brain. Bye everyone! I'll go write, more precisely, steal more stories from this application.


    • Rating: 0
  • Arina (a guest)
    November 10, 2013 16:56

    What a pity. Personally, I am deeply parallel to whether it is plagiarism or not. Loved the story. Fair.


    • Rating: 0
  • Helena. (a guest)
    December 10, 2013 22:15

    It is also interesting how it ends. A story can have many turns, and it’s very interesting what the author will choose. And if you listen to the envious, who can not write the lines without a cheat sheet, and take offense at their attacks, then you should not write. Criticizing means reacting, and if it is so active, it means the story is excellent! AUTHOR! I AM WAITING FOR AN UNBAND !!!)))


    • Rating: 1

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