With this story I begin a series of tales connected with one common theme - demons and the like. I hope that a dear reader will like it.

The whole space of the room was covered in darkness. She was confronted by only a few burning candles. Only the moon could observe the mystery of the night.

“Lord, come and give us great knowledge in exchange for our mortal bodies!” - cut the silence loud and confident female voice. There was silence in the room for a few seconds.

“Oksanka, I'm starting to think that all this was a stupid idea,” a timid girlish voice broke the silence.

“This is all because you dressed wrong for the ritual!”

The second girl was wearing a black slim T-shirt and tight gray jeans. Her red-gold hair complemented the image, and it was difficult to say that she was going to participate in such a dubious act. In Oksanka, the hair had a black raven color with a blue tint. She was wearing black leather pants, and a wide-open dark blouse gave a view of elastic breasts dressed in a black bra.

- Xu, I can not believe that you walked in this form along the hallway of the hostel ...
- Yes, let them look while they can. With the coming of the Lord, they will all grovel before me!
“You take everything too seriously,” Oksana lowered from heaven to earth her friend. And if more precisely, then raised it from the depths of hell to the surface.
- And you do not take it seriously enough, Lena!
“Okay ... did you say his name correctly?”
- Yes. Nexaron.

The girls tried to perform the ritual several times, but from the other world no one answered them. After a failed attempt to summon the demon, the girlfriends extinguished the candles, turned on the lights in the room, drank a cup of tea, and the dark magic priestess left her friend's abode. Lena was left alone in the room.

She herself did not know why she decided on such a stupid act. Either she still believed in the supernatural, or she just wanted to do something stupid. But she had never shared a friend's hobbies before.

Lena took the necessary things and went into the shower. He was alone in several rooms. I should refresh myself after such a day, she thought. Opened the door of the room, and a terrible cold swept over her. "Probably forgot to close the window." From this, her nipples hardened and were ready to pierce a T-shirt through, because Lena did not put on her underwear when she was preparing for the ritual. Now she was only thinking about how to quickly rinse to relax.

When Lena came to the shower, she saw on the mirror next to the hanger a red inscription “You will burn in hell!”. The girl thought that it was Oksanka that scared her so that she could recoup her frivolous approach to the matter. This inscription Lenka washed off, hung up clothes on hooks, went into the booth and turned the handle of the crane.

Strong water pressure hit the skin. Warm liquid took the girl to the country of pleasure. Lena relaxed. Her dark skin was covered with droplets of water. Some trickles flowed between the hollows of her breasts directly to the lower abdomen, from where sweet languor was given throughout the body. Lena felt a little excited. It is already late at night, hardly anyone will enter, and she is in the booth. It is necessary to remove the tension accumulated during the day, but only a warm soul will not be enough.

Lena put her hands on her chest. I started massaging my knolls. Fingers played with nipples. She twisted them, squeezed, slightly pulled, gently massaged her breasts again. The flowing water was warm, but from such caresses her body became still hot. It seemed that the steam was coming not from the jets, but from a girl who was reddened by sensual touches.

Then one of her palms slid down, lingered for a second on a flat tummy, and then lay down on the petals of her lower lips. Lena moved her forward and back a little, and then put one finger inside. He then appeared, then hid in this bud, bringing the girl incredible pleasure.She put her thumb on the tubercles of pleasure just above the crack and began circular movements. Lena liked the full feeling of being filled, moreover, she recently discovered a new kind of satisfaction for her lustful desires. Smeared the middle finger of the other hand with shower gel and put it in his ass. I didn’t move them, just leaving them in the back passage, which caused a new wave of pleasures to roll on her, so much so that the girl opened her mouth, into which streams of water flew from the shower.

Reddened by the shameful actions of the student felt a salty and metallic taste in the mouth. She opened her eyes and saw red liquid falling onto her from the shower head. Blood. There was no doubt. Her entire skin was covered with it, the blue color of the floor was completely covered with red liquid. Lenka quickly turned off the water, wrapped herself in a towel and ran to her room without even wiping herself completely. She could not survive this horror alone, so she decided to recruit Oksana.

When the girl ran into the room, the door behind her abruptly closed, the lights in the room went out, and from the darkness two red eyes looked at her. Lena screamed with all her might, preparing for the worst ...

Suddenly the light turned on, and there was laughter in the room. Lena opened her eyes and saw a laughing demon in front of her. It looked just like in the picture: dark-purple skin, black hair with sparse ash hairs, crooked horns growing just above the ears and bending back, legs almost like people, except that they had black long claws on their hands , from behind to side there was a smooth tail dangling, ending in a pointed arrow; only a loincloth was worn on it, which seemed to be about to fall.

Suddenly the devil stopped laughing, opened his eyes and looked at the bewildered girl. From his red eyes there was a small light rising to his eyebrows. Lena shuddered with such a look.

“You should see your face,” the demon said playfully.
- Who are you? - only Lena could say.
- My name is Nexaron. You yourself called me. And, it seems, they wanted great knowledge, so ask now.
- I did not even suspect that demons exist ... Where are you from? - the girl asked more confidently. For some reason, she was not at all afraid of this demon. His easy and relaxed way of speaking relaxed her.
- I come from the Lower World. You are also called his Hell. And scientifically, from another planet from a very distant galaxy.

Lena was silent, listening carefully.

- I see, you only have more questions. Ok, I will explain. This scroll, from where you recited the invocation spell, was created by me tens of thousands of years ago as a joke. He perceived the reader's verbal signal, sent a quantum signal to my lighthouse, from where I could teleport here. Our race exists for a very long time, so we are technologically advanced.

- But why do you need all this? - not believing in what is happening asked the girl.
- Just out of boredom. And I also like to scare the victim a little before the main number. And we will no longer pull. The second part of the spell was the words that you offer in exchange for the knowledge of their bodies. It is a pity that your friend left, we would have much more fun to have fun together ... Well, oh well. I have enough of you too.

With these words, Nexaron approached Lena. His tail on the move grabbed the loincloth by the edge and pulled it off. The demonic member of impressive size appeared to the girl’s desired eyes. The veins were swollen on him, and he was covered with strange, gray and smooth tubercles.

The demon came closer, grabbed the girl by the hands with his powerful paws and passionately dug into her lips. Lena wanted to shrink away, but she hadn’t had a boyfriend for so long ... And then the unsatisfied desire and the suddenly interrupted process of pleasure in the soul made themselves felt.

It seemed to Lena that two languages ​​were operating in her mouth besides her own. The demon wielded strong and rigid movements with its forked tongue, almost pushing it into the larynx. At this time, she tore off her towel from the girl, and she remained completely naked before the lord of hell. The demon recoiled from her sweet lips, examined the body and smiled, rejoicing at such a successful catch.The fire in his eyes inflamed more strongly, like the passion that had grown inside him, and the penis was already full, frightening the girl with its size, but at the same time creating in it a sense of curiosity to feel this device in itself.

The horned demon pressed his tongue to the girl's nipple. One half of the tongue was wrapped around the hardened nipple, and the other lay on the chest, bringing pleasure to Lena with gentle massaging movements. One of his hands lay on the other chest. The demon then squeezed it, then unclenched it, sometimes scratching the skin with its clawed paw, but not much. With the other hand, he took this tender lamb, the beast fell into the paws quite unexpectedly, by the thigh and lifted it upwards. Lena instantly clasped the demon with her foot, pressing her whole body against it. It already madly wanted this lustful monster.

A minute later, the demon stopped his caresses, touched Lenochka's crotch with his hand, making sure that she was all wet, and drove his flaming unit into it with all her might inside. He did not stand on ceremony and immediately began to sharply move them. The girl did not have time to get used to the size of how such a huge member plowed her insides. But he delivered indescribable pleasure, and the bumps on it gave unprecedented sensations. Damn furiously gouging this gentle creature, growling with pleasure. He strongly grabbed Lena by the buttocks, which left bloody marks on them from behind the claws. But the student did not care - she was now experiencing the most wonderful of her sexual experiences. Strong, courageous, rude, brutal, albeit slightly red, but the man drove into her such an unusual member, which simply made the girl scream with pleasure and pleasure. Long and loud moans were spread not only throughout the room. Tomorrow Lena could be escorted by surprised eyes - because she always behaved so quietly.

But now she did not care. She just wanted to get her fucked to the fullest, almost pierced with this spear. Lena wrapped her arms around the demon's neck and put her legs around the waist. Nexaron brought it to the wall and began to make progressive movements even more fiercely. Then he clasped her hands with his tail and raised up above her head, pressing them against the wall. Lena seemed so helpless now ... He liked to console himself with the little people, liked to feel their complacency and understand that they could not do anything. So now - this fragile girl wanted the demon to possess her more and more. And her dark skin reminded him of the lustful demoness of his world, so he only increased his pressure.

Lenka understood that she would not be able to endure such strong shocks for a few more minutes, so she simply screamed, not controlling herself, surrendering herself to the power of this mythical, but such real monster now.

The demon growled even harder and, suddenly, erupted into the girls with his seed. It was hot enough. Lena felt as if a volcano was twisting inside her. (Especially for eroticspace.infosexitails.org) But it brought her only more pleasant emotions and more pleasure. She clung to the hornet even harder, groaning, that is urine, from orgasm, and when the demon moved away from the wall and left Lena, she fell to the floor exhausted.

- Well, it was very good. I have never regretted my invention over these thousands of years, the demon said and disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. And Lena was still lying on the floor for some time, wondering if it was all a dream? And only waves of pleasure and pleasant memories brought her back to reality. Tomorrow she was going to tell Oksanka such a story, from which a friend will expire with envy.

  • Stranger (a guest)
    August 11, 2013 14:43

    Strongly reminds a series about Nia)


    • Rating: 0
  • August 11, 2013 20:36

    Yes, she was just remembered ... Dear series, and after it seems nothing worthwhile. Some nedomahichki)


    • Rating: 0
  • August 11, 2013 15:00

    Unfortunately, I did not read: (


    • Rating: 0
  • Stranger (a guest)
    August 11, 2013 17:18

    http: //eroticspace.info/story/2012-01-27/nia-vyzov-demona. html


    • Rating: 0
  • August 11, 2013 17:39



    • Rating: 0
  • August 12, 2013 6:16

    Quite normal story. It was eerie to read :) I did not have enough pictures. I somewhere saw a cool series of drawings with demons and their victims. Here they would come here.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 12, 2013 9:12

    Thanks for the tip :) I like the horror genre, so I decided to dilute the story with horror. Unfortunately I didn’t find pictures of those standing, unfortunately: (But for the next series I will look better :)


    • Rating: 0
  • August 12, 2013 10:12

    About hell you can see if I have not read "Purgatory." Write if that.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 12, 2013 10:17

    Excellent selection! Thanks for the link :)


    • Rating: 0
  • August 12, 2013 11:00

    It's my pleasure.


    • Rating: 0

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