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long, only one cock was thick, with a part tapering to the head, and the second one on the contrary, looked like a mushroom - the head was thicker than the member itself.

Well, let's begin, I’m following - the operator has gnawed, but another voice (I recognized Sergey Nikolayevich) said: “Wait, have time, let him enjoy such a lady.” This is not for you half-drunk female students for ratings fucking ...

On the screen, one of the men approached my wife, threw back the chair, and began to drive the head of the dick over her half-open lips. Then he opened his mouth wide with his fingers, and literally began to fuck with his cock in her mouth, holding her under the head with one hand, and pushing it onto the head of the cock. Saliva began to drain from his wife's lips, and when his dick got wet - he walked to Natasha's legs, and began to gently massage her clit and lips with her fingers. And in the mouth of his wife began to fuck the second, with a mushroom member.

So, it starts to flow - rather, Sergei Nikolaevich. - And I realized last time that this bitch with the concept, I love fucking more like ... Let's take a closer look, I like to watch the very beginning ... And the operator turned his camera right on Natasha's pussy. At this time, the doctor with his dick began to drive on the lips of his wife, and a minute later he declared - everything is ready for use - and began to push his instrument into my own. Thrusting a third, he came out of it, while the camera impassively fixed that the member was wet, a string of mucus was pulled after him. Oppa - and he plunged the dick in pussy again, and began to simply fuck her. In this case, the doctor in general tore the sheets, and I saw that my wife was lying on this chair completely naked.

Sergey Nikolaevich began to knead Natasha's chest with one hand, and the second fucker immediately seized the other, not forgetting to hold and push my beloved's head on her dick.

Do I have to say that during this viewing my heart pounded like the last time, that my dick stood like a stone, which unnoticed by myself, I quietly pulled it out of my shorts and podrachiv without taking my eyes off the screen.

At that time, about three minutes after the start of fucking, Sergey Nikolayevich took his dick out of my wife, and said, “Yes, a good woman, everything is with her, beautiful ... I don’t give my husband an ass, I myself confessed when I examined her and asked about the possible causes of ill health. (Especially for I think so, it is necessary for hubby to help, print, so to speak, a chocolate eye? What do you think, men?

- Yes, of course, come on, is there only lubrication? asked the operator. But how is it, everything here has remained since the last time - and in five seconds the doctor appeared in the frame, already with some kind of bottle and packing of condoms. Pulling this rubber product into his huische, he poured it abundantly from the bottle with some kind of lubricant, and gently put the head to the entrance to his wife's ass.

- So, quietly, quietly ... You do not free her mouth there, or else they will bark - the doctor asked the partner, who continued to pump the mouth of my faithful with his dick.

And the operator took close-ups, like pushing the halves of the priests, and then the sphincter ring, first the head, and then half the dick disappeared in Natasha's ass. She moaned and I couldn’t say for myself - is it a moan of pain or pleasure? Or both?

Indeed, over the past years of married life, she allowed to fuck her in the ass only once, and that is when I gently reminded her of her previous lover (who, in fact, introduced us). So she allowed him to tear herself in the ass regularly, and received from this (according to him) pleasure.

But after that one time she asked me not to do it anymore, because my dick is bigger than that lover's, so, they say, it only hurts her.

Not only did she discuss SUCH details with a stranger to her - so even before my eyes this stranger began to fuck her right in the ass, while not forgetting to caress her open pussy and clit wife with her fingers.

- So, everything, I go to the finish line - croaked the one who fucked her in her mouth - jerked, groaned - and sent the head of the dick right on the face of his wife.From it spilled a few streams of semen, hit her on the forehead, cheek and nose, and began to drain to the neck.

- Slabak - stated the operator - let's change - and handed the camera over to the one who had finished. At the same time, the camera spun and filmed the faces of all three - it was, as I assumed, Sergei Nikolayevich himself, as well as two pedestrians unknown to me, both about the same age as the doctor, externally well-groomed and fit ...

Now the former operator opened his dressing gown, and I saw that his cock, although it was about mine, but clearly betrayed a person who had previously been sitting, because near the head such balls were issued from the two sides, which were driven under the skin of the penis.

- So, let's change with you too - the former convict asked the doctor, but he, while speeding up his movements, quickly spoke - now, wait, I will also soon finish her ass ...

Half a minute passed - and Sergey Nikolayevich also moaned, jerked out a member, tore the condom off of him and to drive her dick again in Natasha's ass, pressed his whole body to my wife's legs and butt, and froze.

I imagined that now ALL of the doctor’s rather big business is sitting in his wife’s ass - and was glad that she was under anesthesia.

Former operator in three minutes pumped my wife's pussy with his sperm, and the camera showed Natasha's face first — her eyes were closed, saliva runs from her half-open mouth, sperm runs down her face ... Then close-ups appeared on the screen no longer pussy, not pissing just pussies from a woman's pussy, red and wet, with small lips turned inside out, with a clit sticking out, sperm flowing out of her and from her ass ... The ass itself also represented something else — it didn’t close to the end, revealing to the world and the camera depth anus, from to Secondly, sperm were pushed out in small portions ...

- The shooting ends, I will duplicate the film myself and will distribute it to you tomorrow - said Sergey Nikolaevich. And now let's get out - and we need her in the ward, otherwise she will soon wake up ...

After these words, the video stopped, and I was left stupidly looking at the TV screen ... I did not know how I could go on living with it. After all, my favorite is not to blame for what happened. And if I hadn’t stolen the disc, no one would know about it at all.

Here is a story from life. I decided to write, because we will soon go to Sergey Nikolayevich for a second inspection. To go or not to go?

  • July 26, 2013 13:30

    Of course go !!! Let now without anesthesia everything happens


    • Rating: 1
  • fhnbr (a guest)
    July 26, 2013 15:17

    To get stuck! They raped a woman under anesthesia, and they even took the money from her husband. I wonder what the little woman said by viewing this video masterpiece. By the way, it is possible to cut a dough from doctors for ensuring that this disc does not get into the prosecutor's office.


    • Rating: 0
  • Luciau (a guest)
    July 26, 2013 15:54

    The police need to !!!


    • Rating: 0
  • a guest (a guest)
    July 27, 2013 0:21

    you need a doctor and his assistants to fuck in the ass and give the video))


    • Rating: 0
  • a guest (a guest)
    July 27, 2013 13:08

    Same oh ** you can !!! Well, doctors !!! I wonder how many women they already so fucked!


    • Rating: 0
  • July 27, 2013 15:48

    I apologize, probably, this is not the place where they talk about some values ​​and morals, especially since they each have their own. But ... If this situation really had a place to be, and not a fiction, it seems to me cynically to spread it here. Her place - in the police, but not in front of thousands of strangers. You wondered about your spouse's feelings, did she need such a striptease, even if it was anonymous? It is difficult for me to be objective, without knowing it ... I ask you once again to excuse me ...


    • Rating: 1
  • July 27, 2013 18:09

    Judging by the comments, I managed so far only one thing - to convince everyone of the reality of what happened ;-) Calm down, readers, this is all fiction ;-) Therefore, no police, no “name-calling” doctors - this is just a story on the site, where people read (and write) everything from their heads, and do not give reports from their personal lives.
    Regarding the police - in general, "killed" ... Here, in one story - violations of the Criminal Code and Sharia law ;-) And now what - all the stories in the duty unit print? Here Tremere realized that obviously not everything is true for me ;-) Well, such dimensions are for the “word wit,” so to speak.
    P. S. If the wife reads my “fantasies”, then I’ll have to contact the police for sure. After I was discharged from the hospital.
    P. P. S. Read with pleasure, all good mood ;-))


    • Rating: 0
  • July 27, 2013 16:11

    "Twenty-five centimeters"
    Can I also add in my stories the phrase: based on real events?


    • Rating: 1
  • July 27, 2013 19:00

    Do not try, and then you will sit for disclosure and damage. Uhaha ... pzdts simply) You better prod goni)


    • Rating: 1
  • July 27, 2013 18:58

    Rzhach, just wanted to posbebatsya, as the author dissuaded all. The author, * I am looking at my finger *, the bad boy, now the ladies will be afraid to go to the gynecologists. And then another moral harm soldered). Lyayayayayayayayu, well, and we are suspicious folk, gee!


    • Rating: 1
  • Xz (a guest)
    July 28, 2013 16:26

    Not a bad tale turned out. Much better than most people scribble here - more realistic. We look forward to continuing - visit for re-inspection of his wife


    • Rating: 1
  • Paul.. (a guest)
    July 31, 2013 20:10

    Well, the real world does not smell here, as if it were a mistake with anesthesia, but for the people a little understanding in medicine will go.


    • Rating: 2
  • August 18, 2013 20:26

    By the way, this is not the description of the general anesthesia, but the so-called minor :)


    • Rating: 1
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