This incident occurred in the early autumn of 2009.

At the cottage at the chef, in addition to the owner, we gathered nine. Among the girls, besides me, were the personal secretary of the chef Marina, her account namesake from the accounting department and the personnel officer Alla. Igor and Anton were old companions chefs, department heads. The invitation of Oleg, the cousin of the chief and part-time his deputy, was also not surprising. Why at that time Sergey and Kohl, two young and not yet reputable employees, were invited, I do not know. It must have been a bummer by the chef and his friends to fry the kebabs themselves.

Picnic was a success. The time was approaching in the evening. A little drunk, I went into the house and sat down near the wide open window on the couch in the living room. It was pretty hot. Soon the chief appeared and flopped down nearby. We exchanged a couple of phrases, and then his hand fell on my knee. I did not protest. The chef was (or rather, is) quite an attractive middle-aged man. A pleasant shiver ran through my body. I slowly lifted one leg from the other. The man moved his hand from his knees to the inside of the thigh. Finally, his fingers pulled back a narrow strip of strings. I leaned forward with my ass and spread my legs wider. The chef expertly pawed my pussy. Leaning down, he began to gently bite the lobe of his right ear. With excitement, my nipples are swollen. With the palms of both hands, I began to massage my breasts. All speeding up the pace, the chef brought me to orgasm. A sweet shiver ran through her body. I let out a long moan.

Without saying a word, the chief unbuttoned the snake on his pants and pulled out a rather large member. Kneeling down, I took it in my hand and sent it into my mouth. Licking the head, I swallowed x ... th as deep as possible. From my work friends, who had already been in the boss's bed, I knew that he adored a deep blowjob. The man groaned with pleasure. I moved my head back and forth ... back and forth ... Fully pulling off his pants, I began to gently pull at the testicles. My mouth filled with saliva.

“Finishing,” the chief moaned.

After releasing the penis from my mouth, I pulled away. A jet of sperm hit me in the face. I closed my eyes, and when I opened my eyes again and rose from my knees, I saw secretary Marina standing in the doorway.

- Marishka, honey, slizhi with Olchik sperm - asked our chef.

Awesome, I thought.

Prior to this incident, I repeatedly solicited the attention of Marina, but the girl remained cold to my charms. Now she quickly hugged me and literally licked male sperm from my face. Then Marina passionately dug her lips into my lips. So we kissed for a few minutes. Her hands roamed over my body, nimbly squeezing what little remained on me. I did not remain in debt. Marina had magnificent breasts of the fourth size with small sharp nipples. Heading down, I wrapped my lips around one of them.

- Put it on.

Looking up from Marina, I saw a big strapon that the boss pulled out from somewhere. I could not put it on without the help of a more experienced secretary. When the last clasp was tightened, Marina stood on all fours in front of me, and I slowly stuck the artificial member into the girl's pussy. The flesh dutifully succumbed to the pressure. I began to move, each time deeper and deeper, thrusting Starpon into the Marina. She began to move her pelvis towards me. As the pace grew, the girl began to moan. I myself started up.

Footsteps were heard, and Anton appeared in the doorway.

“Call the others,” the chief ordered in a commanding voice. - Roll up the cool threesome.

I worked at the company enough not to be surprised. The morals in our team are pretty ... brilliant. If you do not agree to give the authorities, then you will not stay long in our company. I heard a lot about group sex that sometimes happened after corporate events, but I never participated in them myself. With my boss I still fucked ...It never happened, but my “curator” Anton sometimes invited me to his office, where he was right on the table. The same can be said about the deputy chief Oleg.

I kept fucking Marina.

Five minutes later the whole company fell into the living room. Alla's arrival did not surprise me. She slept with almost everyone in the company. But accountant Marina, the mother of two children, was considered to us touchy.

At this time, the moans of Marina’s secretary intensified. Her hand began to nervously pull at the swollen clit. Suddenly she shuddered all over and finished. I pulled the phallus out of a swollen pussy. He was covered in female secretions.

Then Oleg instantly freed his penis from his shorts and heats, jumped to Marina's secretary and, lifting her from the floor, poked her ... girl in the face. Marina obediently opened her mouth. Having clasped her hand over her head, Oleg slowly began to fuck Marina in her mouth.

What they ended there, I do not know. Anton approached me and drew me into the next room, where there was a sickly double bed. A pack of condoms lay on the bedside table. While the man was undressing, I got rid of the starpoon and helped him put on the condom. His penis is not long, but thick and well worth it. I lay down on the bed and spread my legs wide. Anton carefully laid down on me, put the x ... nd to the n ... day and pressed. He entered slowly, with skill.

Accountant Marina and Sergey burst into the room and, even without asking permission, began to undress. I closed my eyes, concentrating all my attention on my own feelings. Nearby, a naked female body flopped on the bed, and a male body piled on top. Complete mess! Anton let down in prezik, kissed me on the lips and, jumping off to the floor, hobbled into the bathroom. Pancake! Turning on my side, I began to watch how young, only from the university, Sergey nayarivaet thirty-year accountant. Not bad. My hand reached for her pussy, found her clit and fluttered. From the living room came the piercing cries of Alla. It must be her fucking ... point. Marina finished, and after her Sergey. No sooner had the guy come to his senses, as Igor and Oleg entered the bedroom.

- Changing! - silly giggling, shouted Igor.

H ... and the men were stakes. All clear! Viagra!

- Go to Alla! She is waiting for you! - Oleg ordered Sergey.

The boy is gone. Marina and I were put on the bed with cancer facing each other and, putting on condoms, they started to fuck both of them in their priests. I like such gymnastics, but Marina, who got Oleg, was, apparently, not very nice. Stepping forward, I passionately kissed the woman on the lips and felt the smell of sperm. She must have already sucked someone off. Nimble pussy! Gently wagging my ass, I at the same time slipped the tongue into Marina's mouth. She did not recoil, but timidly replied to a kiss. Igor's hand roughly broke into my pussy, but I did not protest. I really wanted to finish ...

This time the orgasm was stormy. Exhausted, I stretched out on the bed next to the stop ... Hannah Marina. I wanted to relax, but it was not there. (Especially for Oleg's member, despite the orgasm, was not going to fall down, and his owner decided to use my pussy. I had to relax and let me fuck.

Paragraph. It's time to stop this. Rising from the bed, I went into the living room. There I found only the chef and Alla. Kadrovichka was squatting on the floor and stuffing the neck of a wine bottle in her pussy.

- Well done, girl, - chef cheered her. - I feel that you will earn an extraordinary bonus today.

P ... zdets!

Having scampered into the corridor, I climbed the stairs to the second floor. And here is the bathroom! I threw open the door, I was stunned. In the enameled bathroom, the secretary Marina sat on her haunches, and the jerk Sergey urinated on her face.

Realizing that everyone was completely drunk and sbrenili on the basis of sex, I found a secluded corner, huddled into it and waited for an hour, thinking about how best to explain to her husband why the meeting with her friends dragged on and why the hell I did not answer his calls. Before the wedding, the husband declared that he had nothing against the depraved wife, ... sweetheart, but that was before the wedding. Soon he changed his mind ...

Finally I went downstairs.In the living room, the chief peacefully snored on the sofa, and on the floor Kohl curled up and was not lucky enough to fuck me today. Having dressed, I left the house. The accountant Marina was sitting on the porch. She was wearing a skirt and a men's shirt. The woman smoked. I crouched next to her.

“I never thought that I would be bl… du,” she smiled tiredly at me.

“Welcome to the club of bl ... dei,” I joked. - Soon you will get a big premium, and maybe a pay rise ...

  • babayka (a guest)
    June 20, 2013 0:30

    such shnyaga ... reptile will I ... you have a cup of home brew ... drink for me ...


    • Rating: 0
  • Giblar (a guest)
    June 20, 2013 19:33

    Instead of dots, you can put asterisks


    • Rating: 0
  • cccmmmlll (a guest)
    June 20, 2013 22:48

    Who puts asterisks in obscene words, instead of the dick - a black square.


    • Rating: 1

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