1. Olgina career. Part 1
  2. Olgina career. Part 2

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Irina on the table rang the internal phone. She picked up the phone, and the secretly commanding voice of the secretary voiced someone else’s request.

- Irina Vladimirovna, come, please, to the commercial director.

She waited for this call, although the work day was coming to an end, and Friday ended the outcome of the work week. But she, Irina, the head of VIP-projects, didn’t finish one important thing. And some people knew about it. This someone invited her.

She went to the toilet on the way, straightened her hair near the mirror, noting that she was fine. Stylish corporate lioness - always perfect looking, she attracted men who, by the nature of their business, had to cross with her. Slender brunette with burning black hair and the same black eyes, she was fascinated by sexual brilliance, depth and some kind of devilish - incomprehensible and insidious. Every morning she went through the office with her light erotic gait, with inner pleasure catching the glances of men at her bulging, pumped in fitness clubs ass. Irina knew that the fantasies of the guys who had been discussing estimates and contracts with her go much further than these contracts, and this flattered her to female I. Fans who want to invite her on a date and have sex with this sexy business woman having sex are enough. Here is just one of the men she needed most.

She stopped for a moment in front of the cabinet and tried to catch this notorious aura - the Aura of Female Confidence. Well, today she is irreproachable in a special way, and Andrei is obliged to appreciate this.

- Caused, Andrei Sergeevich? - Ira confidently entered the commercial office and sat down in front of him, stretching her legs so that the magnificent view from under the short skirt would allow the conversation with Andrey to go in the right direction. But Andrei was worried about something. He paid no attention to her bare legs. So it was extremely rare.

- Ira, why is the contract with the German still not signed? - asked Andrei. - Already two weeks of negotiations, and no sense. The money is uploaded by the company, the development is super, and there is still no investment.

She wanted to talk to him about completely different things, but this tone brought her down to earth - to the territory where life went according to the laws of business. Well, thought Irina, and on this territory she will be fine.

- Andrei ... Andrei Sergeevich - she recovered, looking into his eyes - I agreed with him about everything, everything suits him, only purely technical delays, which I will soon ..

- Yes? - Andrew’s tough compartment - And I was reached by other information. Everything suits the German, but in the course of his negotiations began with the "Euro-Project", and even every tinsel is chosen for him. His grandmothers can swim away to completely different pockets for similar projects, of course, worse than ours, but is it easier for us? - Andrei was categorical, and added - Ira, this is the Olgin project, and if she had not disappeared, I am sure he would have been successfully sold to the investor.

Ira hooked:

- Ah, so you remember? - she got angry, and her thin purebred lips stretched, and her eyes sparkled. “And yet the bitch is gorgeous when she is angry,” flashed through Andrei.

- Do not start up - its leader answered conciliatingly - I just trusted you this German, because I decided - you will bring Olgino to the end.

“Olgino, I definitely brought the case to the end,” thought Irina with malicious satisfaction, but Andrei’s next phrase did not let her be remembered.

- Ira, the German will fly away to his place tomorrow, and we can simply lose him. Do you have time until tomorrow morning to roll it. Invite him tonight, fiddle to some pub - they love it. Turn on all your charm, but solve the question. - Andrei set tasks decisively than ever. - Come on, good luck. You are free.

- Andrew...- began Ira, having decided that the official conversation is over - will we see you at the weekend? I am free for two days, and we could ... - the woman in question was killed by a man.

- Ira, first a contract - then everything else. We can not spit on millions - it is too luxurious for our business. - And he added - Sign up, call at any time of the day. I will come to you immediately.

The German investor easily agreed to meet. He himself chose a restaurant, as he put it - “my favorite in Russia”. Met there - at ten in the evening.

Ira knew she must charm him. No, it will do without sex, she confidently decided, but the appearance of a beautiful and sexy girl will cause indulgence in this shark business. Why not give in to a young and attractive girl, Irina reasoned, and then everything will work out - Andrey will be pleased. To it really big money will flow - a bonus from the deal for the project sold by this bitch Olga. Well, you can say thanks to her for a good business idea, “I wonder how she works in a new place,” she thought mockingly, “How many men in a day at the reception?”

A short skirt, stockings, a blouse, which opened a magnificent chest in a lace translucent bra. On the face - the perfect make-up, emphasizing the beautiful delicate features. Irina noticed how her evening style of an intriguing sexy beauty did not leave the German indifferent. They sat in a restaurant at the table and talked on business topics. The German Adolph is a fat-eyed 50-year-old burgher in a strict suit, while talking with a poorly concealed interest, glanced at her legs, more precisely, at the bare distance between the stockings and the skirt. “Everything goes as it should,” Ira judged cheerfully, catching these views — Easy flirting, a contract, and home from home, dear. You - to some affordable Moldavian for a hundred bucks, I - to Andryusha. " She was kind to the German, kept up a conversation with his broken Russian language and looked into his eyes ingratiatingly.

There were two more with the German. One, represented as a finance assistant, Hans, silently ate and paid almost no attention to Ira. "Gloomy type" - thought the girl about Hans. But if the assistant was simply unpleasant to her, then the second companion of the burgher was disgusted.

It was a German bodyguard - a huge black man with skin that was blacker than the oncoming night. He stood aside and, unlike the red and nasty Hans, constantly staring at Ira. The girl could not stand black, she was a hidden racist, and the niggas caused her steady disgust. Even at the institute, she spat on the fact that a number of female students for the amendment of their material affairs were sleeping with blacks from a foreign dormitory. And now this Paps - Adolf called him that way - looked at Ira, as if he was scanning her. She felt as if the Negro was looking through her clothes.

- Adolf, I propose to take another look at the contract - I decided to lead the dinner to the finish line Irina, taking out a stack of papers from my purse - I made all the changes you suggested, and we can sign it right now. After that, we will become excellent business partners.

The German smiled slightly and spoke his Russian with a strong accent:

- Oh, to be your partner, Ira is the best thing I want. I often come to Russia, and I miss this ... - he thought, choosing the expression - super Russian fraulein.

The word "partner" he sounded somehow differently, without a business tone, with eroticism. Or did she, Irina, seem?

“I need to go out,” the German said suddenly, and just as unexpectedly suggested: “Will you make me a company?”

It sounded so persistently that Ira only wondered "what the hell," but got up. Catching Paps's gaze, straightened her skirt awkwardly. The German, without another word, headed towards the dressing room, Ira went after him. There were few people in the tavern, and no one was particularly surprised at the couple going together to the toilet.

They approached the men's section, and then Adolf did the following. Opening the door sharply, he pushed Irina there. The girl, taken aback by such a move, did not even have time to say anything when the German closed the latch.Ira realized that the door behind her really shut. What follows next, she instinctively began to guess.

- Adolf, forgive what you are doing? ...

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