1. Fear your desires
  2. Fear your desires. Part 2
  3. Fear your desires. Part 3
  4. Fear your desires. Part 4
  5. Fear your desires. Part 5
  6. Fear your desires. Part 7
  7. Fear your desires. What's left overs
  8. Fear your desires. Part 8

Good day, my dear friends and cheap enemies). By writing this letter I got some unhealthy excitement around my stories in the series “Fear Your Desires”. As I understood, some individuals are not allowed to sleep in a few questions related to the story and to me personally (judging by angry comments and personal messages). Well, apparently, it is necessary to lift the veil of secrecy in order to protect themselves and their offspring from further streams of dirt.

1. I'll start with myself.

My name is Alina and I am a girl. I was born a girl, and in the passport there is a female gender (it would be strange if a male representative denied such a statement of fact and said the opposite (do not you find?), I think based on this it is worth thinking that I most likely tell the truth for you clarification)). I am not a trance, I am not an androgyne, and certainly I am not a fagot, although there is a lesbian experience;). The appearance of Laika before her transformation, I sketched with myself. I have extended eyelashes and acrylic nails, bleached teeth, and a bob haircut. The only difference is its chest - 3(!) size. I go to the solarium, the gym and I love having sex. Sometimes, when I want adventures, I register on dating sites (not to be confused with eroticspace!) And find them. If I am too lazy to sit at the computer, then I dress like a Laika in the first part and go hunting in the city. In all that is connected with sex, I understand as much as I myself like this or that species.

Fluid in the vagina can be delayed if you work out vumbildingom (Wikipedia in your hands), well, or in extreme cases - a more familiar term - kegel exercises. Thanks to such knowledge, it is possible not only to hold water, but even to bring the partner to orgasm without copying the piston.

Further anal sex. Here I am after the toilet does not pull. Maybe the fact is that before this action I make all the necessary manipulations? And yes, anal sex can be enjoyable, if you choose the right lubricant) Oops, have you waited? Although it is strange that I enlighten adults.

And finally oral sex. Swallowing can be learned only through long and tedious workouts. The teachers are mostly banana and dildo, but a very patient man will do.

In general, the lack of ready-made material pushed me towards the writing of this series (but, it seems, I have already mentioned this?). Too few stories with detailed descriptions that can excite me (or do you read them for general development?). For your information, this story has been lying with me since September of last year, and I was not going to post it on the Internet. But then, after reading the same series about “Irina. the cow ”or“ lustful genetics ”decided that if it really has the right to life, then why should my story be available only to me? I think that there are enough people who want meat, blood and parts, like I myself. I explained everything in detail or do I need more details?

2. The story itself. Why did I call him that? In the very first part it is written: “I wanted to be a slave, a thing that there was a master who would make her obey and break down ...“ Oh, it’s no harm to dream ”Lena said to herself for the umpteenth time looking in the mirror. " Arranges? That's why! I will be the captain of Evidence and explain it on my fingers: the girl wanted this, but she could not even imagine that it would happen to her.It was just a desire, but it became a reality, and now Lena is not very happy about this turn !!!

Now about the believability and my personal desires. Something was with me, something was not. There is some fantasy if absolutely tin (I do not welcome bestiality, orgies with scary and fat men, golden rain and other unsanitary conditions), in the rest - I am absolutely not a prude).

P. S.

I am not a star. And if someone thinks that I wrote this message out of my own vanity, then well ... that is your right. I don't want to make excuses to anyone else. Consider it to be a cry from the heart, to unreasonable attacks and accusations of angry trolls. Who likes my stories - thank you for the rest - well, you saw a new one, turn over and live quietly without asking stupid questions and not looking for inconsistencies. I am not interested in criticism. The series will end - maybe a new one. I do not need success here and I do not want to be in the top of the authors, it gives me pleasure to be successful in other areas of my life. I just want to help the same as me, who review a bunch of stories in search of exactly the one that hooks.

P. P. S.

I want to say thanks to those who like it. For your sake, I will continue. Thank you for your support. Thanks for attention! Your Alinka: - *

  • March 1, 2013 0:32

    Well done, Alina, people like you like me! Immediately evident, you have the meaning and ideas in life, unlike many. Write further, this is advice as a man, as an author, and just a person who does not pay attention to the "half-human" and "sub-human"


    • Rating: 0
  • Aspirin Do Dog (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 10:41

    Oh mister Yury, defender of all authors sending their readers. I could not answer you at Zoya, I promised him that he wouldn’t write comments to him anymore, and to break this word is not gut. Do you think that criticism does not contribute to raising the level of the writer, but something harmful. The writer writes only for himself. And send readers something normal. So you wrote to me in comments at Zoya. Zoe writes well, Cat. Pornographer revered, the level is quite high. From Alinka, so, in general, delighted. I am pleased to read komenty, and what the Pornographer, Zoya, Alinka and Yury insult you noted without even thinking, insulting hard, sophisticated. Aggression is a loss of control over the situation. Aggression is when a person feels that he is wrong, but there is no courage to admit it. Try to convince me otherwise. Look at Kota - an adequate person. I understand that they did not serve in the army, they did not sit in the cell, work in the women's team. And then the speech would certainly be watched. Alinka, put again desyatochku, always put you, for imagination. You have it at a high level. Want to convince me that you are a lady? Let's do this, register the left mailbox, I write it to you, and you answer. Questions about personal data will not be, such as last name, place of residence. Too intimate too, you don’t need to answer everything, only you decide what you need. I'll throw off a couple of tests. I do not want to arrange a circus here. Well, I promise to apologize here, but on the condition that you are really a lady. In the meantime, well, I do not believe. After today's surge of emotions, my doubts only strengthened. And do not take everything in this life to heart. I did not like, they sent me, but mentally, and forgot. And Skuratov, he praises everyone, and the more a man is rude, the more he is for him a mountain. I have not read his genius stories yet, but I will surely read them. Scary interesting. Well, agreed? I am waiting.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 11:43

    P. S. Tell me honestly, Aspirin, why are you afraid to ask me questions in the comments?)
    I would answer you any


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 11:52

    And still a small, but significant addition within the framework of a comment, especially for all readers, and for you Oops: the circus has been arranged here for a long time.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 11:38

    Sorry, Aspirin, but you are more like a lady.“Aggression is a loss of control over the situation,” as a psychologist, I disagree with you, and moreover, you lose it yourself. There is no need to apologize to me, and I’m certainly not a lady, I didn’t sit in a cell, I did not serve in the army, but I didn’t see enough in this life, believe me. And also believe in the fact that the camera and the army are not the best teachers of this life. Only I because of this considerable freak did not, like many on this site. And I do not work in the women's team. I follow the speech, unlike you, Aspirin, and I just don’t give anyone a headache.
    I have never offended anyone on this site, but I was very often, but I still reacted less loyally, my only insult is the word “drochery”, so this is not an insult but an exposure. Do you happen to be one of them?) Only they write such answers to my letters.
    I do not want anyone to convince anything, only convince when they are wrong. Write me in private messages, or here:. With pleasure to answer your most tricky questions.


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  • Aspirin Do Dog (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 11:51

    Dear Mr. Skuratov, I came to your page and was disappointed. There is nothing to read there, some manuals on masturbation, you can see everywhere, you have succeeded in this, well, to each his own, someone loves women, someone cheers up. Yes, and you have very few readers, and there is almost no sin to conceal. Do your benefits make you think? Is the depth hidden in them? Stories, reading which you clearly present the picture of the action. The stories that raise a storm of emotions in the soul, make people live as heroes, feel them - this is mediocrity. As I understand it, in your opinion it turns out that there are a lot of readers from authors who are close and stupid. You, however, Skuratov’s meter doesn’t have them, because we write unrecognized masterpieces, but half-human and sub-human are not able to understand them.? Yes? Well, Che lay tad? He wrote for himself, read himself a loved one, praised, and archived. Otherwise, God forbid, aspirin is not good, it honors and writes badly about the masterpiece. Just kidding You have a club here, according to your interests. You praise Zoe - he is you. What does Krylov nightingale praise for? You, Zoe, Parnograf, Alinka - you are well-read, erudite people, in a word are not stupid. Tact you lack the elementary respect for the interlocutors. Alinka, when people write, they collect information about what they are going to write about. The more information, the more credibly the story goes, the clearer the reader imagines the picture of what is happening, well-written characters make the ger of the story come to life. It is not enough just to spell words correctly, correctly put punctuation marks, correctly construct sentences. This is the level of the teacher, but not the writer. There are gross bloopers in the 7th part, and in “Whats left behind the scenes” I will not write here, write the address, I will write there. Do not write it does not matter, and so I read you, with all your blunders. And zamette is highly appreciated, 10 points always. Skuratov saw what your ratings are ?, but I forgot. Your genius is unrecognized. Yes, of course, where are we subhuman


    • Rating: 1
  • March 1, 2013 12:12

    Personally, I do not need any assessments or your comments, I am not writing for this, I am not a child. I do not masturbate like "many", I am on the contrary against it, read carefully. Aspirin, do not raise your nerves, calm down, ask questions.


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  • March 1, 2013 13:10

    Ladnenko, Aspirin, do not want to ask questions, do not, I'm not touchy, unlike you. I will tell you finally, taking a little more space in Alina’s comments: I have many works other than articles criticizing masturbation, and they are all different, there are banal ones, for “children”, there are smarter, there are worthy to read them to a serious person. I am not writing about sex. The story, yes any material, is written TO EXPRESS EMOTIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS, and not specifically for sites and newspapers. Where to put them is the business of each individual author. I have a lot of works that I don’t intend to publish at all.
    About the tact. I have enough of it, or lacking it, of course yours is better to judge from the side. But I never poured Mr. .. on the person who poured upon me, think what characterizes this in me.
    I collect information mainly from people, and on their holy or sinful moments of life I write what I write.How to write and what to write is my business, my taste and my ideas, and also for which category to write, this is also my choice. I will never write for drocherov, because the stories are not jerked off, they are enjoyed either together, or evaluated by the degree of sexuality, and not by hand.
    I do not need the volume of readers, I need their "quality." I want to understand why the member is worth it, not just what it is worth.
    Got the truth, Aspirin? ...
    If you want to ask me something else, you are welcome, I wrote my address.


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  • Sergei (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 12:45

    I like reading your stories with pleasure. Write I will still look forward to


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 12:49 PM

    Sergey, are you talking about whose stories?


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  • Aspirin Do Dog (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 13:33

    Skuratov You are not a publicist, you constantly make one gross, very gross error. You are not a psychologist, maybe you read something, but you have not studied professionally. Look at your sentences, you lose the thread of reasoning. (Sorry, Aspirin, but you are more like a lady. “Aggression is a loss of control over the situation,” as a psychologist I disagree with you, and moreover, you lose it yourself) What am I losing? What do you have against women? I have already drawn your exemplary psychological portrait for myself. You are very lonely. But we are not to blame. Why not been in the army?


    • Rating: -1
  • March 1, 2013 13:55

    Aspirin, on the horizon of your strange and unreasonable grounds, I am both the author and the publicist. I entered a psychologist, but did not finish secular schools, I did not like the method of teaching. And by the way, real psychologists are now 98% at most. I never lose anything, and you lose control of the situation. What I have against women, read in my article “Should I Love Women,” just read carefully. I'm not alone but married. And I did not serve in the army, because I do not consider it necessary to serve that state that does not respect its citizens. Yes, and agree, Aspirin, the army has long been not an army, but almost a prison, even worse, do you know this for sure?
    I ask more questions)


    • Rating: 0
  • Aspirin Do Dog (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 14:25

    Skuratov, let's move to your page, tell me what story to open, or is it embarrassing for Alinka? the whole page is wicked


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  • March 1, 2013 14:29

    Aspirin, I did not switch to you. Where is your ethics? Are you ashamed before Alina? Since when? Tell me please, why don’t you ask, “Why didn’t I sit in jail?” Open, for example, the article “Should I Love Women?” There and talk


    • Rating: 0
  • Alexandra (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 15:03

    About the "does not respect its citizens." I see you are not too intelligent! Of you are trying to make cattle and make!


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 15:08

    And you look carefully, and most importantly think the same


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  • Aspirin Do Dog (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 12:56

    Damn, Alinka, I'm sorry. I made you a squabble on the page. Just sympathizing with you. You write well, it is easy to read. Lack of authenticity, but to hell with it. Your gender is also not important if you and the guy do not matter. World?


    • Rating: 1
  • Alinka (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 15:34

    Struk you in asshole, you dog mad, and not the world


    • Rating: 1
  • Alinka (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 16:07

    What kind of noise, but no fight?


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  • Alinka (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 16:16

    I'm going all this, extended eyelashes and acrylic nails, bleached teeth, haircut, square, chest - 3 sizes. And they are such, oh and all fall, fall, fall. And I extended eyelashes clap, flap. Yes I am, and what did you think? In vain I acryl nails, bleached teeth, cut hair, and the chest chest. I am not a star. And if someone thinks that I wrote this message out of my own vanity, then well ... that is your right.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 17:12

    You're cool, and your nails are cool, and chest!) Keep it up, and wound the farthest on your way!) My wife is the same, only she has a haircut of a friend)


    • Rating: 0
  • Alinka (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 18:33

    Yura, I want you!) You are a real man, I immediately understood it!) I am all yours!) Between my legs I already had a puddle, how excited I was!) My breasts are only yours today!) I am a star, your star!) Take me! ) And Gorbatov and Aspirin let on further drochat!


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 18:46

    Alinka, jump to me!)


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  • March 2, 2013 12:28

    cool) I already have my fakes here) If anything, then the real Alinka is the one that is not a guest,) And so Aspirin, okay world) I’m just the same girl)


    • Rating: 0
  • Aspirin At Dog (a guest)
    March 2, 2013 14:01

    Very glad! And Mr. Skuratov seems to be in love with you. You do not find?)))


    • Rating: 0
  • March 2, 2013 14:56

    I realized that you are not a guest of this, but I wanted to smile subhumans. I love to make fun of the Downyat sometimes. Aspirinchik very happy, well, finally.


    • Rating: -1
  • Aspirin At Dog (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 18:52

    Sex on an Internet? Boldly. New Well done. Will not interfere.


    • Rating: 0
  • ... (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 19:03

    And this is the answer of Skuratov, who doesn’t jerk off himself and discourages others)))). OH WELL!


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 19:41

    I did not say "Alinka, let's jerk off"! I said “Jump to me”!) Guest, you again reduced all my black humor to your dumb jerk) Even literally could not read. What kind of people are you?)


    • Rating: -1
  • March 1, 2013 19:38

    I'm waiting for you, Aspirin, and you are still not on my page, where are your questions?


    • Rating: -1
  • Alinka (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 19:05

    See how my nipples are swollen!) Try their lips!)


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 19:43

    Alinka, we are now "here" all crazy completely "end")


    • Rating: 0
  • Alinka (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 20:16

    Yurochka, darling, don’t look at them!) Look at me!) You see the tattoo girl on my naked shaved pubis, it is for people like you - courageous and passionate!) Lick me, I’m all burning, the juice of love from my pussy is for you Yura !!!)))


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 20:24

    And my flaming meter) count with a tattoo on eggs) has long been ready for you, suck it, Alinochka !!!)))))))


    • Rating: 0
  • Alinka (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 20:39

    You are surprised my passionate dog, but I will swallow him together with the eggs and the tatoo!) Yes, I am so !!!))) Are you ok with me?)))


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 20:53

    I am not yours, dear) and your curved fantasy) does not pierce me) You are tired of me) Freak me with you)
    You yourself (or yourself) is not in the scrap to write such crap?


    • Rating: 0
  • Alinka (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 21:12

    You are boring Yura!) Fi, what a snapper, tired mean? razdrakonil and in the bushes?, but I thought you were a macho!) I go in the shower, I caress my pussy myself!) Go to sleep and do not look at me, I will not tell anyone what real size your pipka is!) And I don’t like you !) Bye Bye.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2013 21:25

    You are not in my taste, "baby", bye bye


    • Rating: 0
  • onanisT (a guest)
    March 2, 2013 9:42

    did not drive. you did not become with her. homosexual?


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  • Grandee (a guest)
    March 1, 2013 19:27

    Trudge from Laika, trudge from Alinka. Down with the angry trolls


    • Rating: 0
  • March 3, 2013 6:04

    The author has not yet realized all her desires ;-)
    From this, the presentation of these desires comes out a little superficial, so the public doubts the author's field (is it a woman or not? As if this is important!). Nothing, the author is still aware of his desires, probably he will even realize it - but then it will be unlikely to write about them. So read, while the author wants to share fantasies
    And to arrange a personal duel here, of course, was not worth it.
    P. S. And about army service, Aspirin is right - she disciplines a person


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 0:38

    Nothing disciplines a person like humanity.


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  • March 4, 2013 3:31

    A beautiful phrase, but, alas, my life experience cannot bring anything in its confirmation.I knew a lot of good, kind, talented people - but the man in the army did not serve, but he didn’t have enough willpower for self-discipline and the result was worse than it would be with discipline, even if forcibly grafted. These are like the rules of the road: not everyone is immediately conscious enough not to run across the road in the wrong place - but when all the participants in the movement observe discipline - even if it comes down from a traffic cop, the number of accidents becomes noticeably less.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 11:33

    Yes, you are right in many respects, human nature often needs a stick, but I do not think that the army is the father and the mother to the person in bringing up his will, especially if the person’s will is weak by nature. I do not want to scold the army, it is needed, but not in the form in which it seems to us for many years. I will not say who is to blame for the non-statutory relations and other nonsense, I will say one thing - more often the army gives a sense of absurdity than the education of nature. I do not argue with you, but give my point of view. I was not intentionally in the army, and I do not consider it useful to be in it. It's my opinion.
    And I strongly doubt that a traffic cop violates the rules of the road is much less than a pedestrian.
    I respect your opinion on obscene and swear words, you correctly told the Pornographer that a competent and strong person should not stoop to this very dirt. Similarly, in life, it is impossible to bring up something in someone with dirt and coercion.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 11:51

    Yes, right, much needs to be changed in order for the world around us - and we ourselves in it; -) - to become better. I think that problems in the army, in relations on the road and in all other areas of life - this is from a lack of mutual respect. And, perhaps, from a lack of self-respect. Now we are pleasantly communicating with you - and this is good. Let everyone have their own point of view (it would be difficult to expect complete coincidence), but we can find points of contact and this is valuable for each of us (at least it’s someone else’s experience that you don’t need to gain by stuffing your own bumps ;-)). It would be nice if not only here, but in general in society there is more such mutual respect. However ... I do not even know yet when such times will come? Therefore, sometimes it takes a little and forcing. Of course, it would be good if the coercion were smaller, and if it was, then it was softer, more unobtrusive, or what? But this is already such a big topic for the exchange of opinions, that it would probably be better to transfer it to personal correspondence?


    • Rating: 0
  • brume (a guest)
    February 13, 2014 1:00

    The truth about the army and the True Army (in my opinion) in the literary original of the Star Troops. The current army only a parody of this IMHO (served, not Noah, if necessary, ready to perform the oath)


    • Rating: 0
  • brume (a guest)
    February 13, 2014 0:51

    +100. And in the true sense (not only screams, snot)


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 11:53

    I wonder what Alinka herself thinks about this little philosophical discussion that we casually arranged here?


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 12:00

    Alinka is not a stupid girl, although you are right, we fuck up her page. May she forgive us. Write me here:. or in private messages


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 23:24

    We with you and the two do not spoil as the red ace in the NCD


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2013 20:27

    I do not care


    • Rating: -1
  • March 4, 2013 11:55

    Speaking of traffic cops. Traffic participants will never abide by the rules of the road, because people are not at all inclined to abide by something according to the rules, especially when these rules are painful and endlessly fined. People on the contrary become more aggressive and ill-mannered. And there are no less accidents.
    Do not you think that humanity should win all the same, and not swearing with assault? ... Here is a city pornographer, told you that on this site who wants who is the one and that ... t, and in his point of view, this means that you can create chaos, and you do not need to find fault with his work, you tried to educate him by coercion, argued, convinced, but he still didn’t understand anything, or pretended that he ... be. That's the way it turns out. And if he (pornographer), just do not notice? To create a situation for himself, that he is not for you? ... He will gradually begin to evaluate himself as something that does something wrong ... For me personally, he has ceased to be, and this is better than arguing with him.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 14:27

    My neighbor worked as a taxi driver in Europe for 20 years (he is already 60). So, according to him, there is fined much more than we do - but this is just, in his own words - to the good. He says bluntly: “We are all Soviet people, coming there, we pay a fine 2-3 times and then we go by the rules.” And everyone is calm on the road.
    But the trick here is not in fines alone, but in the fact that they provide conditions for the execution of all the rules. And again, we return to the conversation about discipline - only already discipline at all levels (yes, I agree with you about the cops - they must follow the rules as well).
    For me, it looks like a matter of national self-esteem. But, perhaps, the new Russian nation has not yet emerged, because there is no national identity and self-esteem? And from here there is no respect for opponents and fellow citizens?
    The local example of the lack of self-esteem is the Pornograph case you mentioned (yes, I agree, my good intentions were in vain, and he does not rethink anything - well, yes, you are right, we’ll leave him alone, since he is better there)
    A local example of self-esteem is our conversation. And not only she alone. If you think about it, quite a few people have this important quality and are ready to respect others. I think that in a few generations, it is these people who will create the cultural basis of the future new Russian and maybe even the global nation.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 19:42

    Cat, did you see Skuratov's lyrics at all? If such as he scotologi create the basis of the future Russian nation, then well fuck such a nation. I, as a patriot, will be the first to drop a nuclear bomb on her.

    They sit, lick each other, - on health, peasants, dobryachki. So even though my character doesn’t have to be woven into someone’s own themes on foreign topics, it’s disgusting.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 19:32

    Yuri, what an inconsistent. If the Pornograph has ceased to exist for you, it looks silly that you misinterpret his words in other people's topics, the empty talk is repulsive.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 22:49

    By the way, Yuri, I forgot to ask your opinion about modern computer games. You know, in the game S. T.L.L.K.E.R., most amusing jokes are embedded. Here is one about Cerberus and Greek mythology I especially liked. Postmodernist, anecdote, I tell you, for all 111% postmodernist


    • Rating: 0
  • March 4, 2013 23:55

    I do not play computer games, I can not say anything.


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  • LonelyXT (a guest)
    April 7, 2013 15:42

    Remind me please, this is a funny joke, or else I missed it, in a sinful affair. And the game TCh, ZP, H))))!


    • Rating: 0
  • Nika (a guest)
    April 1, 2013 18:22

    And when the 9th part ?? 7


    • Rating: 0
  • Olga (a guest)
    April 5, 2013 23:22

    Well, finally hooked! Thanks to the author)


    • Rating: 0
  • July 13, 2013 7:42

    "I do not welcome bestiality and other unsanitary conditions" Nuuu ...: (


    • Rating: 0
  • brume (a guest)
    February 13, 2014 1:22

    It seems that he wrote a whole analytical department. If a girl, I applaud while standing, because I couldn’t write this article so nicely and clearly (I don’t flatter). A: “there are enough people who want meat, blood and parts, like I myself am” - it’s generally gorgeous. Dosed truth, beauty, ugliness ... suits only “snobs”. A bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.I love people who do not adapt to the majority


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