
My name is Sergey and I am 18. At the moment I live in New-York with my aunt. Six months ago, my parents decided that I needed to get a good education. That mother and sent me to my aunt. She was rich and could pay for my studies without losing anything from it. But it is not important. The important thing is that she is a porn actress and before my arrival no one knew about it. And now, of course, only I know.

It is a little about Nastya, so call my aunt: Not tall, blond hair, brown eyes, chest of the fourth size, slender waist. In general, she was very sexy. Our house is big and wherever I go, I often see someone ramming someone. Filming was almost everywhere, and very often. And my aunt is no exception, she was digging into all holes in all ways.

Of course, I managed to jerk it all off, I knew almost all actresses, I knew their habits and preferences. And after a couple of months I took everything that happens before my eyes as something that goes without saying.

Strange as it may sound, but in everyday life she was cheerful and calm, according to her you can’t even say that yesterday her pearl in the ass was not the smallest unit. She told me that it was just her job, and she liked that job. But my patience was not eternal.

Once having come from school, I, of course, again stumbled upon a hard fuck. At this time around the aunt gathered three huge blacks, all in business suits. But the costumes quickly scattered around the room, and the heat went. (Especially for eroticspace.infosexitail.ru) Nastya sucked one member then another with a furious frenzy, after which she was given cancer and began to fuck in turns, strongly and quickly driving her organs into her ass. Kiska also got, claps were very strong and loud, mixed with no less loud moans of my native aunt Nastya. When everybody enjoyed her back part of her body, they changed it to her face, and everyone began to cruelly tear her throat, sobbing mixed with sperm could be heard. Everyone finished it in her mouth. All swallowed.

I went to the operator.

- Who ordered the video?

- She ordered. - The operator smiled.

Having had time to jerk off, I approached my aunt, she calmly drank tea and thought about something with a happy face.

- Nastya, I want to talk.

- Oh, Serge. Let me go to the shower, okay? I will wash and talk. And then ashamed here in this form.

I nodded. Indeed she was very battered and of course all in the seed. Mascara flowed across the face, and the blouse was torn by recent "guests"

She returned 15 minutes later refreshed, beautiful and in her favorite robe.

- Sorry, Seryozha, what did you want to talk about?

- Nastya, I have been living here for half a year already and I observe such pictures very often. I'm not iron, either.

- I understood - she smiled - I have already found you a girl that you will like.

- Already? How?

- I realized that you can not stand it and started warning, I know which of our actresses you like and know what I like exactly. Found assembly so to speak. - She said with a smile, and meeting my grateful eyes smiled even more knowing that she had made me pleasant.

She loved to help, no less than to act.

- Thank. BUT...

- She will come on Saturday. Okay, Sergey, I'll go, lie down.

- Good Nast, a pleasant stay.

  • Groms (a guest)
    February 1, 2013 13:24

    takooooooy delirium is gut


    • Rating: 0
  • Alyona (a guest)
    February 1, 2013 14:53

    another child skips school-). and where only parents are watching-)


    • Rating: 0
  • Xz (a guest)
    February 2, 2013 12:49

    Complete crap.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 2, 2013 13:34

    Yes, for months I went and jerked off, poor fellow


    • Rating: 0
  • Severus (a guest)
    February 3, 2013 13:13

    where do parents look? the child was allowed on this site, although the protection would be put)))))


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