They simply raped me. And quite a long time.

But first things first.

I am 26 years old, called Sveta. I am a very attractive girl, at least I think so. I had a tragedy ... So it turned out, they took advantage of me and still took pictures ... pathetic boys ... began to blackmail me.

On the outskirts of our small town are private houses and behind them a small wooded area. I walked down the street, there was just over a kilometer to the house. It so happened that I had to urgently change the gasket. Well, I had to run into the forest. I looked around, and it seemed to me that no one was nearby. I was in a skirt just above the knee. I let go of the panties and threw the gasket, silently snarling "why it is not so useful." Behind me, it seemed to me, there was a sound, but I turned around and, without suspecting anything, continued. And then suddenly a voice from behind: - “Look, her ass is naked! She seems to be pissing! ”

A guy came out, about eighteen years old, about eighty meters tall, no less.

I did not lose my head, and immediately replied boldly (and I must say from childhood I was an arrogant child and a little impudent): “How dare you behave like this, I’m much older than you. You were apparently so badly brought up, that you pry, and you also behave in a boorish way! ”Then, with horror for myself, I thought, and with whom did this bastard speak?

A violent fear passed through my body, and I was covered in goose bumps. Four people left the trees. And this, the most arrogant, hit me hard in the stomach, and from such pain I fell to the ground, and I also bumped my head against the birch trunk - “Too cheeky”. He simply tore off my dress with one movement, and I ended up in panties and a bra, and this set was semi transparent, my husband really likes when I wear just such underwear.

One of the guys behind, noticed a gasket and said loudly: - "Yes, it flows!"

- "Take off your panties and livelier!" - Said their "BOSS". I was nauseated, apparently hit a head on a tree. While I was slowly thinking, he hit me on the cheek and together with one of the guys they pulled off my panties. - “It smells like a woman! Yes, you smell only! ”- I heard a squeaky voice. “Damn, what are these little kids doing, sssuki ?!” - I thought.

I heard another similar sound, which I did not pay attention to when I changed the gasket. It was a camera. You just imagine, there is a young woman, without panties, and under the gaze of five guys, who in addition sniff her panties. I wanted to fall through the ground.

- “Gray, moron, do you take pictures or cotton wool?” Fuck, do you carry it with you at all? ”- I heard the coarse, half-commanding voice of one of the guys. I do not know how many pictures were taken, but not less than 10 for the first time. I cursed everything. I'm a decent woman, never a single man has ever seen me in a nude form, and I have always behaved with dignity, I did not wag my ass in front of the peasants.

Two guys raised me and put me on my knees. The one who was behind with one jerk entered my vagina. It was very painful, I don’t know what size his dick was, but he walked inside me very slowly and hard to rub. I still thought, why is he so tight, if my husband has a member of impressive size ?! But he is still too small to have more tools than my husband. Maybe I was just scared, although she herself was not scared.

- "Gray, take a photo, what are you standing for?" Only my face do not take off! Bitch, look at the camera! "

I was sick, and my stomach and head ached. Another very big dick was this guy. In general, I was ready to fail from a sense of terrible shame and moral decline. I have never been so humiliated.

- “Today you will print out the photos and bring them to me, understand? ...I understand, I ask? ”said the one that had me. Gray somehow emerged from the state of "trance", silently nodded at these words, continuing to rub a bulging bulge between his legs. In the eyes of the guys glistened lust and they probably waited their turn.

Someone strong hands lifted me from the ground, put me on my feet, and I leaned on a tree with one hand. - “Gena, join what you stand as if you are not your own, come on in front, but change it later” - apparently said his closest “ally”, if it is possible to say so and apparently the turn of the rest of the young men was not soon. (Especially for The genes hand grabbed my hair, and he bent me and put his cock in my mouth. I was already nauseous, but here I started having a strong gag reflex, I drooled, my eyes were watering, and behind me the still dominant gopnik pushed his joints, of incomprehensible dimensions, and loud “clashes” of our bodies were heard, his eggs were loudly spanked. The other guys “stood” for a long time, I saw it well, because my head was turned 90 degrees and used instead of the vagina. Gray stood right next to me and photographed. How long did it last for a short time, but I lost consciousness and could not remember anything, no matter how I tried. Only short islands emerged occasionally. In them were only their moans and cries: "hold her tight", "let's not be shy" and so on.

Why they raped me, I do not know, it is clear that teenagers play hormones, but this is no excuse. Several times I heard about the rape in this forest, but did not attach any importance to this. If my story is to my liking, then the continuation follows and is already awaiting presentation.

  • Nimrod (a guest)
    January 29, 2013 19:37

    It would be better if you remained a reader.


    • Rating: 0
  • Xz (a guest)
    January 29, 2013 20:21

    No need to continue. Have mercy on visitors to this site.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 29, 2013 20:24

    what didn't you like at all?


    • Rating: 0
  • January 29, 2013 21:07

    Crumpled, not thought out, not interesting ...


    • Rating: 0
  • Glory to Don (a guest)
    January 29, 2013 21:32

    well ... well and muck. stupidly described, does not excite. The author is stupid like a cork, although she herself probably finished a hundred times until she wrote


    • Rating: 0
  • January 29, 2013 21:39

    Can I ask without insults ?!


    • Rating: 0
  • Ivan Belousov (a guest)
    January 29, 2013 21:56

    Sveta, keep writing until you have at least one reader keep writing for him! thank


    • Rating: 0
  • Dvoshch (a guest)
    January 29, 2013 23:55

    You can ask without insults. The story sucks. In the garbage reports in the speed info more like.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 30, 2013 21:21

    Oh, thanks! Ham!


    • Rating: 0
  • January 29, 2013 21:58

    One reader is YOU? I have a sequel ... but I first look at the reviews of other readers. Thanks you


    • Rating: 0
  • January 29, 2013 22:20

    If you want to write further - try to think through the plot of the story. You just do not have it.
    Does the shy girl in the forest change the gasket? When to go home to a maximum of 10 minutes? Do not make me laugh. If you really want to write on the topic of coercion - read the stories of Zoi - here he is a master.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 29, 2013 23:30

    Does anyone know how to delete a story? I can not find...


    • Rating: 0
  • Dvoshch (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 0:06

    late now it's indelible shame and stigma for life


    • Rating: 0
  • Asha) (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 21:10

    Well, why is it so pessimistic, it's not live sex ... it's impossible to blunder here ... she tried herself in the role of a writer ... and she HAPPENED it! stigma, burned, and such a girl still need to catch ...


    • Rating: 0
  • Aspirin At Dog (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 0:26

    Violence is bad. It is necessary to shoot such creatures together with their hormones. And the author flew in vain, it's full of shit and worse than that. Just do not need gross violence and all.Do not worry sveta6789, you try and you will succeed.


    • Rating: 0
  • Matel (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 0:28

    on the artistic story is not very similar. presentation rather than writing.


    • Rating: 0
  • Aspirin At Dog (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 0:42

    I read all the comments and ohrenel, you gentlemen came to jerk here. And you want to find a piece of art here. Does not get up? Because with women you have to do it. Do not give? Give, but does not get up? Your problems. And you Slava Don would be better taught the lessons. Tomorrow you will get a deuce again.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 30, 2013 2:09

    I am a woman. And I do not like not what is described here, but how it is written.
    The author can write better. I believe.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 30, 2013 16:02

    totally agree.


    • Rating: 0
  • Yuri (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 5:23

    Write, I will wait for the continuation


    • Rating: 0
  • a guest (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 5:52

    Think of the plot to continue. The first pancake is lumpy, as they say, but if you write a sequel, think up the plot, the character of the heroine, and so on. And so, until the confusion turned out. Walking in the woods, changing the gasket was raped. Not good at all


    • Rating: 0
  • Timofey (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 8:34

    yes, I'm waiting for the continuation


    • Rating: 0
  • January 30, 2013 10:04

    the story is normal, only monthly nevtemu, this fyaka ...


    • Rating: 0
  • Testicles (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 11:13

    Light, but I liked it very much. how about the gasket saw - instantly got up. I love this thing, smells, panties and so on. keep going


    • Rating: 0
  • January 30, 2013 12:00

    There is a function - EDIT. Like AUTHOR - use this feature. In fact, any author of the work writes for the seven stages:
    1. write on one breath (exhale);
    2. break into paragraphs and correct spelling;
    3. edit each sentence on the subject of readability;
    4. try to catch: “is there a plot at all”;
    5. separately for himself to find and the plot in each paragraph and in the tales IN GENERAL;
    6. rewrite everything previously written from beginning to end in terms of PLOTNESS;
    7. edit everything in a new way.
    And this ends the first stage of creating a preliminary version. If the preliminary version was successful from your point of view - well, lay out to the public.
    Svetik, a bit of “no fuss,” refer to the need to comply with all stages of creating your creations and you will succeed. The fact is that you have something to say, have something to share and this is the main motor component for your future success.
    I kiss your front foot.
    And more orgasms beautiful and different!
    Note: today provoke the gangster and the bucket "all-in-semen" write "as horrible" and in the mode "chunks-from-fragments" throw it off to me - we will discuss and immediately provoke a new gang-group and write the sensations again. So in a week or two or a month or two, we will translate your daily creative LIVE experiences into one or another tale ...


    • Rating: 0
  • January 30, 2013 16:06



    • Rating: 0
  • Vic (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 15:41

    The author, I think you should continue to write, I am sure you will succeed. Do not despair. Good luck !!!


    • Rating: 0
  • January 30, 2013 17:52

    Short and slightly, but overall not bad. No worse than many on this site. Do not insult the author, especially if it is a girl ... Insulting a stranger to you is low. Insulting a girl, you lower yourself to the level of rats ...

    Light, submit a continuation))) only more descriptions;)


    • Rating: 0
  • Asha) (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 21:02

    I appeal to the author! The story of a fairly common story, if you beat it becomes more interesting ... I read stories here a long time ago ... and believe me, this is not the most neglected case. Many of those who wrote comments are critics who cannot express their point of view and develop it ... Yes, from the very beginning, the feeling of “maybe you shouldn't read it?” Overtook you. More adjectives! More feelings! I could never understand the authors who write stories of 1-2 pages ... not spelled out ... I read the stories above the unsubscribing Yako ... read out! Yes, the genre is completely different, but ... Read the other authors, borrow some momentum ... Write the plot ... So far this is a "spineless sketches" but it will go to C grade! I wish you continued success ... Thank you! Best regards, Alexandra.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 30, 2013 21:11

    Honestly I wrote for the first time, laid out on the network - I wonder who would say anything ... but all the first comments I was greatly “crushed”. After that, any desire to post a sequel at the request of some readers disappeared. Therefore, I decided to do away with writing! I would like to look at the first stories of the other participants! I do not think that they are all relatives of Tolstoy and Pushkin! Here they see that the author is new, that this is the very first publication! Would give some farewell in the end! And then immediately - "STUFFING Cork!" I'd rather read all the wits there!


    • Rating: 0
  • Asha) (a guest)
    January 30, 2013 21:18

    Svetochka! Well, why is it so, right? no need to chop with hot! I understand your condition perfectly ... I have never taken note of my fantasies ... I’m probably staying as a guest for 2-3 years already ... I read a lot ... I’m still a critic to this day! if you want, I can help exactly morally ... just do not worry!


    • Rating: 0
  • January 30, 2013 22:58

    I agree with Asha. Do not be afraid. The first pancake is lumpy - who does not happen? And do not pay attention to insults - they are not written by the most intelligent people))))
    You have been given some tips here - in my opinion, very useful. You can, just do not know how)))
    But this is fixable))) If that - write in a personal)


    • Rating: 0
  • Asha) (a guest)
    January 31, 2013 0:24

    in general it is very difficult to judge the potential by one story ... they offered help ... we're all people! you will not please everyone!


    • Rating: 0
  • Sanchez (a guest)
    February 1, 2013 8:47

    By the way, why wear a dress over a skirt? New fashion such?))
    "I was in a skirt just above the knee."
    “He just ripped off my dress in one motion, and I ended up in panties and a bra”
    Short story and that bloopers ...


    • Rating: 0
  • vsijr (a guest)
    February 1, 2013 20:07

    And I personally liked it! Of course, I read better, but it happens a lot worse! Keep writing!


    • Rating: 0
  • Pedobirochka (a guest)
    February 1, 2013 20:52

    The author is not afraid to call in trouble? At least from the third person wrote


    • Rating: 0
  • Dimas (a guest)
    February 4, 2013 21:58

    And I liked it, I want to continue!


    • Rating: 0
  • Gosh (a guest)
    April 25, 2013 1:03

    There are such stupid drochery, which just to crap and shame. Do not pay attention to these shkololo)))
    Write more! More feelings and succeed!


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