1. Deal
  2. Deal. Chapter 3
  3. Deal. Chapter 4

Page: 6 of 6

I really did not want to try again one of her great blows. The instinct of self-preservation did not allow me to remind her that the majority of this money was earned by me in the trade in her holes.

- No, that's it, - I had to agree, gritting my teeth. “Sorry, but what should I do if someone comes in here?”

- You are so stupid that you wondered - why didn’t anyone come here to the men's toilet of the nightclub for half an hour? - as she looked at the fool at me. - I put a sign in front of the door "Toilet does not work." But if anyone comes you a big girl, think of something.

Without hesitation, she left me alone with my new reflection. The muffled noise of music and fun no longer seemed so pleasant to me, on the contrary, frightening. It seemed to me that a half-drunk peasant was about to enter and see me the way I became. A sense of panic consumed me, making my heart pound in my chest. Obeying a keen desire to disappear, to fall through the ground, I locked myself in a stall and sat with my legs tucked into the toilet. No matter how silly it was, but it became a little easier.

Ten minutes passed, then twenty. Time passed, but Alyona did not come. Now, fear and anger at her irresponsibility were mixed with fear. I don’t know how much time has passed, but finally, from the entrance side, there was a noise and drunk snapping Alain in the embrace with a bottle of 12 year old cognac and richly dressed, well-groomed representative of golden youth burst into the toilet. Prior to that, she did not drink alcohol for a month thanks to editing - I do not like drunken women.

- In-vooot and weyy. Meet - stupidly giggling said Podataya Alena Petrovna. “Hey ... what's your name now? ... Ah, Lola!” Lola-2 come out!

“I am here,” I answered, not in the fall, without waiting for her to start breaking into each booth. The new nickname worried me the least.

- Duc fuck, of course here. Where else would you be? - the ex-teacher drunkenly giggled and took a sip from her throat. - In-come out, gru!

- But I'm ... without clothes ...

She laughed loudly, slapping the “golden” guy on the shoulder every now and then, as if I had told her a joke. The guy even smiled in response, looking forward with a relaxed and slightly misty look. I had already seen this look, it meant that it was not only drinking that could be obtained here.

“So I have your clothes, you are my busty, but you need to earn them,” she said drunkenly, giggling, shaking a small bag. - Stop pulling the cat by the balls, come out! Otherwise, we get bored and leave, taking with him a sign on the door.

Her threats quickly had their effect, because the alternative really scared. The stall door opened and I splashed off with my bare feet, covering my breasts and crotch with my hands. This whore definitely liked to humiliate me.

The guy whistled appreciatively appreciating me.

- Good. As agreed?

She with a smile, quickly slipped out of his arms and walked behind me, gently running her hands over the curves of my body and finding in it a response. Breathing to my neck, Alyona gently hugged me as she did before ... I did not have time to blink an eye, and her hands had already grabbed my wrists and spread them to the sides, exposing my breasts.

“As agreed,” Alain confirmed with a wink at the guy and roughly thrusting me into his hands, finally weighing the loud slap on the left half-copy. - Her point is at your disposal. And do not hold back, this pig - mazahistochka. He loves harder.

Grinning, this obdolbysh with the habits of the blind, grinning disgustingly and breathing fume on me, began to paw my mouthwatering appetizing forms. The blood rushed to my head, but I was afraid to make a wrong move, staring imploringly at Alain who was buried in the phone. Looking up from the screen, she smiled at me, and, as if nothing had happened, waved approvingly. There was a click and my shameful photom appeared in her phone. Then she switched to shooting video. Help was waiting for nowhere.

The traitorous body responded to the rude, humiliating caresses of the undemishka by the warmth spreading down the abdomen and swollen nipples. Holding me with one hand around the waist and snorting excitedly at my nape, with the other hand he penetrated the hollow between my “buns” and felt the ring of the anus into it. I shuddered, and instead of the expected “Ai!” A low grunting flew from my lips! Alena just could not stand aside.

- Dear little pig, - taking my grunting for the game, this pervert croaked excitedly. Letting go of my waist, his hand painfully grabbed my hair and dragged me to the washstand.

His finger did not leave my anus for a single second, completely entering into it and moving inside like a worm, giving birth to new unforgettable sensations in me.

- Hey, sow, do you like it when you are staring in the ass? - Bending over me through the sink and sealing my face to the mirror, he was hoarse in my ear. - Answer!

I sincerely tried to hate my hot fucking body, seeking help in the male beginning, but not finding it. And thanks to the fucking Dee and whore Alain, who drove me into this position - there was no choice left. But there was a wet hot pussy and ass, thirsting for "special attention". Plus, I'm too tired to resist and be afraid of what will inevitably happen, if I'm already in the grip of Alena Petrovna.

“Oink, oh,” I answered in a shaky voice, pushing my appetizing buttocks apart with my hands, as my Whore Petrovna had done for me not so long ago.

Under my excited grunting, which would have been moans a minute ago, he, satisfied with my answer, dropped his pants with his underpants and pulled out a finger from the hole. Then slowly, savoring the moment, began to drive a hot head in my ass. The guy easily noticed the gloss of grease on my swollen, poured blood pussy and began to rub with a dick about my crack with a roar, lubricating it before using it on my “rabbit hole”. Unwittingly squealing like a pig, I almost fell when my body was overwhelmed with a concentrated pleasure from my first girl orgasm. I could not believe the body can not be so sensitive! My girlfriend's cum warm spray splashed on the guy's cock, completing his preparation.

- Oh, nice nigger whore! - relish smacking my half-cops a couple of times, the guy exclaimed, docking the oiled dick to my anus. And now the head inside of me, and he, seizing me by the hair and squeezing chest, with all his weight is pressing, driving my dick into my narrow hole entirely. His every movement inside, literally burned me from the inside, expanding the virgin passage not so long ago, and I could not even complain about the pain, publishing only grunts and squeals of a fucking sow. A good five-minute-old guy with a vulgar chomp planted my dick on most tomatoes, slapping my scrotum on my wet pussy from excitement. By the time he had finished with a victorious sigh and letting everything down into me, I was already beginning to get used to the pain.

I wanted to fall through the ground, that's how embarrassing I became. It's a shame that I liked it. I did not have quite a bit to finish again and it drove into the paint. Do not ask him to continue?

- Hey, beauty, I like your chocolate chick, still green, but there is potential, - wiping a member of my ass praised me boyfriend and began to pull my pants. - Bring her again and I will arrange everything as promised.

- Thank you, Frankie, without fail, - Alain winked at him. Pretty smiling, she switched something in the phone and put it in her purse. Having waited for now, he would not dress and leave, she came up to me and, not completely disdaining, began collecting sperm dripping from the ass into her palm.

- Lick, - said Alain, putting in front of my nose the collected "harvest". - If you do not want to die of hunger - eat while giving.

“I'd rather cook at home for us,” I turned away in disgust in the hope that she would retreat. But Alain insisted.

“Do not make me repeat twice,” she said rudely at my hair. - Eat and we'll go home. Do not kuksis, fool, try it - maybe like it.

Wishing to get out of this place as soon as possible, I quickly licked everything up like bitter medicine. Taste cum unexpectedly surprised me, giving the unknown, but pleasant taste sensations.During love pleasures with an Englishwoman, I accidentally had a chance to taste my sperm a couple of times, but it was something new. Elena could not help noticing my surprise, and the way I licked my lips.

“As I said,” she smiled mysteriously, tossing me a bag of clothes. - Get dressed.

I did not need to repeat twice. In the package, I found red stockings with beautiful netting and thick stripes on the sides; miniature blue panties made of glossy stretch fabric, front and back, gathered on metal rings; A full red bodice gang barely covering my bulk chest: lacquered pink sandals on a platform with high heels and a black mini skirt with pleats. Needless to say, no decent woman would wear this outfit. But I did not expect anything else from Alena.

- What? Here you are not a boutique - I was able to bargain with the local butterflies for what I have, - Alain shrugged her shoulders when she noticed my disgusting look. - Do not like it - go in the costume of Eve, I do not care.

Quietly swearing, I began to dress slowly, gradually getting used to my position.

- Drop your past peasant habits, get used to it - now you're a girl. Denial will only bring you more trouble, - tastefully sipping from a bottle was instructed by Alena Petrovna sitting on the sink with her legs crossed. “Moreover, we both know that you liked this innocent anal with Franky.” And then it will be more fun. Where more fun ...

It’s really unbearable to think about yourself in the masculine after the experience. I was just beginning to learn my female body, but I already managed to understand that it is very different from the male, and possibly from the human. Who knows exactly how this blond wheeler “modified” me?

“Take it as a gift, an opportunity to start from scratch,” the ex-teacher continued. It looks like alcohol unleashed her tongue and pulled her onto the philosophy. - Of course, now I will not leave you to the chambers until you fully pay me all the debts ... And this is not how much money ... Well, you understand? * Ik! * But then, who knows?

I listened to her half an ear, solving the biggest puzzle in my life called “women's clothes”. Zipping up the side of the zipper skirt, I left the most difficult obstacle - shoes. If I had my way, I would have gone barefoot, but without a doubt this will not suit my good "instructor." Until now, I did not know how dangerous it is under the degree, but I didn’t want to check.

And now I am standing up, standing in front of the mirror, ready to admit that the girl turned out to be really nothing. Of course, it was difficult to move around, and not only because of the nightmare hairpins, but also the bodice of the gang from which they strove to jump out of my breasts. Bending down was for me contraindicated.

“You’ve made a very tasty slut, Lola.”

To top it off, Alyona helped me tidy up the hair on my head, combing it with my comb, and put on my lips pink lipstick. Pleased with my appearance, she took me by the arm and we finally got out of the ill-fated toilet.

Moving slowly, so as not to fall, I caught on myself excited glances of guys and even girls. Together with Alyona, under the pen, we looked like lesbian girlfriends and it suited me. I did not want to become a target for male molestation, not now - I was too tired both physically and mentally. I have not even had the strength to be ashamed of her vulgar kind, when we got into a taxi and the taxi driver elderly quietly, thinking that I can not hear, swore, calling me nigger whore.

At home, I happily got rid of the shoes, which were a hundred pounds, came up with pronounced sadists, and right in my clothes I fell into sleep in the former room of Alena. In the room whores. Neither the strength nor the ability, but as I suspected, I had no desire to fight for the dominant role.We both knew who was boss.

  • Sergey (a guest)
    December 23, 2012 15:42

    Hmm, bullshit, fantasy is certainly a good thing, but in our pragmatic time, the guy would hardly have got it that way.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 23, 2012 16:29

    the author is well acquainted with the subtleties of the pyramidal technologies of sectarian trading companies :)

    In general, I liked the story


    • Rating: 0
  • Petoy (a guest)
    December 23, 2012 16:44

    written great, more sex.


    • Rating: 0
  • noname (a guest)
    December 23, 2012 17:43

    the guy got what he deserved
    Indeed, not enough sex with a guy in the role of a guy.
    Would paint the details of their first night in more detail)


    • Rating: 0
  • December 23, 2012 19:49

    Well, this is just the beginning. Without a bit of tedious details describing his position and the situation in which he plunged, I could not make an interesting story. Not my style. But in the subsequent parts you can no longer be distracted by this and begin the story of Lola's sexual adventures. ;)
    Sergey, as I recall the school, teenagers, even if senior pupils, are not particularly used to thinking with their heads. Hormones are playing.
    Control, honestly, the first time I heard about them)
    Petoy, everything will be. ;)
    noname, I understand what you mean, but I didn’t want to focus on this more than usual, otherwise I would have had to paint the speaker for the whole month, and oh, how I didn’t want to rush into that pool. This chapter was planned more as a prologue ... And in my opinion, it was already so prolonged.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 25, 2012 14:12

    Powerfully! I read it with pleasure, I will wait for the continuation. And the plot is interesting.


    • Rating: 0
  • Hydrolisk (a guest)
    December 27, 2012 0:19

    In general, I liked it.
    At the expense of "in our pragmatic time, the guy would hardly have got so," even as he would have got. This is shkololo. These do not think at all. He would show himself cool and grown-up before a Saxi-Chixa ... And after being a bitch teacher, many men wouldn’t give a teacher a bitch and in 30 years would fall)))

    I didn’t like that ... Such a rich topic is very poorly revealed.
    He could not think of anything else to figure out how to make a whore out of the teacher?
    And in the end he was made too nymphomaniac black woman. Where not poke, all it excites and gives pleasure. Though in her ear fuck. And the teacher will carry out his terrible revenge by forcing him / her to end at every step in the female body? Ty ...

    The role of the demon in general is somehow incomprehensible. What is the use of a demon with this? As far as I know, demons receive power from various human emotions (fear, lust, hate, etc.). All that they do with people is aimed at reinforcing the desired emotion. And then it seems that she just had nothing to do here and decided to relax.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 27, 2012 23:18

    Hydrolisk, as I wrote, is an epilogue. I did not want to tighten it. Details will be on. And in general, this is a porn story, you can’t clog it too much with details. At least not immediately, otherwise it will devil that. Everything should be done gradually)


    • Rating: 0
  • Hydrolisk (a guest)
    December 29, 2012 1:57

    Evilian, the epilogue in my opinion ends at the moment where the demon offers a deal: teacher for a month in exchange for 5 months. experiments.
    How to get a reader.

    Anyway. Since such an epilogue, what should be the main plot? I'm already interested))


    • Rating: 0
  • lol (a guest)
    December 29, 2012 18:08

    I'm waiting for him to be a kid again


    • Rating: 0
  • January 3, 2013 1:15

    the story is great but your previous story was much better
    P. S Lay out please the continuation of the story New Life. Lena's Incredible Adventure would love to know how it all ends


    • Rating: 0
  • January 7, 2013 22:33

    It’s hard to believe that the guy got caught like that though a schoolboy, etc. After all, so many films were about these contracts ... Although since he is such a woman to become a whore, he thought of it, I think there is a road to him)))
    Negrityanochka turned out very supersky on the description, but the idea that it was all the same guy was completely beat off everything. Put 10 Cooney per scene in the school toilet.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 10, 2013 1:42

    I like it. Such an interesting secret fantasy of many naturals)


    • Rating: 0
  • May 4, 2013 4:07

    Not bad, the plot is original, the style is pleasant. In my opinion for the porn story a little bit porn, but let's see what will happen in the sequel)


    • Rating: 0
  • March 6, 2017 0:56

    I read three parts, and yes, quite interesting.
    What did not like.
    Too quickly everything happens in the first part, even though the author explained that this is more like a prologue than the main plot, but still ...
    Further, the fact that he / she has become a black woman (no, I am not a racist, I am simply not used to a little bit, that's all).
    About the demon and why she needs it.
    Why not. If she lived ... a cloud of years, and she was tired of everything, then why not just have fun.
    About the fact that the demons eat. Quote "fear, lust, hatred, etc." (add more "pain", "greediness", "grief" Read above from Hydrolisk.
    Here in many ways you are wrong. Since there are different emotions, then the demons are also different, and they have their own hierarchy.
    I am reading the story right now on this topic, and everything is described in great detail there. I would have thrown off here, but the text is very large.

    Above there were various disputes about the adequacy of the boy (age, transitional age, sperm toxemia, the fact that he was still shkolota, and so on). "Well, you can also add about the direction of the capabilities of the phone." I will say this in due time, I also argued that I would have disposed, or someone else would have been better, and described these moments (who are interested in reading my comments), so do not forget the people that here on the site the topic goes PORNO and everything with it connected, and therefore there is no sense to look for logic.
    I will read completely leave comments in the last part, which will be at that time.

    But I want to say right away.
    I liked it, very few people write in this direction.


    • Rating: 0
  • June 22, 2017 20:50



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