1. Mezhdurechensk - Kemerovo - ...
  2. Kemerovo - Tomsk
  3. Mezhdurechensk - Myski - Rostov-on-Don

Page: 3 of 3

everything is also the example of Sergei moved aside my already pretty wet panties, parted his lips and put the head of the penis to my bosom. Oleg succumbed to me, but I immediately stopped him: "I myself."

I have never had such thick members, I began to carefully sit down on a cudgel, it was impossible to call her otherwise, since Sergei's sperm served as primary lubricant. From the anticipation of good sex, my pussy began to give out huge portions of lubricant. I went down by 5 centimeters, and felt that I was about to break, with difficulty I continued to descend. There was no pain, there was a feeling of wild discomfort, which was gradually supplanted by pleasure. Gentle walls of the vagina traitorously moved apart under pressure, completely letting in his penis. (especially for eroticspace.info — seksithails.org) The phrase flashed in my head: “You shouldn't be afraid of big ones, you know how to expand”. It was an exact statement, because in a minute I was completely sitting on this cock. Oleg pulled off my T-shirt and threw it aside, he didn’t manage to take off the bra, so he just pulled the cups down and immediately put his lips to my nipple. The lower abdomen, though it was stretched in tension, but gave sweet whining all over the topic, somewhere in the depths of me the fever poured, I put my hands on the man’s shoulders, and began to rise slightly. The first movements were given with difficulty, but the increasing lubrication did its job, I soon soon rode unhindered on the penis, maintaining an even and good pace. Oleg knocked my hair into one side with one hand and pulled me close, peering into my face:

- Do you want to kiss? - I suddenly asked - do not disdain?

“Something else,” Oleg replied, and dug into my lips, our tongues rallied.

- You have a boyfriend? You cheated on him - Oleg stepped back and began to kiss my neck, unexpected questions for such a situation.

I closed my eyes, continuing to ride on a thick cock and through the moans articulately literally sang:

- Yes, and I'm going to him, yes, cheated twice, you are the third.

From such an unexpected confession fiery fireworks exploded in my head, millions of sparkles of which scattered throughout my body with pleasure. My vagina began to shrink convulsively, my legs were twitched by a pleasant convulsion, the orgasm was so colorful and strong that I fell down completely on Oleg, he realized that I was now a little confused and grabbed my buttocks and began to dress me on my dick. My head just lay on his shoulder, literally a minute later, the man squeezed my buttocks with force, which I already screamed: "Aw, pain, bruises will be." But he didn’t hear me, but just frantically began to stick my ass on the piston, I decided to help him and began to move my pelvis to the beat of his frictions, as far as his hands allowed me. Oleg snarled and planted me to the end, for the second time during the evening a male seed was spreading inside me, completely filling me. Oleg let me go, my legs were sore, I cautiously got up and was horrified to find that my vagina did not want to completely close, there was a small hole that was slowly tightening. From it to the floor began to drip semen. For some reason, I wanted to keep it in myself longer and I adjusted my panties, closing the expiring womb.

Oleg looked at me hopefully:

- Maybe you still clean it? I’m almost under your juices

- You can persuade - like a cat purred me, stood in front of him with the letter "G" and stretched my lips to the member.

It was the second member who was in my mouth in my whole life. I must say that it was harder to suck him because of his size, and Oleg, unlike Sergei, tried to push me deeper into the throat, I had to hold him with my hand, a kind of limiter. Soon all the sperm and my juices were removed, and all my attempts to raise the dead member had no effect. He continued to slowly decrease in size ...I got up and looked first at Oleg, and then at the penis, and again at Oleg, who ponulously threw up his hands: “Well, nothing, we will still have time.” I turned back, Sergei sat and smoked at the driver's seat, he was already fully dressed, saw in the mirror that we had finished, started the bus and started off. Oleg also began to dress. I began to examine the hanging tights, and immediately found bruises on the buttocks, with a reproach looked at Oleg:

- I told you, my skin is tender

- Sorry, Tanya, and we will buy tights for you in Kemerovo - Oleg made excuses.

I waved my hand:

- Nothing, let rest ...

I took off my shoes, threw off the torn tights, pulled off my panties and started wiping off all the traces of recent sex with napkins, the panties were wet through, I had to take them off, for some reason I didn’t want to throw them away. But attempts were negated. I threw them in a small vacuum bag and threw it into my bag. It’s good that I had removable shorts for life in a hostel, they only lay in the luggage bag. The T-shirt and the skirt were surprisingly clean. About ten wet wipes did their job, although my vagina continued to squeeze out the sperm droplets. I tiredly fell into the back seat to the place where Oleg had just sat and fucked me. And I was cut off, woke up by the fact that the controller woke me up:

- Girl, you are in Kemerovo, a break of 15 minutes, you have to get off the bus, sanitary treatment of the cabin.


(c) D.Viv. 03a604eHHbIu

  • November 25, 2012 20:16

    I can't add a wallet (some problems on webmoney) (:: but I want to participate in the contest of the best stories


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  • Man from Kemerovo (a guest)
    November 27, 2012 10:30 pm



    • Rating: 0
  • November 27, 2012 23:28

    fine. keep going


    • Rating: 0
  • Boss A. (a guest)
    November 28, 2012 0:32

    Great story! Keep going More such stories, heroines, and girls in general!


    • Rating: 0
  • Lokki (a guest)
    November 28, 2012 12:07



    • Rating: 0
  • November 28, 2012 15:10

    Good story.


    • Rating: 0
  • November 29, 2012 20:57

    quite worthy!


    • Rating: 0
  • November 29, 2012 21:09

    very hooked!) well done!


    • Rating: 0
  • November 29, 2012 21:16

    Unreal, amazing, graceful !!! And how correctly stated!


    • Rating: 0
  • December 2, 2012 8:34

    I liked it) Desyatochka)


    • Rating: 0
  • December 2, 2012 21:17

    Great story! Keep up the good work.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 3, 2012 9:44

    Yes, cool story, I already shook off without even reading half! well done :) Tanya, hehe


    • Rating: 0
  • December 3, 2012 15:10

    To be continued the other day already


    • Rating: 0
  • Cook (a guest)
    December 12, 2012 0:16

    let's continue


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