Marina was 40 years old, and she has never been so brave. Find the address in the newspaper, and then come to such an institution. The sight of the main doctor delighted and reassured Marina - a pleasant woman of 50 years old, with graying uncolored hair and eyes without a drop of makeup behind thick glasses. The doctress spoke with Marina, and recommended a program called “The Four Elements” to her. She said that Marina should come to the clinic the day after tomorrow by 9 am, and it would be better if she shaved off pubic hair. The procedure will last 4 hours and Marina will inform the doctors who will work with her about the details.

Marina came to the clinic half an hour before the appointed time. Never in all 40 years of her life has your heart beat so fast. Being practical, Marina just in case brought a few bedclothes, a nightgown and a pair of socks. Pubic hair and genital lips, she carefully removed using a depilator.

A handsome man of about 35 came up to Marina - he was dressed in a white medical suit, and a business card with the name “Boris” was pinned on his chest. He shook Marina's hand - his hand was very gentle, despite the pumped up biceps, and led her into the office. There he presented his assistant to Marina, a young handsome guy of about 25 named Anton.

Boris took Marina by the hand and looked into her eyes.

- Marina, as our Chief Doctor explained to you, our company does not provide sexual services. All that will happen in this room is only for you to get to know your body and its capabilities better. The door of this room is locked. In the next 4 hours, no one here, except for me and Anton will not enter. Your main task is to completely relax and trust us, your instructors. You are ready?

His eyes were so kind, Marina nodded her head, despite the trembling in her body.

- Good. Marina, you must completely take off your clothes. This is one of the conditions for the success of our procedure. No clothes should interfere with the sensations of your body. Please undress here on the couch.

Marina undressed. For her age, she had a good figure, although, of course, after three times motherhood, her breasts dropped and her stomach was covered with stretch marks.

- We will start with a cleansing enema. Please stand in the knee-elbow position here, on the couch, and Anton will give you an enema. Over there, - Boris pointed to the door, - there are a toilet and a bidet. You can wash yourself after the enema.

Marina was all shaking with shame, but bravely endured an enema. She was soaked for a long time on the bidet and finally went back to the office, terribly embarrassed to show her naked body to two young men.

“Please, sit in a chair,” Boris invited, pulling on latex gloves. The chair was adjusted so that her knees were raised high and were divorced to the limit.

Boris approached her.

- Marina, now we will go through the first element of our program. This is the easiest clitoral orgasm without affecting other parts of your body. I will start massaging your clitoris with your finger, and then, depending on your reaction, I will continue with the vibrator. Your task is to completely relax and concentrate on what you feel.

She squeezed her eyes tight and bit her lip ... His fingers parted her labia and pulled her skin up to free her clit from under the hood. And the finger, abundantly lubricated with lubricant, began to massage this tubercle. At first, Marina simply died of shame, but gradually completely different thoughts and feelings began to overwhelm her ... He did not even have to use a prepared vibrator. She screamed with voluptuous pleasure when she came under the gentle pressure of his finger on her bud. For all 40 years of her life, she has never had to experience such sensuality ... Anton gently helped her get up from the chair and took her and laid her on the couch so that she could rest.

- Marina, it's time for us to move on to the second element of our program, - Anton woke her up, helped her to get up and walked to the massage table. He and Boris put Marina in a knee-chest position. It was just awful for Marina, she was always terrified of an anal invasion and had never experienced anything like that in her life. Boris began to massage her anus very gently, only after a few minutes the phalanx of his finger was inside, continuing to gently stretch the sphincter. Then there was a small vibrator in the pope - thick and a little longer than a finger. Boris increased the pressure, putting more and more large objects in her ass. After 30 minutes of “warm-up”, a huge dildo, 7 centimeters thick and 30 cm long, turned out to be in her anus, and at that moment a powerful vibrator was attached to Marina’s clit, thanks to which she immediately finished. Anton grabbed her under the arms and led her away — most likely he carried it to the couch for a rest.

- Marina, now there will be a stage that is most pleasant for most women, but we have to put your legs in a not very familiar position - precisely in order to maximize your feelings during the procedure. Have you heard about high lithotomy? Well, of course she did not hear and trembled from timid obedience. Boris put her in a chair, her legs turned out to be high - her knees were at the level of her eyes - and so widely separated that she felt a stretch in the muscles of her hips. Boris gently massaged her clitoris to achieve initial arousal, and began to insert various objects into her vagina, moving to an ever larger size. At first there were small balls the size of a walnut, things gradually increased. Despite shame and timidity, Marina began to moan with pleasure. Involuntarily, her elbows bent and her fingers began to caress her nipples. The culmination of the program was the Rubik's cube - having well prepared and stretched her vagina, Boris inserted it and attached a powerful vibrator to her clitoris. Marina ended up screaming, pushing the cube out with such force that he flew a few meters away.

Anton in her arms carried the exhausted Marina to the couch, and she fell soundly asleep. Half an hour later, Anton woke her up and helped her lie down in a chair. It was the most exciting stage of the procedure - Marina was supposed to finish, testing the stimulation of various areas of her body. Boris plentifully smeared her crotch with a lubricant and inserted large long vibrators into the anus and vagina. Anton attached stimulants to her nipples that simultaneously “sucked” and “licked” them. Already from this impact, Marina began to moan and "podmahivat" his pelvis. According to the official description of the procedure, Boris just had to excite her clitoris with a vibrator - but he really wanted to do a little more for this woman. He pulled off his latex glove, dipped his finger in the lubricant and began to gently caress her clit. Finally, Marina let herself go, relaxed, and completely surrendered to the senses. Boris caressed her clit very slowly - he wanted to extend her pleasure. Several times he saw that she came close to orgasm — he stopped and gently blew on her clit to cool this passion reactor; and then continued again. Finally, he felt that she was about to finish, and it was already impossible to stop it. He stuck his tongue and lips to her clitoris and sucked this bud in himself when her body shook with convulsions of orgasm.

Anton moved unfeeling Marina on a gurney and took her to the rest room. Under the terms of the contract, Marina could stay in the clinic until the next morning. When she woke up, the nurse politely offered her a cup of tea and biscuits, but Marina refused. Burning with shame, she ran to the toilet and quickly pulled on her clothes; and ran out of the clinic into the street. She ran and ran until she found herself in a crowded street near the metro station.

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