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Kim worked in the company for many years and was an excellent specialist - project manager. All the directors of the factories — and she worked with 4 plants — wanted to get her on their large projects (launches of new technological lines, equipment upgrades, etc.). Suddenly, their company was bought by one big concern. The parent company did an audit of the plants and was very unhappy with one of the factories located in a small town in the south of the Netherlands. Indeed, the efficiency of the factory was low, and the cost of production was very high. The parent company has instructed - to throw all the best resources to improve the efficiency of this factory. And Kim was appointed to coordinate all major efficiency projects. She was supposed to stay and work in Amsterdam, but would spend half the time at that factory.

She was not at that factory for 2 years. She arrived early, and all morning was in a meeting with the new production manager. His name was Marnix, and he was only recently transferred from another plant owned by the parent company. He was a very self-confident and strong manager. At the meeting, Kim thought that Marnix was holding her gaze a little longer than necessary, and this embarrassed, but pleasantly pleased her. Anyway - she was a business woman, but still a woman. After the meeting, they went to lunch. When she approached the checkout, another man suddenly called out to her: “Hello, Kim.” She turned around - a beautiful young man stood in front of her, but she did not recognize his face. Glancing carefully at the badge on his chest, she smiled - well, of course, this is Guido, the chief engineer of the factory, how could she not know? He was dressed in a uniform — snow-white trousers and a short-sleeved T-shirt, he held a tray in front of him and she noticed how his powerful biceps played. How interesting - she met him once 2 years ago, when he was not yet the chief engineer, but didn’t pay attention to him as a man, and now she recognized that he is very handsome and incredibly sexy.

She sat at a table with Marnix, and at the end of lunch he said: “Kim, I was very pleased to meet you. May I invite you to a glass of wine? I cannot do this today - we are launching a new technological line and I will have to be here until night, but I would like to invite you tomorrow after work. ” Kim was pleased that he invited her, and she happily agreed. We agreed that he would pick her up at 6 pm at the main entrance.

When she was leaving the dining room, Guido called her again. “Kim, I heard you were assigned to coordinate our projects. I would like to arrange a meeting with you and discuss new directives of the head company - today I cannot because of the launch of the new line, so let's arrange a meeting tomorrow. ”

The meeting was scheduled for 5 pm. But something broke in production, and he returned to his desk only at 6 o'clock.

- Kim, I apologize - my help was urgently needed. We can talk tomorrow?

- No, unfortunately tomorrow morning I leave already - I need a meeting at the main office. But if you have time, we can linger and still talk.

Suddenly her phone rang - Marnix was waiting for her.

- Marnix, I am very sorry, but I can not go with you - I have a meeting with Guido, he was delayed in production, but we definitely need to talk. But anyway, thank you very much for the invitation.

Guido looked at her in surprise.

- Because of the meeting with me, did you refuse to have dinner with the Marnix?

“Nothing senior, business is more important,” she really wanted to believe that business is more important, fearing herself to admit that in fact the conversation with Guido is more important to her.

They reviewed the documentation for the major projects, and she began to explain to him how the parent company reasserted the budget.

They sat at the same table and both looked at the computers and their forearms lay on the table. Suddenly, Guido slightly moved his hand, as if inadvertently, and his forearm touched her arm. Well, of course, Kim felt it, but pretended not to notice and did not move her hand away. Guido smelled slightly of some delicious cologne. His strong palms were very well-groomed - which happens rarely with engineers working in manufacturing. With horror she drove away the thought from herself, but she felt that she wanted this man.

After the conversation, Guido warmly thanked her. It was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

- Listen, Kim - I detained you, because of me you did not go with Marnix - I owe you at least a gorgeous dinner. Can I invite you?

- Guido, not today. I need to go to bed late - tomorrow I have to get up at 4 am. But when I will be here next time, I will gladly accept your invitation - if it still remains in force.

- Well, of course! Can I then even give you a lift to the hotel?

They were driving along a dark road. She inhaled the scent of his cologne and tried to calm her breathing, so that he would not hear. She could not help it - she was already very excited and really wanted him. Her excited clit rubbed against tight thong panties. Guido stopped in front of the hotel, looked at her and smiled. She just wanted to thank him and say good night to him. But looking into his eyes, the words froze on her tongue and she could not take her eyes off him. A wave of mad desire swept over her; she saw that he, too, wanted her, and she knew that he, too, saw her desire. They looked at each other and understood everything, but none of them dared to take the first step. Finally he reached out and took her hand. He squeezed her lightly, stroking it, and her palm also began to move in his hand, until their fingers intertwined.

“Do you want me to stay with you tonight?” He whispered.

She could only nod her head ... They went up to her room, took out a bottle of wine from the minibar and drank a glass. From wine to an empty stomach, dizzy for both. Kim leaned her back against the wall. He approached her and with great tenderness touched her lips and tongue to her lips. God, his lips were as soft as silk, she had never had such kisses. She had many fleeting novels, and at the beginning of a relationship men usually passionately dug into her lips and shoved their tongues into her mouth. She hated these "French kisses." Guido slid his lips down his neck and began to unbutton her blouse. When his breasts appeared, tightly tightened and raised bra, he put his hands behind her back, rastenguul and took off her bra and gently touched her strongly erogirovanny nipples with his tongue, which caused a tremor in her body and a sweet moan. Kim unbuttoned and took off his shirt and hugged him, with pleasure stroking the rolling muscles of the muscles under the smooth skin. Incredibly - the touch of his big, pumped up hands was as neat and gentle as the little hands of a child. He picked her up in his arms, carried her to the bed and slowly undressed, looking into her eyes - by this time she was wearing only a pleated skirt, fishnet tights, high heels and now very wet panties - stings; then he took off his pants. He had a delicious figure, kilograms of 90 muscles without a single gram of fat. Kim spread her knees towards him, his hand slipped between them and his finger began to caress the clitoris. Again, he did everything so carefully and gently, he only barely touched her with very slow circular movements - but this excited her much more than the strong pressure of the most powerful of her vibrators. At the same time he leaned over and gently touched his tongue and lips to her nipples. The clitoris just burst with excitement and she almost immediately finished. Her orgasm was also very gentle - she did not shake from convulsions, just her body was poured hot from head to toe ...

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