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Jeff could never understand why Helen chose him as a father for her child. She was a beautiful and glamorous woman; there were always at least a dozen young men circling around her, including several pumped up handsome men who were shiny, pumped by hair gel - real insect gobies. And yet she chose Jeff. That evening she came to his home, it was too late. Surprised and delighted by the unexpected visit, he helped her take off her coat and froze ... She was only wearing a short translucent lace shirt, through which her bright erogirovanny nipples shamelessly shone through. Helen walked into the living room, lay down on the sofa and spread her knees gracefully. She was not wearing panties. She gave him a few minutes of unearthly pleasure, and in exchange received what she wanted - his male seed. Jeff was all melting with tenderness - he had not had women for a long time, and he had never had such a woman. He did not know how to express gratitude for the pleasure she had given him, and he tried to embarrass her shoulder and stroke her hair. Helen, on the contrary, was completely cold. She pulled away from him and said:

- I stopped drinking pills.

Jeff tried to understand what she was talking about.

- According to my calculations, I should have ovulation today - I hope that I can get pregnant. I want to have a baby, Jeff.

The thoughts in Jeff's head began to spin like a mad dance. A day ago, he could not even dream that he would be able to kiss the tips of her fingers, and now this woman herself has come to him and says that he wants to have a child from him ?!

“Helene, honey,” his voice broke, “I know that I have very few chances, but I love you so madly!” Please marry me.

“Okay,” Helen replied, “if I get pregnant, I will marry you.” But on one condition: during pregnancy, I will not have sex. I will not risk the life of my baby for the sake of fleeting pleasure.

Oh, then Jeff was ready to agree to any conditions! ..


A few months later they were married in a small circle of closest friends. Jeff simply shone with happiness and pride, throwing glances at her noticeably rounded tummy. One thing darkened his joy ... He would like so much to embrace and kiss this jewel — her belly, and cuddle up to him with his ear and listen to how their baby moves inside and how his little heart beats. But Helen absolutely did not let him to her. From that night, which was the first and the last, he never succeeded not only in embracing or kissing her, but even just stroking her shoulder or hair. She was so far away and unapproachable. Helen moved into his house, but took a separate bedroom. One of the first nights he wanted to go to her and kiss her for the night, but the door was locked. And he silently retreated, respecting her desire to be alone. Helen left her job and rather tolerably did everything she needed from a decent housewife — she bought groceries and cooked dinner for Jeff, washed his clothes, even stroked his shirts. But she practically did not talk to him. After removing the remnants of dinner from the table, she sat down every evening in a chair by the fireplace and read books about preparing for childbirth and child-rearing. At the weekend he took her out to nature, to the mountains or to the lake, and again she silently sat and read books. During the entire pregnancy, she only once allowed him to put her hand on her stomach in order to feel how their baby moves inside. When her childbirth began, she categorically forbade Jeff to be present in the ward. For 12 hours, he stood at the door of the hospital ward and, drenched in cold sweat, listened to her moans and cries before there was a baby crying.He was trembling with tenderness, he wanted to fall before her on his knees and kiss her, and whisper tender words to her to console her after suffering. But when he came to her, the words stopped in his tongue. She proudly handed him a son - a strong toddler almost 4 kg in weight. She wanted to praise the glorious baby, not sentimental tenderness.

Now Helena took her son in her arms every night and nursed him. She almost stopped eating dinner with Jeff. She laughed the baby, stroked his blond head, kissed his tiny fingers - in general, she did all the little stupid things with which young mothers often bestow their firstborn children. When the boy was hungry, she unbuttoned her blouse and breastfed him. But she always turned her back on Jeff, and he could not see this miracle — as a mother breastfeeds a baby. And to approach her and stroke her breasts - for this he simply lacked the courage. So many times when he returned home from work, he dreamed of how Helene would kiss and how her lips would answer him - but when he arrived home, he limply admired his wife from afar, not daring to approach her. And looking at this idyll between mother and son, Jeff realized more and more painfully that there was no place for him in this idyll. He got up bitterly and, wishing her good night, trudged up to his lonely bedroom.


On that day, her little boy was 3 months old. Jeff arrived home early, Helen prepared a gala dinner and they drank a bottle of wine - Helen decided to go to work soon and that is why she weaned the baby away from her breasts. He had not drunk for more than a year - the wine made him dizzy and he decided that tonight he would certainly be with Helene. In fact, their baby was very calm and almost never cried, but today - apparently from switching to artificial milk - he groaned a little and snapped at the end of the dinner. Helen caught him in her arms and began to calm and lull, gently stroking his tummy and kissing him with kisses. Jeff suddenly noticed that Helen was wearing a beautiful silk dress and high-heeled shoes. An attack of love and desire overwhelmed him. He already got up and took two steps to reach Helene to hug and kiss her, but suddenly the boy started crying more, Helene got up from the sofa and started walking around the room, shaking the baby in her arms. She stopped by the window, turning her back on Jeff. Lord, how he wanted to come up to her and run her hands on this slender flexible back and squeeze her little strong buttocks with her palms ... She was short, but always kept her back very straight and her head very high, as if she were a pupil Bolshoi Theater. And in this proud, firm position of the back it seemed to him that “NO” was written on it in large letters. Suddenly, a bitter lump crushed his throat - he suddenly realized with bitterness that they would never have anything else. Never and nothing. She didn't need a man. She just once needed a portion of his sperm to have a baby.

He got up and tried to squeeze out a wish for her good night, and almost ran to his bedroom. He unbuttoned his shirt and took off his pants. He could barely hold back the tears of unsatisfied desire, bitterness, resentment, loneliness — they tore his chest with physical pain. He went into the bathroom and with a familiar movement turned the latch. Substituting his face under the stream of water, he silently sobbed, breathing hard. Then his hand slipped down ... He began to stroke his scrotum, feeling like he was gradually pouring blood and getting his dick up. Lord, how he needed this discharge! ...

He was interrupted by a strong knock on the door.

- Jeff, open up! Immediately open! Helen almost screamed, banged on the door with her fist and pulled the handle.

He turned off the shower, threw a robe and opened the door. She pounced on him like a tigress.

She swung and with her hand hit his face with all her might.

- Insolent! - she was all shaking with anger. - How can you treat me like that ?!

Her face was flushed, her eyes were full of tears, she was shaking and had difficulty breathing ...

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