I crawled into my room on my knees, Gray kept the leash, and every now and then tugged at me, hurting my neck.

- New, the day before yesterday only arrived in Moscow? - this phrase was the first that I heard from Vladimir Nikolayevich.

He appeared before me a contented adult man, about fifty years old, a brunette with gray hair in some places, his voice was soft. He was dressed in a businesslike manner. But he seemed good-natured, polite ...

- Yes, Vladimir Nikolaevich.

- Guys, there's a slut down there waiting, fuck her for now, leave us.

The trio came out, I remained on my knees in front of Vladimir Nikolayevich, he helped me up, put me on the sofa: I ordered my legs to be moved apart, one leg thrown over the back of the sofa, the second one down.

- Who of my guys deprived of virginity your wonderful mouth? - with these words, his hand crawled to my pussy and began to massage her, I covered my eyes, I liked it terribly, and gave me a pussy to meet his hand.

- Bogdan, yesterday afternoon, I voluntarily sucked him.

- And who got into your ass? - I began to groan and gasp when his finger touched the clitter and began to rub it, lightly, but very nice.

- Bogdan, three more guys yesterday, one of them is Gray, they fucked me in the ass in turns, two of them made me a sandwich and got into my ass together ...

- I see you like these conversations, Nastya? - in my pussy was already squished, I was very excited by his questions and his hand in my pussy, - do you want to try pussy?

- I want, Vladimir Nikolaevich ... Ooooh, I really want to! - I didn’t understand what I was saying, he seemed to control my mind, I began to imagine what his cock looked like, it became even more pleasant for me to think that the dick would enter my girl now ... his hand left my vagina alone and I opened eyes.

- You smell like sperm, have you sucked today?

- Yes, that’s just what Gray otbebal my neck, - my voice was very quiet, I was in seventh heaven, I already forgot about Bogdan and thought only of Vladimir Nikolayevich's member.

He took off his jacket and unbuttoned his trousers, he began again to stroke my wet pussy. A few seconds later pussy, I felt the head of the penis. I opened my eyes and looked down fearfully. The member was really small, but gently shaved, like my pussy. Vladimir Nikolaevich began to plunge into the depths of my vagina with the words "I love to tear the virginia," he suddenly came across a barrier. I oyknula, and he quickly moved his pelvis and tore my hymen. I screamed, tears spilled from my eyes, I didn’t shove away, I just closed my eyes and began to stroke the clitter. He moved smoothly, stroking my head, soothing my kisses on my forehead. But, despite the smooth movements, it was painful for me to feel a member in me. After ten minutes he came out, blood ran out of me mixed with my juices, he came up with a handkerchief and began to wipe my cunt. Touched my chest, poterebil papilla. Then another.

- Well, that's good. In you narrow, nice. Not that in that blonde, the cunt is all fucked up.

- Tell me, please, what will you do with me?

- You will come together with Bogdan and fulfill our requests, Nastyushka.

- Do you also eat up my pussy?

- Nooo, that you! Only I will fuck you in my pussy - I felt somehow good at heart, calmly, I felt custody, or something, - and now we will play in a little slut ...

He pulled my leash, sat himself in the chair, his cock was still standing, and sat down beside the table on his knees, as he ordered me. He called someone. A second later, my day ebari, Sasha, Gray and Vovka, entered the room. Together with them came that blonde.

Vladimir Nikolaevich began:

- Here, this blonde slut is my beloved little wife, everyone fucks her in this house, even my dogs, she sleeps like a slave, eats like a slave and does not dare to disobey me. Her name is Darina. And this, Darina, Nastya, is our new toy.Now everyone remembered, only I fucked her in my pussy. Everyone understood ?! - the guys nodded, he continued, - and now we will play a little whore.

With these words, Darina went to the table and arched herself with cancer, substituting the ass upwards. I did not know what to do. The leash was handed over to Gray, and he dragged me into the middle of the room. The neck passed and I began to cough, for which I received a kick in the stomach from Gray. Vladimir Nikolaevich ordered:

- Damn, well, on the floor! - he thus turned to Darina, she quickly got on the floor and crawled to my place - you, Nastka, come here, sit on my lap, and sooner slut. Vova, you fucking fucking ass, lie down, Sasha, you will fuck her pussy from above, you, davalka, will lick the anus to Gray. Gray, give it to Nastya!

The scheme was very complicated, everyone started fussing and could figure it out only in ten minutes.

Soon I heard Darina's oohs, she was already fucked in the pussy and in the ass, she began to lick her anus to Gray, I did not see it, but her face was near the ass. Vladimir Nikolaevich made him sit down with his back to him and pussy on his standing cock. Since I lost my virginity about an hour ago, my cunt was aching, and he started like crazy to fuck me in her, I screamed, he grabbed my tits with one hand and began to knead. I began to roar, then my mouth shut the cock of Gray, he in his manner, began to fuck me in the throat, hard and mercilessly. Tears flowed hail. Every now and then I got slapped by Gray, the eggs beat on my chin, Gray took the second tit in her hand and started to play with fun, to unscrew her nipples, but also did not forget to stick my little mouth on my huge cock. A member of the head of everything and everyone furrowed the narrow spaces of my vagina, I mooed through a member of Gray. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Sasha stopped fucking Darina's pussy, he took the whip and she rose into the air, whistled, and hit Darina's back. She howled, began to roar, the red abrasion remained on her back, and Sasha lifted her to her hair:

- You'll know how to twirl in front of everyone. Nihuya is not nice, your cunt has become like a sheath for the dick! - Sasha hit Darin again. Gray began to cum on my face, but the sperm was not enough, he moved away and sat on the sofa.

My mouth was free, and now “pleasure” brought me only a dick in my pussy. Soon ended and Vladimir Nikolayevich himself. I was left lying around the chair, caressing my exhausted pussy, the leash was in Vladimir Nikolayevich’s hand. We began to watch as fuck Darin. Vova finished, grabbing her huge tits and sat in the chair, near which I sat. Suddenly, Bogdan entered the office ...


To be continued, thank you for your attention, do not be lazy - write comments on

I will wait for your feedback!

Author's e-mail: limirekets @ yandex. ru

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