... Going into the room, I finally saw all my rapists. They put me on cancer again. Suddenly in the hallway someone was brought.

“Oh, Bogdash, our joy,” the peasants laughed again. Bogdan entered the room, finally he will take me!

- What did you get up with her? - he looked at me with a grin on his face. I looked at him plaintively, and he, imperceptibly for the others, winked at me, I smiled at him. God, how beautiful he is ... of all those present, I just wanted him, it became hot in my pussy. I looked at him and did not hear what he was talking about with the guys. But soon he came up to me and carefully pulled the phallus from my priests.

“Thank you,” I whispered softly to Bogdan. He kissed me on the cheek and whispered back:

- Be patient, Nastyush ..., - he sat down on the sofa to the peasants, two stood up ... now and the worst thing will begin this evening. Bogdan carefully watched me. I paid attention only to him, it seems that I fell in love? ...

They put a breast on the man to him, I put my hands on the floor and entered my cock into me, I winced a little, but I squeaked. The second came up ... the booty felt the head of the penis, and soon this head began to break through into the already filled anus.

- Aaaaaaa !!! NOT-EE-ET! B-oh-aaaaa !!!

It was terrible. Dick tried to break into my little, just today lost his virginity, anus. A man under me, at the request of what was above me, spread my "buns" in different directions.

- You will tear me-II No need to beg !!! Fuck in the mouth, in the pussy, just not that-a-ak! - I was crying, I poured tears over the entire chest of the guy. After half an hour of my torment and the efforts of the guy, the member entered only half. When he was all inside, the guys started moving, not paying any attention to my screams, tears and pleas. I looked at Bogdan, his gaze was cold and contemptuous. Then he got up and walked over to our trinity, sat down next to me and started kissing me. Yes-ah-ah-a-! I was ready to forget about tearing my dicks. Only his lips ... how good-oh-oh-oh! Bogdanushka my ... But Bogdan could not stand it for a long time, apparently the remnants of sperm on my face scared him away, still ... he handed the guy who fucked me from above, smear and both men came out of me. My ass again smeared and again planted on the members. I screamed again, but this time they moved ten times faster, they wanted to finish. We fucked my ass like a toy, the top beat my ass, and the bottom one loved how to slap me strong slaps.

Five minutes later, they both finished me in the ass, then they lifted me back to my knees and forced them to clean their members with a tongue. I diligently began to lick their members, licking each drop and swallowing it. Finally they sat down, Bogdan got up, said goodbye to the men and led me to the garage. I could not go. My whole body ached ... even my pussy, even though she was not touched. I was still crying, in pain, in humiliation ...

- Well, how are you? - Bogdan asked me a question, we were already driving, he laid a magazine under my ass, so that I would not fill his leather seats with sperm. My answer was sobbing and tears.

- Got it ...

- Why are you looking at me like that? - I said it in such a tone as if he was my husband, he loves me and we have several children.

“How did you have to look at you?” Slut, all the members licked, yes, the creature ?!

- Follow the road!

- Follow the words, Nastya! - Bogdan began to shout, shout at me for being such a fuck. I burst into tears again. He was literally jealous of me. Now I understood why he looked that way - I liked him. Really ... but he didn’t say anything about it, he just screamed that I was a litter, dirty whore ... an hour later we were at home, I immediately went to the shower to wash the guys off and to wash my ass, it pinched water When I returned, Bogdan was already asleep, I quietly climbed into bed, and we fell asleep.

Morning. I woke up, the clock was 11:12. I didn’t feel right away, but then ... with my back I felt someone warm hugging me with all my might.The hand of this "someone" lay on my tummy, and the other on top of my head, on the pillow. I moved a little. Bogdan purred, opened his green eyes. I got up and went to the shower without a word. I watched him go and began to gather. I called my parents to say that everything is in order ...

Bogdan was sitting in the kitchen. Naked. So beautiful. I started making sandwiches. Suddenly he came up to me and hugged me from behind, very gently, I melted away from his caress. So cool...

- I like you, Nastya ... - Bogdan whispered in my ear and kissed the lobe.

- In just one day you liked, right? I asked coldly, reproachfully. He became a tender voice explained to me:

- Well, I haven't fallen in love with you yet ... for now ... Nastka, - Bogdan buried his nose in my hair, it smelled so deliciously of his perfume ... awesome.

So the evening has come, we are again at his "office". I'm terribly afraid, pussy began to whine before penetrating into it - the thought terrifies, recalling yesterday's fucking my unfortunate throat. I am not less revealing than yesterday. Going into the house, I saw only three men from yesterday's six.

- This is Vova, this is Sanka, and this one is Gray.

- Sergei? - I said.

“No,” snapped offended by my innocent phrase, “Gray.”

He looked at me with a threat in his eyes, it was he who first penetrated my anus yesterday. I inadvertently looked at his fly, he noticed:

- What, huyesoska, missed you on cock? - the guys laughed in chorus, Bogdan just grinned, slapped me on the ass and walked to the stairs, to the second floor. The guys, all but Gray, walked around me, one grabbed my ass, the other reached in front of my cunt. Vova began to crush my ass, tried to stick his fingers in the anus, but he had long since been drawn out after yesterday's fucking into him. Sasha began to pull at my kliter, I was a little pleased: from my pussy flowed and I gasped softly. While the guys were pawing my defenseless body, Gray stared at me, looking from head to toe. I began to cover my eyes, Sasha played with my pussy, and Vova's finger began to massage my anus. Gray didn’t like my enjoyment - he slapped backhand on my cheek, I screamed.

- You are not here to enjoy, the davalk, - I burst into tears with shame, - fucking pussy, did I fuck you yesterday?

I kept silent.

- Ok, I ask you, bitch ?! - Sasha at that time walked away and Gray kicked me in the stomach. I screamed from the pain and humiliation, the moisture of the pussy immediately disappeared, Vova also moved away from me. I was lying on the floor and whimpering, having heard how someone's fly was unbuttoned, I raised myself a little. Gray grabbed my hair and hit me in the face - I opened my damn mouth without a word and a member burst into it. He was still very soft, not yet standing:

- Suck, ebanashka, suck, I told you! Whores like you have to suck dick, work with your mouth, ass and pussy, fucking! - Gray showered me with "compliments", - Here's a bitch, suck it off normally, not a freebie!

One more hit, and another. I burst into tears, worked the tongue as best I could, after four slaps, I began to take the dick all in my mouth. He was not yet fully excited, so he was not as big and strong as yesterday. I almost easily took him into my mouth, and then Gray began to move, coiled his hair into a fist, punched another slap in the face and began to fuck my throat. I tried not to look into his eyes, it was very embarrassing. Vova approached us and began to knead my ass again. His finger in the anus distracted me a bit from the cock that fucked me in the mouth. One more finger in me ... Sanya was standing nearby and podcherchil his embarked dick, I would gladly lick this member! Twenty minutes later Gray snarled and began to pour into my mouth, made me swallow and show him a clean mouth.

“Well done, slut,” Gray hardly said out of breath.

Then Bogdan began to descend, as I was glad to him!

- Che, already managed to finish? - without waiting for an answer to his question, Bogdan continued, - Nikolaitch is waiting, here you have a collar, cling, undress her completely. The scheme is normal, men. I will be away for a while.

They put a collar on me and dragged me to Vladimir Nikolayevich’s office.On the door of this office there was exactly the same letter “H” with exactly the same pattern as on Bogdan’s wrist. Before entering, they put me on my knees ...

The door opened and a girl ran out of the room, I didn’t notice her face, but she was tall enough, the blonde was probably fucked ...

I crawled into my room on my knees, Gray kept the leash, and every now and then pulled me, hurting my neck.

- New, the day before yesterday only arrived in Moscow? - this phrase was the first thing I heard from Vladimir Nikolayevich ...


To be continued, thank you for your attention, do not be lazy - write comments on

I will wait for your feedback!

Author's e-mail: limirekets @ yandex. ru

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