We had a picnic on the beach.

The sea, as if flipping, gently licked the sandy shore, quietly whispering with palm trees. Spreading gigantic trees gently dropped coconuts into the warm sand. There was a low surge of waves and the distant sound of the surf at the reef.

I lay on my back and look at white, like balls of cotton candy, sugar clouds. Quiet, calm in this corner of paradise ... the waves rustle gently ...

- Good...

Benjamin sighed, inhaling the salty air.

“Yeah-aah ...” he says softly.

I stand up on my elbow and look at him: a burning brunette, black eyebrows stray, eagle profile. He reclines, leaning on his elbow, the second hand - on the leg, knee at a right angle. Wet breeze plays hair - soft, volatile, which fall wave on his shoulders. Benjamin looks like a white sail of a yacht is swinging on the azure smooth surface of the sea: eyebrows are frowned, eyelids are half-let, large black languid eyes cover thick long eyelashes ... He does not notice my look.

“I have never felt so good anywhere,” I said finally. - Thanks for bringing me here ...

He turned to my voice and smiled.

- Well, what a conversation, Vika ... I wanted you to dispel a little.

Benjamin looked at me with longing. I caught in my eyes not only sadness, but also some kind of pity, as if I needed sympathy.

“Are you still worried about this stupid story?”

- Stupid stories? - I asked in a wooden voice. “Oh, please, Venia, stop it.” You ruin my mood.

“I spoil her mood,” a painful grimace appeared on his face. - Well...

True, what did I do to him? In the end, it was Veniamin who agreed to help when the cops almost got me. It's good that everything was okay, and those boobies believed that I was with him that night ...

I felt my face turn red. So that he did not notice, I hurriedly got up and walked towards the reefs.

It got dark suddenly, as always in the tropics, and the soft warm breath of the wind played in her hair.

I turned sharply. Benjamin stood behind him. I caught my breath. I jumped back, but had to stop - the edge of the water was already on.

He approached me.

- I scared you. Sorry, did not want to. - The voice was calm. He seemed to have no emotions.

We were silent.

- I do not want to go back there ...

- Vika, you don't have to come back. We will think of something ... Everything will be fine ...

His hand slipped through my hair. I threw my head back, silently, searchingly looked Benjamin in the eye. Our eyes met.

And then something happened to us. Usually in such cases they say: “a spark ran through” ... It seemed to me that it was a powerful electrical discharge.

Heart fluttered. Excitement gripped me, responding with a thrill in my chest. From his intimacy, I had the feeling that the earth was slipping from under my feet.

- Are you telling me this, or are you calming yourself?

“Of course you,” whispered Benjamin leaning over me.

Our eyes are opposite, but it lasted only a moment ...

And then suddenly, as if breaking through the sky dam, rain poured. It could not even be called rain, - it was a crushing mass of water on the ground, solid and unstoppable. This tropical rain.

In one minute, we were soaked from head to toe. Stumbling and gliding, they rushed to save our things, stuck in the swollen sand. The shower raged furiously over wet clothes adhering to the body.

Beach house stood out towards the shore with a spacious veranda. At the very house I slipped and almost fell off the cliff, but Benjamin managed to catch me on the fly. I lingered in an unexpected hug. Lightning flashed, and I saw his wet face. Thunder boomed. I pressed my body against him for a moment, my lips buried in my wet shirt. Heavy rain poured down on us.

I pulled away:

- Thank you, Venechka!

And we ran on, bending under the weight of a wet curtain thrown over.

The house was twilight. Sometimes flashes of lightning illuminated the situation. Although it was warm inside, I shivered from the cold. Water flowed from our clothes directly onto the white carpet, leaving wet spots and dirty stains on it.

“I will go and change my clothes,” I said, chattering my teeth against the cold.

In my room, I pulled off a blouse that was wet from the sand and changed into a turtleneck.

Element raged with might and main. The sea was worried. The wind tore defenseless palms. Occasionally there was thunder, and I involuntarily trembled at its roar.

I realized that the thought that a “change of scenery” would calm down was self-deception. The joy that swept over me on the shore dissipated like the morning mist. I walked around the room. I felt, I don't want to live anymore. Anything would have come now, even the scissors from the desk drawer. When I awoke, I discovered that I was holding these scissors in my hands and scattered about them.

Benjamin grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand behind my back. I involuntarily took a step forward and found myself pressed to his chest and felt his warmth in the cool of the coming evening. It spread to the whole body with a sweet languor, its smell intoxicated me.

- What are you thinking? “A voice full of alarm, as if waking me up, and strong arms disarmed, depriving me of the ill-fated scissors.”

“Just please, don't say anything now ...” I whispered pleadingly. - I already know what you say! Be quiet, I beg you, - I moved away and went to the other end of the room.

- Vika, you forced me to confirm your words ...

- Enough ...

- ... I scammed some tales about that ...

- Enough!

- ... what did you do in the morning when Marina was killed! Damn her, whoever she is!

- Enough !!!

- ... and you ask me not to say anything ?!

Benjamin stood by the window, and flashes of lightning solemnly and terribly illuminated him. Thoughtfully walked back and forth, his hands in the pockets of his trousers. Pale and tense, he did not seem to find the words to express his overwhelming feelings.

The rain was still pouring swiftly, with thorny streams. The wind rushed forward, forcing cold waves ashore.

- Tell me what's going on with you? I want you to tell me everything, because I need to know what to do next ...

- Leave! - I said. - Leave. Just do not go into it, I beg you.

“That’s not right, Vika,” he said in a stern but restrained tone. - It seems we have agreed to act together.

- Together? Do not speak my teeth! We cannot even agree on trivialities, let alone develop a strategy! This is a crash! The final failure, Venia! Everything! Do you understand? Everything!!

Suddenly, tears came to his eyes and poured hail. They rolled down the cheeks and flowed nasty down the neck, by the collar. Tears prevented me from seeing.

- Leave now! - I wiped them with my fist and hurriedly muttered: - I will not explain anything ... I do not need your help, damn you. That car accidentally fell off a cliff ... it was an accident ...

- Tell it to someone else! You so make me believe in ghosts ... What a high conceit !? Why did you get into all this? ...

- Yes, your cares! - I screamed and collapsed on the bed with all my might, covering my face with my palms.

I heard Benjamin sigh, then he came up to me and sat down beside me. I removed my hands from my face and looked at him carefully, turning my eyes from line to line. He was handsome: wide-open gate, eyes burning in the darkness and strands of hair falling on his forehead.

Stroked my hand.

- And then ... I thought that I did not lie to the police. After all, for that matter, you could well be with me that night. True? - Benjamin went on a whisper and touched my cheek.

I looked into his eyes, unable to tear myself away from their attracting pool.

His fingers gently and gently touched my skin. The hand slid on the turtleneck and felt the chest. I did not mind, just closed my eyes, sighed and moved a little. He lay down next. I wove my fingers with his fingers. We clung to each other without words.He leisurely kissed me, gently caressing my lips with his. Kisses were getting hotter, fiercer ...

Hot and gentle kissing my neck, he whispered such crazy words, so hot ...

He could not breathe. Something squeezed the chest and breathing pulled out with a barely audible wheeze. But I was more constrained by my lips, aggressively seeking his lips. They were constrained by my hands, shamelessly approaching the very center of his masculine power. All by myself, I was constraining him: with the scent of my skin, the gleam of my eyes, the correctness of the lines of a semi-naked body.

He buried his face in my shoulder, touching his lips to the pulsing vein on my neck. His warm breath tickled his skin, half-opened lips catching his earlobe.

- I want you, Venya ... - I whispered in his ear ...

I already pulled off his shirt, - now that orange lump lay on the carpet. Hands slipped under a t-shirt, scratching skin with nails, lips looking for his lips ... almost found ... a little overshot ...

I pulled his hair and, I kissed a passionate job, having worked in his mouth with his tongue. My hands closed around his neck, fingers tousled his hair.

“Your damn turtleneck is bothering me ...” Beniamin finally exhaled. He was dodging in every possible way, pushing the collar of my sweater aside, stroking my neck, barely touching my cheeks and the corners of my lips.

“So cut it ...” I suggested, holding out the failed suicide weapon and feeling the cool metal touch the hot skin.

When the turtleneck was finished, he began to shower me with quick, hot kisses, grabbing one or the other breast with his lips, glaring at her nipples. His breathing was intermittent. Skillfully kissing and stroking each opening centimeter of dark skin, he went down along my body, caressed my hips for a long time.

I stopped him and began to caress him myself. He gently touched the head with his finger, and he immediately reacted to my touch. He caught his breath. I heard a quiet half-breath half-tone.

Laughing, I kept repeating and repeating my caresses, but he again grabbed my chest and now rudely squeezed the nipples with his fingers.

Lifting me up, he grabbed his hips, knocked me back and bit into the lips. I squeezed my hands behind his back, cried out softly, and now our bodies merged into one.

- You play ... with fire ... Venya ... yes ... mm ... Oh, yes Venechka! ..

He put a finger to my lips. Lips eagerly opened and I bit him a little.

The bed beneath me rose and fell and rose again, like a sine wave from its rhythmic, unhurried movements.

He hugged me and stopped ... I wrapped my arms and legs around him, huddled around him. We felt each other with our every cell, every nerve ...

He squeezed me in his arms so tightly that it hurt.

I closed my eyes ...

We finished at the same time and, probably, shouted very loudly ...

... A young palm tree on the veranda playfully waving leaves, flirting with the silvery moonlit path on the ribbed surface of the sea.

“Are you sure everything went right?”

- Yes. It seems ... They, too, are all gone. Tasha - in Transylvania. Dasha is in Berlin. Sasha - in Paris. And Masha - to Bora-Bora ... I think that Interpol still breaks his head, trying to connect us with this murder ...

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