Nikolai found a secluded corner behind an imposing marble vase with some magnificently flowering plant and sat down on one of the chairs standing there.

Because of the vase, he watched as the crowd of guests in the hall gradually began to thin out. And even those who are not going to leave, somewhat depressed. And if someone even thinks of asking what is happening to him, Nikolai decided, he would give him a jaw and be done with it.

Squeezing a glass in his hands, Nikolai listened to the rumble of the evening going to the end. Through the gaps in the thick foliage above the marble of the vase, he saw almost the entire hall, but the hostess was nowhere, although she had always been among the guests.

Nicholas absently shifted the glass from one hand to the other and realized that he would no longer drink, that he already drank more than he should have, not because he was drunk, but because there was no place to drink. Suddenly he felt very tired. Now he will rise, say goodbye to the hostess, if he can find her and go home to the hotel.

Bringing a glass to the edge of the vase, Nikolai poured a cocktail on the roots of the plant.

- To your health! - He said to him, then carefully put his glass on the floor and went to look for Baroness Helen Du Bois.

But having never found her among the crowd, tired of the hum and buzzing of a not so sober campaign, Nikolai walked along the second floor of the castle.

Hall was plunged into darkness. Only on the spiral staircase there was a flash of light - apparently, a lamp was burning there. Around the same darkness reigned. From below came the muffled sounds of music and voices.

Nikolai stood for a few seconds, not moving, and when his eyes got used to the darkness, he recognized that the hall extended beyond the stairs. Probably there is a door.

He walked cautiously through the hall, with his hand extended in front of him, looking for tables or chairs that might be in his way. Although he now saw much better, the hall still remained a dark cave where the eye could not discern the details.

Opening the door to the room, Nikolai went into her saving coolness. The room was empty. He touched the window. Large stars shone in the sky, grasshoppers chattering, from somewhere below came a cheerful laugh.

Outside, footsteps flickered, a female figure appeared in the doorway. She lingered on the threshold for a moment, then rushed into the thick darkness.

Nikolai did not hear the door open, he felt only the movement of air behind him. He did not feel the touch, but it seemed to him that a snake slid along it, someone's breath, quick and elusive, ran through him. He felt a gentle whiff, as if a bird flew past ...

And suddenly something happened that he had never expected: his hand jerked up and grabbed someone else’s hand under his jacket. It was for him the most unexpected, reflex movement. His fingers tightly clasped the wrist of another cool hand. No, he did not want this!

Nikolay turned around, continuing to squeeze this gentle palm with slightly trembling fingers.

- Hug me ... - she brought her face to him, he felt her breath on his lips. But it was so dark that he did not see the features of her face. - You love me, love. Always ... Sweet ... Love ...

Their breaths mixed up, their lips merged in a kiss. She pulled her neck tightly and opened her lips to meet her, trying to experience the sweet feeling of his kiss. Dangerous moment. He felt a sharp surge of desire. All the hairs on his arms and body rose on end.

Her body, caught by a small fish, beat in his arms. It was very dark - and this gave the pleasure a special urgency. Nikolai stretched out his hand in front of him and began to stroke hot nipples that were hard to touch, touch his stomach, gradually moving lower and lower. Her fingers groped for the pants of his pants, and she began to gently move her finger along the bulge that came to life under her hand. He saw only blackness in front of him, and felt only her frequent breathing, and therefore he unwittingly focused on his own sensations.It was a new, unprecedented sensation, and therefore the excitement seemed extremely strong. He had never experienced such a wild desire — she seemed to share his impatience. Sensing a shiver, she pulled it towards her ...

... Hands on which his unbridled girlfriend was fidgeting for an hour had begun to tremble. Having opened his hands, Nikolay carefully laid her on his back, felt round knees ...

If he could see her face, lips, eyes, he could guess the approach of paradise by their altered expression, by the slight trembling of the body, by the increasing sighs. But there were no visual signs, and, nevertheless, he felt it, as they feel the approaching thunderstorm on elusive signs, at the level of the subconscious ...

Her hair fell like a silk waterfall on his chest, and Nikolai with a trembling hand took them away, she touched his hands to his temples, or sobbed, or grinned when he heard this, he slowly moved aside.

A few minutes later she stirred in his arms. The sheet rustled, the girl spanked her bare feet on the floor, dressing and bouncing on one leg. The room rocked, Nikolay blinded a bright light for a moment, and then everything again plunged into darkness.

She ran away so fast that Nikolay did not realize at once that he did not even know her name ...

... - How, Kolya ?, do you already leave ?! - Helena asked in amazement. - No, no, I won't let you go! My daughter really wanted to meet you, she loves Russian theater so much. Yes, here she is ... Meet - Baroness Nicole Du Bois, my youngest daughter ...

“It was nice to meet you,” the lovely blonde Nicole smiled mysteriously. “You are simply gorgeous, Kolya? ...” She gave him a wink, laughing, taking him by the arm.

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