It took several days from the events described in the first part. Oksana and Victor could not see each other often, he needed to urgently go on a business trip, the girl also paid attention to the work. In addition, a couple of days was expected arrival of her parents, who planned to stay with Oksana, the benefit of the place allowed, and the support of her daughter did not interfere.

But Victor by no means weakened his attention to the girl, gradually making him absorbing and dominant. They constantly called each other, and more and more often their conversations from banal discussions of the weather began to turn into more intimate and frank ones. Victor asked Oksana in detail about her wishes and moods. They discussed the sensations of the girl from certain types of sex, constantly returning to directly their joint copulation.

Oksana, without hiding her desires, told Victor about her fantasies, which further strengthened his opinion in the correctness of the choice made. Now he is not just "wanted" this woman, but sought to become her rightful owner, owner of a beautiful body and the only user of the desired and trouble-free holes for him. Each of their evening telephone conversation necessarily ended with Oksana's masturbation. And this happened not only banal in bed, but also in the bathroom. The place was determined by Victor, and Oksana should only obey his choice and surrender to her desires. And each time, passionately rubbing her pussy, Oksana wanted only one to make her fantasies real. She missed Victor and with each passing hour more and more became dependent on him.

By his return from a business trip, Victor gave Oksana several instructions. The girl had to regularly shave her pussy, not even leaving a hint of vegetation, then go to the hairdresser, make a fashionable haircut and dye her hair a dark saturated color, then do a manicure. After his arrival, Victor planned to go with Oksana to shop for underwear, to update the girl's wardrobe to his liking. The same to consider waited for shoes and casual clothes.

The day before Victor's return, her parents came to Oksana. And now her efforts have increased. She missed her family very much, besides she saw very rarely, you will not get hurt in another city. At the time, her fantasies and desires were relegated to the background. Although she faithfully fulfilled all the wishes of a man, regarding her appearance. The parents were delighted that the daughter was moving away from the experiences of the tragedy that had happened, trying to continue to live an active and rich life. For her part, Oksana was worried about how the presence of her parents would affect the plans voiced to her by Victor. After all, her sister will now regularly come to visit, which complicates possible meetings in private.

As soon as Victor returned, he and his wife came to visit in the evening. As always, he was amiable with his parents, friendly with Oksana, honoring her kindred kiss on the cheek, and confidently held the initiative in holding the evening. When it was time to set the table, Victor volunteered to help the girl with the delivery of dishes from the kitchen, while the rest set the plates. Naturally, the first thing going to the kitchen, Victor drew the girl to him and dug into her lips with a long persistent kiss. After that, he quite rudely lifted Oksana's dress and masterly slowly took off her panties, putting them in a drawer. Then he ran his hand over her smoothly shaven pussy, appreciating the thoroughness of his assignment. Satisfied, Victor took the salad plates and carried them into the room. Oksana, putting herself in order, also followed him.Within a few minutes, each time he returned to the kitchen, Victor again and again in a businesslike manner, without asking, pulled up the girl’s dress, baring her ass and vagina, and played with his lips, causing Oksana to be excited.

As a result, when they sat down to have supper, Oksana was excited and out of her pussy was oozing moisture, which the panties no longer contained in the drawer of the table could hold back. She didn’t even have thought to take them without Victor’s permission. All that remained for the girl was to compress the hips, holding back her desires. And Victor liked to watch how excitedly Oksana's elastic, magnificent chest swayed in the neckline of the dress with every accelerated sigh.

Dinner was great, and Oksana even for some time was distracted from her desires and the urges of the current pussy. While driving, Victor drank only juice, and poured champagne to the girls. Parents, like hardened people, preferred vodka. Constantly caring for Oksana, making her compliments in appearance and culinary abilities, along with his wife, Victor sometimes winked conspiratorially at the girl, constantly reminding him of how his compliments were supported.

And naturally he volunteered to help the hostess to clear the table. This time Victor did not hurry, thoroughly lifting up the dress on the girl, and examining her newly soaked pussy. Oksana herself was spreading her legs, providing the man with full access to her holes. Victor no longer merely stroked the puffy lips of the vagina, but also introduced 1-2 fingers. At such moments, Oksana began to breathe deeply and tried to implant herself on Victor's hand. Under skillful caresses, multiplied by drunk champagne, Oksana finally lost control of herself, completely surrendering to her desires to belong to a man who now dominates her pussy. Meanwhile, Victor, actually alone, because Oksana was afraid to take an extra step, feeling weak in the legs from constant excitement, coped with the release of the table and began to make tea, not forgetting to pay attention to the girl. On the inner side of Oksana's thighs, thin rivulets of juices from an excited pussy did not stop, threatening to reach for shoes. The girl turned into a constantly current lustful bitch, whose only desire was satisfaction. A couple of times Oksana's sister looked into the kitchen, taking sweets for tea. Each time, Oksana blushing, imagining what it would be like if her sister caught her with her legs apart, put on Victor's fingers. It seemed to her that her sister would easily guess what was happening in the kitchen, and her appearance would give them away to Victor.

And Victor has already brewed tea and added some mixture to it. With a wink to Oksana, he advised not to drink from the first kettle, otherwise he would sleep until morning. The girl understood the idea of ​​Victor and immediately began thinking in her thoughts about the soonest satisfaction. The kettle was small, and it was enough for exactly 3 cups, the wife and her parents. After that, he immediately washed it from the old mixture and put a new kettle. In the meantime, she and Oksana went to the others. Victor poured more champagne on the girl, smiling mysteriously over his thoughts.

Naturally, about an hour later, when the sleeping pills began to act in tea, they began to prepare for rest. The table was removed quite quickly, the sofa was laid, the parents almost immediately lay down. Oksana's sister helped with the dishes, but she, too, was beginning to sleep. And she, referring to fatigue, lay down in the chair, relying on her husband in matters of assistance with dishes and cleaning. In principle, recently they often spent the night here, supporting the girl, therefore there were no problems with the accommodation of all the guests. Besides. Victor did not drink alcohol, and could later take her home, even in a sleeping state.

Having packed all her suddenly tired guests and making sure that they fell asleep almost immediately, Oksana returned to the kitchen to Victor, who was already finishing the loading of the dishwasher.

“Well, how tired toys are sleeping,” Victor winked at Oksana conspiratorially.

- Yes, everyone went to bed. What did you give them? - Oksana looked worried, - will they sleep for a long time?

“Don't worry, you won't wake up the guns until the morning,” Victor turned on the dishwasher, “so you can moan with courage when I’m fucking you.”

Victor sat on a chair and set another one in front of him.

- Undress. I am tired of your hem to bully today, - in the voice of Viktor, the commanding notes began to sound again.

Oksana as quickly as possible took off her dress, got rid of the bra and remained only in shoes, looking inquiringly at the man. Victor nodded in satisfaction, praising the girl for the effort, and motioned to himself.

“Put your foot on the chair and start masturbating,” Victor leaned back more comfortably in the chair, “I want to see how you want me and what you do with you during our phone calls.”

Oksana was already completely in his power, obedient and well prepared, and Victor's desires were not surprising. Moreover, she was ready to fulfill any of his whims, just to get satisfaction that was long overdue for the whole evening. She was not embarrassed that her parents were sleeping in the next room, her sister was the wife of Victor, a man who had power over her and who now gave her the most obscene orders. It seems that Oksana forgot about the existence of guests in the next room. She accurately fulfilled the desire of a man, revealing to him a magnificent overview of her perfectly shaved pussy. Oksana did not take much effort to achieve a high level of arousal. Considering that the whole evening the girl was constantly in a state of desire, excitement, which Victor had skillfully supported, only a couple of touches of the sensitive lips of the vagina and juice sank back to her hips and fingers with beautiful manicure. Oksana gradually increased the pace, increasingly wielding fingers in her girl. With her other hand, she began to pull at her excited nipples, occasionally squeezing her breasts to a slight pain. All the time Victor, without looking up, was watching the actions of the girl, and she tried to withstand his gaze without looking away.

Stop it! - Victor continued to follow the girl. Oksana stopped masturbating and, breathing heavily, began to wait for new orders. Her legs cramped from the experienced stress, but the body could not relax, because the girl did not reach the coveted orgasm. Victor got up from his chair and walked over to the girl. He knelt in front of her and pressed his lips to her wet, excited pussy. A groan of desire escaped from Oksana. With both hands, she pressed the man's head to her vagina, and felt Victor's tongue sinking into him, carefully examining the pea of ​​the clitoris. The man, skillfully alternating sucking the clitoris with the work of the tongue inside the vagina, began to bring Oksana to the desired relaxation. Oksana began to moan loudly, constantly sitting down on Victor's tongue, not letting his head go from her crotch. The orgasm flooded so absorbing that the girl's legs buckled from instant relaxation. And only the instant reaction of Victor, who picked up her naked body, shaking from an orgasm, did not allow her to fall, and carefully laid her on the floor of the kitchen. After that, he spread Oksana's legs bent at the knees and gently massaging the girl's pussy, brought her to full satisfaction.

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