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The husband of the younger sister liked Oksana from the very first acquaintance. It felt attractive confidence and male power. It’s impossible to say that with her marriage Oksana was disappointed, but, like any woman, she was striving for the best, to be behind a man, like a stone wall, but in fact it turned out that rather the husband was happy to rely on her in all matters of marriage, readily putting into practice her decisions. She was not jealous of her sister, on the contrary, she was glad that she had such happiness in her life. If Oksana needed some advice, she could always turn to Viktor, and she knew that the advice would be practical and really help, and not empty reasoning. Between them established excellent friendships.

Oksana did not know how pretty she was to Victor. And whether he likes him at all as a woman, and not as the elder sister of his beloved wife. But in her fantasies, he was often present, and during masturbation, Oksana often represented Victor, rather than her husband. In general, the further, the more regularly I had to resort to self-satisfaction. Oksana blamed it on the costs of a long joint marriage, husband fatigue at work, but the fact is: satisfaction from sex, and sex itself has become less and less regular. But the desire at 34 years old, Oksana was no less than 17 years old.

The girl herself could not explain why in her fantasies she wanted precisely to surrender to Victor, to obey him, she dreamed to belong to this man, to become his slave and to fulfill all his desires. From such fantasies, Oksana’s orgasm was always long and brought rare moments of complete satisfaction. When at the meeting Victor kissed the girl with a greeting, a slight excitement rolled over Oksana, which could be for a long time. Since they met in pairs quite often, went on picnics, or went shopping, and they lived almost next door, Oksana regularly received nourishment for her bright images.

But in an instant, everything changed. Winter slippery road, the car can not be restored, and her husband's injuries incompatible with life. Oksana in an instant lost a piece of herself. And fell into a deep state of shock. She did not want to live and did not see the meaning of life. All subsequent days before the funeral, she was in prostration. Naturally, Victor took all the cares, managing and supporting the girl, and arranging a funeral, preparing a commemoration, etc. She and her sister temporarily took the girl to live with her, so as not to leave her alone with heavy thoughts. The funeral passed, then 9 days. A month later, Oksana finally decided to move back to her apartment. She slowly came to the senses, realizing that the loss will not return.

The first time was hard. Everything reminded of her husband. Oksana locked herself in her thoughts. Basically I was sitting at home, rarely talking with friends and visiting any entertainment. The only ones who constantly visited her remained sister with her husband. They encouraged her, forced to live on.

One day, when Oksana was at home, mostly watching TV aimlessly, the doorbell rang. Victor arrived, brought food for the thoroughly empty refrigerator. The girl was a little like the "dream of men." Not dressed up, with not laid hair, in a shapeless home t-shirt, she could hardly cause a flame of passion in the male sex. Victor scowled at her. Under his gaze stern, Oksana involuntarily cringed.

- You completely stopped watching you, - Victor frowned more and more, - you are a beautiful woman, and you look worse from the street.

- And before whom do I draw? - Oksana did not expect so much a sharp reprimand.

- And what am I, not a man ?!

- You didn’t come fucking me, I’m at home as I want and I go, - Oksana snapped.

At the same instant a heavy slap burned the girl's cheek.From unexpectedness she had tears in her eyes. The husband never raised his hand to her, preferring peaceful solutions to all family conflicts, in most cases giving victory to his wife. She looked frightened at Victor. He slowly, took off his jacket, carefully hanging it on the back of a chair, and came close to the girl. He took her hair and leaned toward her ear.

“Marsh to the bathroom,” the voice was absolutely calm, and the order was not discussed, “It's nice to fuck the queen, not the bomzhihu.

Oksana was shocked and almost did not resist when he pulled her hair towards the bath. In the bathroom, Victor started filling up the water, adding a flavoring foam, sea salts and turned to Oksana. All this time, the girl stood at the door, not even making an attempt to escape.

- Undress! - again followed the order.

Oksana pulled off a T-shirt, exposing her elastic breasts of a full-fledged 3rd size with rigid protruding nipples, followed by shorts. And only remaining in small thongs, the girl looked inquiringly at the man. She did not know how to behave. I was not ready to think that I had to completely undress in front of a man whom I had known for a long time, but still my sister's husband.

- What is the problem? Can I help you? - Victor did not relent.

- Could you come out?

“What about you that other women don't have?” - for the first time a smile appeared in the man's voice, - except for a dirty overgrown pussy, of course?

- Oksana was thrown into the paint from a similar appeal. Turning her back to the man, she hastily took off the last piece of clothing, and stood waiting for the next orders of Victor.

- Turn around!

The girl turned slowly, covering the crotch with her hand and afraid to lift her eyes with shame.

- Take your hand! Put your legs wider! Get in the bath - the teams followed one after the other.

Under the gaze of a man, Oksana plunged into warm water with a high cap of foam. It seems that Victor was pleased. At least the look softened.

- I think that the bath will bring you back to life. Do you need help with shaving, or can you do it yourself? - Oksana again embarrassed the question of Victor. She shook her head, making it clear that she would manage. Victor, rather grinning, put the shaving kit on the sink, moved the towel closer and left, leaving Oksana alone with his thoughts.

For the first time in the last month, Oksana awoke desire. It was not yet all-consuming, and while her thoughts were loose, but Victor's behavior was so consistent with her previous fantasies that it could not but arouse her interest and expectation, what next ?! The bath took Oksana 40 minutes. She washed thoroughly, got rid of the vegetation in the crotch. Bath took off her load of fatigue of the last days. Coming out of the water, she put on a long bathrobe over her naked body, tied it with a belt, and went into the room. Victor sat on the couch and watched some news. Seeing Oksana, he made the sound quieter and beckoned her to him.

- Come on! - all the same order in the voice.

Oksana went to the sofa and stood in front of Victor. The man ran his hands under the floor of the dressing gown and began to stroke Oksana's hips, gradually approaching the buttocks.

- Feet spread!

Oksana spread her legs with an unexpected readiness to follow the instructions of this man. Now Victor has the opportunity to explore the inner thighs of the girl. Removing his hands, he took hold of the edges of his dressing gown and spread them aside as the belt would allow. His eyes opened smooth clean wet pussy completely submissive girl.

- Take off your robe. It is warm at home, it seemed Victor does not feel any emotions. He just ordered.

Oksana untied the belt and put it on the sofa. The robe threw open, exposing her pure naked body. Bathrobe girl just took off her legs, left to stand completely naked, and so, not daring to move her legs. Victor stretched his hand to her pussy and ran his finger over the plump, wet ...

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