When Larisa told her husband that she would like to go to work, he just grinned, ignoring her attempt to talk on this topic with expressive silence, and continued reading the sports chronicle. The newspaper in general now increasingly began to replace his wife.

But once Larisa, the first beauty of her small provincial town, could choose any gentleman. There were always several admirers around her. But what prospects could this relationship have? The husband became either an alcoholic or a prisoner. Work was not particularly. All the young people aspired to the big cities, and the girls were waiting for a successful marriage, preferably with a Muscovite, or at least with someone from the district center.

Larisa was lucky. A gas engineer on a business trip was forced to spend almost a week in their town. And during this time she did not break for a long time, being in his bed on the first night. The fact that Vlad considered it an intrigue that was obligatory for such trips eventually resulted in a short live romance, then regular calls with infrequent trips to visit each other. Finally, after 1, 5 years after they met, Vlad suggested Larissa move to Moscow. They immediately lived separately - Vlad had an apartment from his grandmother.

Since then, 15 years have passed. Larisa gave birth to a son who now grew up in a 13-year-old dunce, more thinking about the high-yielding career of a football player than about math in school. The husband made progress in his career, becoming the head of the division in a large holding. He began to disappear all day at work, almost without paying attention to his wife. Larisa didn’t know what to do with herself ... The son grew up and he didn’t need maternal care, the husband was satisfied with the house wife - he was against her work from the very beginning. Even with her higher education, she could hardly get into any serious company now. Everywhere need experience, experience. In addition, Larissa is no longer a girl. Although in her 35 years she retained a slim figure, the breast of the 3rd size was still elastic. Even the birth of a child could not change what nature gave.

Realizing that her husband did not get a clear answer, she decided to just send her resume to several companies. Positions selected on the basis of their skills - secretary, assistant. And she chose companies that did not differ by the highest salaries. It was not about money, although she liked the idea of ​​independent financial independence.

She was called to an interview for just one company, from those to which she sent her resume. The evening before, thinking about how to dress for an interview, Larisa unexpectedly experienced intense excitement and was very worried about the outcome of the interview, a couple of days ago, which seemed like entertainment. The dress picked up very carefully. I decided to stay on a summer white suit with a skirt just below the knee, a colored translucent top under a jacket and elegant sandals on a high stiletto. After much thought, I chose bodysuit stockings.

She was taken to work quickly. The head of the department (she herself dubbed him a “vegetable” right away) looked more at her figure than in the resume. I asked a couple of on-duty questions about experience, skills and the desire to learn, immediately lost interest in her, reassigning her further employment to her deputy — a young tall guy named Alexander. The company was small, so all employees performed their duties in several directions. Larisa was taken as Alexander's assistant. They sat apart from the chief opposite each other.

The first month was spent on training Larissa. She herself was amazed at how exaggerated her ideas about her capabilities were. And she was sincerely grateful to Sasha for her patience and repeated repetition. She liked him. Always calm, clearly knows what needs to be done and how to achieve the result.A week later, she realized that the department actually works only thanks to him, and not to the chief who was put in charge of the department for some ancient services. Although in the first place, the chief tried to portray his interest in her work, but it didn’t go further than a couple of vulgar jokes and old jokes.

And what placed her most in Sasha is the fact that for him she is not a sexual object of the female sex, as it was read in the views of most men on her husband’s corporate events ... During the interview, he only glanced at her figure once, the work process did not stare at her breasts with a stripping look. She has long been so easy to communicate with the male sex, on any topic. She herself did not notice how she told him about her relationship with her husband. Larisa also carefully selected her outfits for work, although the company did not have strict requirements, and half of the staff went in jeans.

So quietly flew 4 months after the start of work. The most desired holiday was coming after the new year - the birthday of the company (10 years), which was planned to be celebrated on a grand scale in a good restaurant with the invitation of a presenter, musicians and all employees of the company.

For such an occasion, and this was the first time in the whole marriage, when Larisa went to have fun without her husband, she bought an evening short black dress to mid-thigh, and moderately trimmed in front, wore black stockings and strict high-heeled shoes. She looked gorgeous, more like a business woman than an assistant manager. In the restaurant, the tables were laid in mini-cabins, fenced from 3 sides, which were turned onto the stage in the center of the hall. All were seated in departments, but their chef quickly drank 2 glasses for the health of the company and its management, moved to the next department to continue the holiday.

Comfortably seated on the couch, Larisa and Sasha drank champagne, strenuously leaned on snacks, which they had got in countless quantities, and listened to the program of the evening on stage. A girl with unaccustomed humor began to hops, even a couple of times called her neighbor by the name of her husband. In order to hear each other, Sasha often leaned toward Larisa almost closely, sometimes waving her shoulders. In one of these dialogues, the man’s hand was on Larissa’s knee, but she was in no hurry to throw it off while continuing to listen to music. Gradually, the hand began to move along the girl's leg to the edge of the dress, stroking the inner side of the thigh. Larisa holding a glass of champagne for a moment, looked up from the scene and looked at the man ... Then, slowly, she spread her legs as far as the dress allowed and looked at the scene.

Sasha did not hurry, realizing the gesture of his assistant. He took a glass and offered to drink on brotherhood. Larisa agreed with a smile and emptied the glasses, they sealed the toast with a long frank kiss. After that, the man’s hand returned to Larissa’s hips, continuing to gradually approach the edge of the stockings. Larisa began to feel a slight excitement between her legs, which was for her a very unusual, almost forgotten feeling. But she immediately determined that she did not feel shame or inconvenience from the situation. Moreover, she wanted to continue. Meanwhile, Sasha’s hand went along the edge of the stocking and, touching the unclosed area of ​​skin on the inside of the thigh, touched the girl's panties. From this touch Larissa seemed to be shocked and she felt that she was beginning to get completely shamelessly wet. Slightly going down to the edge of the sofa and raising the dress a little, the girl was able to spread her legs even wider, still not looking at her neighbor. Meanwhile, the hand gently stroked the finest lace of expensive French panties, once donated by her husband for the 10th anniversary of marriage, but who found a reason to be dressed. And then, at first, 1 finger, bending off the matter, turned out to be on the skin, then the second ... Gently pulling the pubic hair, Sasha whispered in her ear:

“I’m sure you’ll shave clean ... you’ll have to show you how to do it later.”

The girl's breathing was clearly increased, she already half-heard the events in the hall, focusing on her feelings and desires. Having played enough with the pubis of his subordinate, Sasha several times ran his finger along the plump wet lips of the vagina, causing a slight, while suppressed, moan from the girl. Then, first one, and then the second finger was added to it, they were immersed in the girl's vagina, which was already running out of juices and desires. Larisa bent on the couch, resting her shoes on the carpet on the floor and tried as much as possible to let the fingers of a man into herself, to sit on them.

After keeping a couple of moments, Sasha took out his hand and inhaled the sharp aroma of juices of an adult, experienced woman who was full of desire, but could not realize it with her husband. Then Alexander went down under the table, being right in front of the girl’s widely spread slender legs. He finally lifted the dress on Larissa, completely exposing the edge of her stockings, and her soaked panties. With both hands, he pulled the gum, and the girl lifted her ass, allowing him to remove the now unnecessary element of his outfit.

Before Sasha's eyes opened the magnificent well-groomed pussy of an adult 35-year-old woman, with a neat intimate pubic haircut. She all exuded the scent of excitement and was overflowing with the juices of desire. With both hands, he ran along the inside of the thighs, lightly touching the mesh of the stockings, approaching the desired goal. Taking Larisa by the hips, he pushed her ass to the edge of the sofa, at the same time widely spreading her legs, and ran his tongue over the wet lips. Having tasted the girl, Sasha plunged his tongue inside the pussy, starting to play with the excited clitoris: alternately sucking and biting him, which caused Larissa to groan in pleasure, which she could no longer restrain.

The girl's hand stroked the hair of her boss, sometimes directing the movement of the head to the most thirsty caress areas of the body. Larisa didn’t know such caresses for 10 years already. She tried to stretch the pleasure, but after 5 minutes she began to actively help with her finger, rubbing the vagina at a furious pace. The orgasm surged suddenly, but was all-consuming. Larisa splashed out all the juices accumulated in the last months of marital life. Alexander did not stop, continuing his caresses to the complete weakening of the girl. And only when Larissa relaxed her legs, breathing heavily, leaning back on the sofa, Sasha took a seat next to her. He looked at her heavily heaving chest, straightened her dress, hiding the bare crotch of the assistant. After that, he drew her to himself and their lips merged in a long kiss.

Larisa was satisfied and sat almost exhausted. She understood that her unexpected lover was still full of desire and excited now, but she had not yet decided to take retaliatory actions. (to be continued)

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