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use her grateful hole. But from where? Ah, this is Jeyhun! But his pussy is not worse than Samirov!

Our recent shy girl surprisingly calmly accepted the idea that she immediately gives herself to two, moreover, to completely unfamiliar guys. And it is no wonder, on a powerful bitch of her first man, she finished time after time, and this condition more than suited her.

Finally, Samir jerked convulsively, his hands almost roughly squeezing Vika’s hips, and something warm and sticky spattered onto his back and ass. The limp member slipped out of the wet hole. But the whole Wikino creature was strongly opposed!

- More, dear, more, please!

- You want more? You are welcome!

A certain movement around Vika didn’t even properly fix in her mind. Just in the face of her again there was a member, which glittered yellowish-white seed, and her hips again clasped strong hands, and the second member again moved into her suffering mink. The girl automatically took the first member in her hand and gently clasped his lips ring. With the second member, however, it was not so easy. He resolutely moved to wake Vikiny's bowels, but on the way back he slipped out and then again. The girl moaned in protest and bent all over, trying to get on the right way to implant Jayhun, who had ravaged the bitch and who had fled.

- Wow, how wet! Do not worry, now it will be quite good!

Vika felt dexterous fingers in her hole, who knew perfectly well what was where she was and how to make her feel good. Then these fingers became smaller, but they mysteriously found around her next hole. The girl suspected something was wrong, but Samir, without ceasing to enjoy her diligent mouth, hurried to reassure:

- Do not worry, now everything will be fine.

And she believed it.

And the treacherous fingers, wet from the discharge of Vika and Samira, deftly penetrated her anus one by one, causing not a disagreeable sensation at all. It was not painful, but the familiar wave of pleasure, rolling from the depths of the abdomen to the nipples, became much more weighty, coarse and visible. And then his fingers were replaced by a member of Jayhun, who, at first timidly, and then more and more persistently began to invade that holy saint, who, according to Vika’s previous thoughts, was not intended for sex at all. And even with a loved one. And even after the wedding.

But now there was no time for reasoning about what was permitted and what was not allowed. Vika, continuing to do blowjob to Samir and helping Jayhun with his hand, caressing her clit and something else devilishly sensitive there, began to feel a slight pain in the anus. Now she is all leaning forward, trying to escape from the saboteur, penetrating into the last stronghold of her virginity. But the saboteur reacted with lightning speed. He firmly embraced the hips of his victim and continued the inexorable forward movement into its depths.

- Aaaaaaah!

Vika choked with a screech when she felt her ass wholly strung on the spit of an insidious tempter.

- In-in-in-ah!

Triumphantly snapped an insidious tempter and began to retreat to a previously prepared position.

But these positions were still inside Wiki, not outside, as she had already hoped. Again, Jayhun's piston moved forward. And it was already not so unpleasant. And why does he go out again? Oh, thank God, not really, again I went inside. Yes, it's not just not disgusting, it's great! Vika is more and more imbued with the pleasures of anal sex, in which our swarthy friends from fraternal Transcaucasia are so tempted! And Jeyhun not only loved buttocks (and, I will tell you a secret, all sorts - both girls and boys), he worked them very talentedly. And retreating, it was, pleasure rolled with a new force. Vika already tried to podmahivat lord of his second hole, and he voluptuously snuffled with pleasure. His strong arms were no longer squeezed with Vicki's thighs.One Caucasian or the other with a palm periodically encouraged the partner with voiced slaps on the buttocks, and the latter increased the pace. The free palm now caressed the girl's corresponding chest, delivering additional pleasure.

At the same time, Vika did not forget about her first man. Her lips and tongue so fruitfully and gently cleaned Samira’s stitch from the effects of today's first penetration into her pussy, that he soon resurfaced and revived in all his circumcised magnificence.

- Wah-hh! Jeyhun, wait, come on like this!

So that meant that the member was taken out of Vika’s mouth, Samir sat on the sofa and hoisted the girl on the protruding national wealth, and Jeyhun again seized her anus.

Now she physically felt how little separates one of her hole from another. Immediately, two penises walked in it, rubbing against each other, threatening to break this almost conditional border, and at the same time delivering a totally indescribable pleasure to the girl. It seems he was moaning or growling ...

Vika suddenly realized that IT was about to happen ... And it happened. With the whole trinity at the same time. Two mad cucumbers that rammed her were simultaneously shot, Vika was firmly squeezed on both sides by the strained bodies of her partners, and she herself froze in the strongest of all the pleasures she had visited before this. Three hearts pounded furiously in unison, all three had bosom wheels from frequent and deep sighs. And then Jeyhun somehow awkwardly slipped out of the wiki and somehow fell off on the sofa next to Samir. Immediately, the second root with a half-crawled condom fell out of the Vika's cave, the hands tightened on her sides, and the girl struggled (her legs did not bend and did not want to converge) and sank directly onto the rug by the sofa. Her eyes were clouded, her breasts continued to heave often, a whitish trickle of seed flowed out of her anus.

- Wh-ahh, what a girl! What a good girl!

Someone from the guys gently ran his hand over her cheek, the other's palm also gently slid over her hair that had become frustrated, smoothing it.

Gradually, the world acquired clarity and color. And it so happened that the first thing that Vika saw in this revived world were two wonderful dear members who had just given her such an indescribable pleasure, and now lonely hanging down and skinny, wet, unclean and unhappy. And it was dishonest and unfair.

Already, as usual, she cleaned her mouth with one first and then the second baby, caressing with his hand the one for which there were not enough sponges and tongue. In the process of cleaning, babies began to resemble not babies, but something more meaningful and weighty. More precisely no longer weighty, but waking up. Even how many minutes of work with pens and jaws - and the result is obvious. They woke up!

Awoke and the happy owners of these wonderful phalluses. For quite a long time Samir and Jeyhun simply stupidly enjoyed caresses, but as their members accepted the starting position, their views and movements became more meaningful and purposeful. Finally, Jeyhun reached the necessary condition, grabbed Vika with his palms under his chest, and caressing them, planted the girl on his torpedo with the hole with which he was familiar only visually and tactilely. Immediately after him, Samir perked up, now receiving Vickin's ass. The benefit of that was developed and lubricated by its predecessor. And this crazy jump on two members began again. Vika’s partners have already gotten tired, but she tried to get all possible benefits out of her position, and by the time the guys one after another shuddered in orgasm, ending up in her mouth and, on her face and chest, she managed to finish twice already.

Everything, she was completely exhausted, though, if she suggested to her now the continuation of this insane jump, she would certainly have agreed. But it was time for the guys to get together. Yes, and she "somewhat lingered" on the way out of the shower. Where, however, it was imperative to return to repeat the water procedures. Wiping herself graciously with a cloth, Vika, accompanied by both gentlemen, returned to the shower and from there to her room. All the way she prayed to God only about one thing, so that no one of her friends would meet them.Especially on the way there and in the very soul. But it seems that no one has seen the traitorous traces of the first group sex in Vika’s life on her cute face and gorgeous elastic body.

After three hours, she was summoned to the commandant after three ...

  • December 17, 2017 20:04

    Write a sequel, cool!


    • Rating: 0
  • V.M. (a guest)
    June 18, 2018 19:08

    wrote. It seems to be hanging here. It's called “Vika. First exit.


    • Rating: 0

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