There is a lot of garbage in the bucket. It seemed that quite recently she carried it to the garbage. Now, she could not understand why he had so quickly accumulated. Looking at the light coat, Anna Sergeyevna waved her hand. In the street, in spite of late autumn, even at night, it was still warm in summer. From the entrance to the trash can, within reach. Nothing in the dressing gown is not cold, she decided, and, picking up the trash can, locked the apartment. Going down to the first floor, she frowned, the boys hooligans broke the light bulb again. But after two days did not pass, as it screwed.

She took a step and, feeling a powerful jerk, instantly flew into the cage, under the landing. I did not even have time to shout from fright. A strong hand squeezed her mouth, and someone reached into her panties, tightly gripping the crotch with the whole palm. She groaned dully from pain and spread her legs. Having unceremoniously bending over her, the rapist forced her to bend down and, tearing off her panties, seized her from behind, pushing a hard member between her thighs.

Contrary to all the descriptions, telling how unpleasantly raped can be, Anna Sergeevna was not bad at that moment. On the contrary, exciting and pleasant. She was a hopelessly lonely woman, men, as it seemed to her, paid no attention to her, but one, nevertheless, was found.

The man behind her was strong and passionate. His firm member with the method of piston evenly slid in her moist bosom, causing in her body long-forgotten exciting feelings. Substituting the genital slit for him, she blissfully relaxed. Realizing that the woman is not going to resist, even begins podmahivat him, the man removed his hand from her mouth. Holding her by the thighs tight, with strength, but without hurting her, he continued to love her.

They finished almost simultaneously. It was dark in the small room, she had a lick in her throat from cigarette smoke, but she patiently waited for him to smoke and they had sex again.

From that evening, Anna Sergeyevna took out the garbage almost every evening, collecting it all over the apartment completely, although she still did not recognize her unexpectedly acquired lover.


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