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there were almost no visitors in the hall. Judging by the situation, the restaurant was not cheap, and the audience here was not going to be any. The food and wine served by the waiter said the same thing.

“I told you: eatery,” said Olga, smiling, after which they laughed together, and their conversation flowed easily and naturally.

Good wine and cheerful conversation did their job, and Lena, imperceptibly for herself, began to stick with Olga as with an old friend. Gradually, their conversation turned to more personal topics. It turned out that Olga is also married, her two children, who are mainly engaged in grandmothers, and she herself works in a large firm. She does not have much work, as she enjoys the special location of the director.

- If you want, come to work with us. I somehow sat at home a couple of years, so I almost died of boredom. Constantly the same thing. And so - even with normal people communicate. In addition, in the office of muzhiks is full, but you understand how important it is for a woman: without close attention from the side, it is easy to turn into an old woman.

- What about her husband?

- What about her husband? Husband - all in business, like yours. Always on business trips. Besides, it is only to his benefit that his wife always looks amazing.

“So you know that my Igor is away?”

- Of course. Viktor Petrovich told me. He really was as if he was not in himself. Looks like you hooked him tight, if he didn't want to leave like that. And, it seems to me, I even guess what.

“How long have you known him?”

- It's a long time. You know, it was he who introduced me to me. Caring ours. By that time we had three.

- In what sense did they “communicate”?

- In any. He added me to work. And I can attach you. So go ahead, decide.

- Well, I'll think about it, - Lena was silent for a while. - Tell me about your relationship with Viktor Petrovich.

- This is a rather strange story. Besides, it is not suitable for the tavern. The atmosphere is not the same. You could go to me. How are you?

- Yes, I do not mind, but only Igor can call. It would be bad if I was not at home.

- Well, what, have another time.

- Come on, let's go to me! You can even stay overnight. I was almost stunned by loneliness. Just let's drop by the store, otherwise I don’t have any wine either.

- Listen, you are well done. Go. All the same, tomorrow is not at work, so you can even talk all night. Just promise that you will tell me about yourself.

* * *

It was already getting dark when they, comfortably seated on a huge sofa in front of a low table with candles, fruit in a beautiful wide vase and wine, returned to the topic of their conversation in a restaurant.

Lena was impatient to hear Olga's story, but she specifically insisted on finishing all the preparations first, and then calmly chatting.

The guest raised the first toast to an excellent and hospitable hostess, then, when they had drunk, offered to turn on pleasant music, and refilled their glasses.

“The fact that we met at all is very strange,” Olga began. - You see at that time I did not communicate with the men. I was terribly in love with one woman, with whom we worked together in a small advertising firm. She was my boss. Please don't look at me like that. I believe that there is nothing wrong with that. Since then, much has changed, but I still remember her with warm feelings. She reciprocated me, and we felt good together. A few years ago, she died in a car accident, and her husband and I go to church every year on her birthday. Oh, what am I doing? So not for long and nurses dissolve. Enough.

Olga got up.

- I am very glad that we met with you, and I propose to have a drink for friendship. As you correctly understand, on brotherhood.

- Of course, Olya, I am also very pleased to meet you.I hope that we will become real friends, ”said Lena in an agitated voice.

Women drained glasses and kissed. Of course, Lena had not touched the lips of another woman for the first time, but this kiss was special. The awakened sensuality of Lenochka forced her to perceive people around her in a new way. She was not frightened, but only intrigued by the fact that she had to kiss a lesbian, so their “friendly” kiss turned out to be tender and long.

Seated in her seat, Olga smiled.

- Well, here, immediately feel better. So what did I stop at? Oh yes. Valya answered me in return, although she was married. She was a real beauty. The face, hair, chest, waist, hips, legs, manner of holding - everything was admirable, all the males drooled hung to the waist, but she kept a distance with everyone, of course, except for her husband and me. Almost every day we retired with her in her office to indulge in caress. I thought our relationship was a mystery to everyone, but it was not. Her husband had an incredible flair. He soon realized that his wife was having a great time with someone. If this someone turned out to be a muzhik, they would definitely have their personal belongings torn off. However, I also had a hard time - Olga paused, sipped more wine.

- Listen, Len ... I, probably, in vain paint everything with such details ...

- Oh, no, Olenka, tell everything, I beg you! I really want to know more about you and I am very worried about you.

- Okay. If suddenly my words or something else shocks you, interrupt me, not hesitating.

Once, when I once again waited for Valechka in the office (she briefly left), the door opened, and her husband entered instead. I recognized him right away, but I wasn't scared: what else am I doing here? We greeted each other, I went to the table and began sorting through the papers. My back felt that he approached me. I wanted to turn around, but he did not let me. He hugged me with one hand at the level of the hips, and the other grabbed my neck and dropped my chest on the table. For me it was a complete surprise, and I could not make attempts to resist. “So is it you, bitch, decided to make a cuckold out of me? He growled. - Now I will teach you. I will mark, as they say, the territory. ” He pulled up my skirt on my back, shoved his sweaty palm into my panties and began frantically grabbing my buttocks. He squeezed them painfully, pulled him to the side, felt every inch of his body he could reach. It hurt, but I couldn't cry. Perhaps, also because really encroached on that belonged to him, but not to me.

Finally, he broke off my panties with a bang, pulled them off me and put them under my nose. My head was still pressed to the table. I began to realize that now he would rape me. My attempt to escape only spurred him. I felt the skin of his hot flesh and prepared for what was supposed to happen. In the end, he was not my first man, so it seemed to me that nothing terrible would happen to me. What a shock awaited me when I realized what he intended to do with me! His body was just huge, I felt it, and he tried to enter my ass. “What will happen to me? He would just tear me apart, I thought, What would Valya think of me! It was too much for me. I remembered that Valya told me about her husband: “In bed he is just a beast, and his penis is a real gun.” I was scared. Of course, I tried this kind of sex, but with a man I had it for a long time, and with Valentina - so much indulgence, although my friend liked these games.

“No, no, just not that! - I begged, - I will do whatever you say, but not this! Please let me go ... ” Read more →

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