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The morning was heavy for most vacationers. In the evening, everyone was drunk, and therefore we went around the camp, moaning and grimacing with pains in the heads and unpleasant sensations in the stomachs. The only one who felt good was Viktor Petrovich. He was vigorous and cheerful, laughed a lot and made fun of the "sick". “Here is a boar! How much strength he has! ”Thought Lena, recalling yesterday's“ exploits ”of her tormentor. True, she less and less thought of him as a torturer, although the pain in her entire body, and shame more than any pain, still tormented her.

She got out of bed with eyes swollen with tears, and when Igor inquired about what happened to her, she threw out all of her hurt feelings on him. Igor made excuses for a long time, tried to caress and promised that today everything will be different.

Lena calmed down. The insult has passed, and now she lived in expectation of a wonderful evening. The day was a success, they walked along the shore, enjoyed the beautiful scenery and Igor even persuaded Lena to go fishing. The good mood was also promoted by the fact that Viktor Petrovich announced that he needed to be in the city, but he would come back tomorrow morning and left.

In the evening, Igor and Lena ate goodbye to the company early and went to sleep. Igor, although he drank it, today seemed to be in shape, and Lena was in a romantic mood, passionately wanting to make amends to her husband.

She tried to be as seductive as possible, playing with her man, caressing him and encouraging him to take caresses. In an effort to please him, she kissed his chest, stomach, thighs. Igor was very excited, and when his wife began to caress his belly with his lips, he tried to move so that once again he would offer Lena a mouthful of his cock. Lena immediately understood what her husband wanted, and decided that today he would receive it. She rubbed his cheek against his penis, then walked over his lips, then with her tongue, slowly plunged her head into her mouth. Inside, everything was ablaze. Caressing her husband, Lena was expecting a response caress, but he seemed to be so pleased with his position that he did not particularly care about his wife. Lena was so agitated that she could not get by with Igor's limp caresses. At the bottom of her everything was burning, and her hand spontaneously reached there, reached out to the languishing in anticipation of the perineum flowing out. Lena made a deaf groan, moved her lips over her husband's dick, more and more pulling him into herself ...

And then Igor screamed, grabbed her head, pressed on the back of his head, his cock twitched at Lena’s mouth, and sperm began to pour out of him in jerks. Lena tried to pull away, pull away, but Igor, it seemed, did not even notice. His cock, pouring, went completely into this warm mouth. Lena was shocked by such actions, she did not expect them and did not want to. It was very unpleasant for her, it was hard to breathe, but for the first time a strange thought came to her mind: “It’s even good that he is so small, he lacks his throat, not that he ...”.

Igor's hands let go of her head. He did not move. Lena released a member from her mouth, which became very small, spat a drop of sperm in the sheet, raised her eyes to her husband. Igor slept. At first, Lena did not believe this, she pressed her whole body to her husband, kissed her, whispered something tender in her ear.

“Thank you very much, love,” Igor muttered, then turned on his side and snored.

Never before has Lena been so disappointed. “Is that really all?”

She wanted to cry again. Throwing on her robe, she went out into the street. The night air did not calm her down; he only showed her more that life could be so fresh, so beautiful, and she only had to suffer. She passed the camp and walked along the path leading to a small arbor near the shore. She sat down on a bench and looked at the water.

“I’m not the only one who can’t sleep today,” the familiar bass made her shudder.

- Oh, it's you again. You left.

- I left and arrived. Or maybe I missed you! I liked you.

- Are you going to torture me again? Only this time, nothing will come of it. I will scream - Lena could not be afraid anymore

- Of course you will. I'm all screaming. Only not immediately, and then, when from a buzz silence becomes unbearable. You, in my opinion, and yesterday shouted, but only I squeezed your mouth. Do you remember how sweet it was? - Victor Petrovich’s hand fell on Lena’s shoulder.

- I remember, - Lena was good at the fact that the man did not grab, paw, and that’s how she fraternally warmed her up like that.

- You will always be sweet with me. It only hurts at first. Right say?

“What is he talking about? What is “always”? Is it possible again? ”And then the woman realized that now she really could not refuse him. Why should she refuse him? For whom? Lena suddenly felt an incomprehensible sympathy for this peasant, for this beast, who not only took from her what she wanted, but also gave her what she could not, or maybe did not want to give her husband to her.

Viktor Petrovich lifted her off the bench. Now they stood nearby, and his hands dropped to her waist.

- You are very beautiful. And passionate. I like these. Did it hurt a lot?

- At first it is strong, then - it does not hurt at all, but today it is again strong.

- And where is stronger? Here? Or here?

His hands moved. The left one went down on the pubis, stroking the body through a thin fabric, and the right one moved along the buttocks, slightly shaking them, slightly pushing them apart.

Lena trembled. She felt a surge of excitement again. Without controlling herself, she pressed herself against the man, her hands resting on his shoulders.

- In the pope it was more painful. I barely sat.

- It is right. It is not used yet. Here is another time, and tomorrow will no longer be sick. You will ask for it yourself. Remember how good it was.

Viktor Petrovich put both hands on Lena’s buttocks.

- Do you want to be good again? See what you want. You have a good ass, and asks.

- It will hurt me. I'm afraid. I'm really afraid, but I still want it.

- Well done. Run to the tent, give your husband this, let him sleep, do not be afraid, this is a sleeping pill.

Lena, trembling, almost ran back to the tent. She quickly found a glass, poured water and suddenly stopped. She was in doubt. What's next? She did not know what to think. Yes, and could not. Her heart was pounding. She is going to change her husband. The person he loves. What to do?

Lena tried to calm down. She decided to stop. But what to say to Viktor Petrovich? She was scared.

At that moment Igor twisted in his sleep and groaned.

- Len, and Len ...

- What, dear?

- Give me a pill, my head hurts.

Lena automatically handed her husband a glass and a pill, and only when Igor drank it all and fell asleep again, she realized that “What did I do?”

We had to solve something. Two days ago, she was afraid to think about it. So, in indecision, she sat for five minutes, until the canopy of the tent opened.

- Long walk, but I was not used to wait. For a long time to persuade - too, - said Victor Petrovich quietly. He entered the tent, sat down beside Lena, then knocked her back.

- What tense something? Relax, he won't wake up in the morning. Or maybe you're afraid of me? Yes, do not shake you so now warm.

Viktor Petrovich pressed her to the bed, his hands began to stroke her arms, shoulders, stomach, then moved to his chest. Gradually, Lena stopped trembling. She again felt under the tutelage of this rude, but at the same time gentle man, who so aggressively seeks to please not only herself, but also her. She was warming up, and now she melted under his strong hands, which crushed her breasts, caressed her tight nipples, stroked her thighs. He did not need her response to caresses, he did everything himself.

- Well, what have we got? - his hand fell between her legs, - the order is already wet. I ...

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