This story is almost real, it happened in 2000. From this story, we all rushed.

They invited us like a birthday in a restaurant. Not anything special, a normal birthday, a regular tavern. We arrived at 19 o'clock, congratulations to the birthday man, flowers ... The restaurant was large, with about 300 seats. and walked a lot of people, but especially no one who did not interfere. Everyone rested with his company. And when the walk was in full swing, my mobile phone rang. In the office, the server hung, and all the work of the office was paralyzed. Chef tore and threw.

- Urgent! urgent! - I just heard on the phone.

So, time is eight, half an hour by taxi there, half an hour back, half an hour to work, by 10 I will be here - I thought frantically. Anya, my wife was already tipsy and happily chirped. She rejoiced at her beauty, youth, attention, which she constantly received from guests. I went to the table where the birthday man was sitting with his wife and, apologizing, explained the situation. Anya kissed me cheerfully:

- Of course, go. Just come soon, - the wife laughed.

Music sounded, and she was attracted to the dance by a new cavalier. Some bad feeling stirred in my chest. Taxi got stuck in traffic. The server quickly set up failed. The reverse taxi quickly failed to call

I arrived at a cafe at 12 o'clock at night. The fun went on. I immediately started looking for a wife. She was not at the table, not in the hall!

- Sergey, where is Anya? - I asked the birthday boy

- Yes, here somewhere, - he said quickly, he was very drunk and barely moved his tongue

- Do not worry, anywhere from here she will not go, maybe she went to the toilet or smoke - the wife of the hero of the occasion answered,

I went outside and sat on a bench in the gazebo. We must look around and think about where Anya might be. A feeling of jealousy burned inside of me with fire. Where is she? Who is she with? These questions tormented me while smoking a cigarette. In the arbor went two guys. Young people at 19-20 no more. Long hair jeans. nothing special. Looking at me they sat down. One took a pack of white out of his shirt pocket, and the other some kind of box. Something scattered in the palms, then shook tobacco from cigarettes. Mixed and stuffed a cigarette again. Smoked, tightening in turns.

- Nishtyak chick, - with a breath, dragging on drunkenly spoke long.

- And where did she come from? - asked the second. - And how did Sanek win this blond?

- Yes Sanya, cool kid. So you count it, she gave him half a night "lighthouses" with her eyes, and when invited to dance, she swam, but

. I have, like, a husband, then, that. Well, he's an anti-ligent. To begin with, dance-shmantsy. And then she slipped her bong - She smoked and zakasela. And then, for the sake of hope, the grub was still widening. I did not regret. Gee-gee-gee! Here it is all razvezlo. He put her in his arms right away, until he moved away from the buzz, and down into the pantry. Gee-gee-gee. He took the key to the storeroom from the Chaldean restaurant, gave 500 rubles, Sanya told me that he had cut off this blessing in all the holes. Glue, grit, chick! Itself in the hunt podmahivala And what a fucking suck did! Gee-gee-gee ...! There is a couch there. So he is on it. And then he went upstairs, well, and the boys made a noise. Like, chick in the pantry waiting for you. What, they say, and takes in his mouth and gives in the ass. Gee-gee-gee !!

- A husband-what?

- And the dick knows, maybe the chick herself came to the cultural bar to rest, and about her husband was a creature

- Now we kosyachok we smoke and for the second time we will go.

- Suck bitch cool can. Looks like a husband I taught her! Gee-gee-gee

- Yes, you shove dick in her mouth, take it by the ears and fuck.

“So did Bison.” I thrust my dick into her mouth for the most tomatoes. And you know what the fuck at the Buffon Gy-gy-gySo she vomited out everything she ate! Gee-gee-gee ... on his shoes ...! Gee-gee-gee

- Well, he finished in her mouth!

- Well, then he slapped her in the face, Gee-gee-gee! .., and she was overwhelmed by the buzz.

I was self-conscious, caught every word of them, but when they began to discuss the details, a shiver passed through my body.

- So this bitch also resisted? She only wanted with Sanka!

- At first, while under the high was, spravno sucked.Vaughn, Bald first for her cheek tumbled. Smacking at the whole storeroom was! Gee-gee-gee. You yourself remember how he felt bad when he let her in her mouth.

- Yes-ah, she then even licked the whole dick to him. And to the next, as she stretched her lips! Keri sucked dick like ice cream!

- How did Vaha put in her, how did they fuck her in two bows? How she waved Vahe! She must have finished six times. Gee-gee-gee. Oh, so they were lucky. And when Skull thrust into her mouth, she, along the way, already woke up from the buzz. Op-pa - it's too late, it is already our lads in all holes of the spikes, and in your mouth the cock crawls! Gee-gee-gee She's not like that, I'm supposedly waiting for the tram. And he for her ears and dick! Gee-gee-gee. She started up again, apparently not fucking at all

- Well, Che, let's go, stop smoking - Long shook his burned fingers. - Already fingers burn! ... And then it will completely fuck, and we will not have enough Gee-gee-gee

I sat in a trance for a few minutes. That means what my wife is touchy. I ran 6-7 minutes to look for this place. Yeah, here are the stairs! Some kind of door Some strange sounds of the Voice

Muffled female voice:

- More, stronger, come on. !!! - Ltd!!!

Loud slap ...

Here it is again:

- Aaa amm !!!

Muffled groans

Some mooing

I opened the door and slipped inside. When my eyes got a little used to the twilight, a terrible picture opened to me. There were 7 or 8 people in the room. In the middle was an old trestling bed. On the couch, a nude woman stood sideways on all fours to me. The bra was torn and draped at the waist. White tights are torn from behind. Some of them dangled at the waist, some were on their feet and slipped on their thighs Tights on their knees are wiped to holes

Her rudely fucked the two that were in the gazebo. The rest of the guys watched lustfully and waited for their turn. Behind the woman was long. He held her waist and with powerful pushes hollowed her body. With every blow, the woman's body shook. Chest full, painfully familiar, waved to the beat of the movement. Apparently every push was accompanied by sweet pain, because the woman moaned:

- Mmmmmmmmmmmmm

There was another in front. He held the woman by the hair and put her mouth on his penis. The member entered deep into the wife's mouth.

Hair ...! Blonde hair... ! This is Ann... !!! They let her in a circle and she likes it ... !!!

..I sighed convulsively. I looked at the guy suspiciously at me and whispered something to my neighbor. He grinned and nodded his head

- Take a queue, the chick came to taste, that's enough for everyone, fuck! - said shaved.

I quickly looked at Anya. Hear or not ?! It seems no. She was not up to it ...! The guy, taking his wife's head by the ears, put her mouth on his dick. She no longer heard anything and could not understand anything.

I stood in a trance, My young, beautiful wife was roughly fucked and she was languishing like a horny bitch.

The guy has accelerated the pace and, probably, the depth of penetration, because Anya mumbled in a voice and tore her head out of the hands of Long

- Aaaaa !!!, - Anya screamed in pain. The long man quickly bent down and, picking up some dark rag from the floor, silenced my wife's mouth. A large flap hung down.

“- This is her dress. They didn’t tear them up ’- I thought with detachment

The guy wheezed, arched his back and began to cum, forcefully pushing his dick into the bosom of his wife

- Wow, fuck you! - falling off his wife, he said. - Razebali, the truth is already a hole. Kaif is not the same.

Long pulled the dress out of Anyuta’s mouth and immediately shoved his dick. He pushed his hips and started to fuck his wife's mouth again. The member entered deep into the throat. Anya choked and wheezed. Sometimes a member jumped out of his wife's mouth, and then there was a loud champing And he again drove the member into his mouth.

One of the guys picked up a dress and, wiping her crotch, he wanted to settle in behind.

- Wait, Kerya, let me finish it, - Long croaked. He sped up the movement, and began to cum in her mouth Anya choked with Long's sperm ... Finally, Long finished, not removing a member from his wife's mouth. He pulled out his entire tongue licked, wiped on the dress. Anya melted on all fours, bowing her head. Saliva mixed with sperm flowed from the open mouth ..

“Spit, slut,” said Shaving, approaching Anyuta. - On, wipe off

With disgust, he with two fingers raised what was an elegant dress, and threw it on his wife's head.The wife pulled a rag from her head and sat down on a couch, exhausted. Spat out the remains of mucus from her mouth.

She looked terrible: white hair, laid in the morning in her hair, was disheveled, lipstick spread over the face, leaked mascara, swollen lips, red traces of hickeys on the chest and neck! She sat and wiped her body from sperm, but she had a smile on her face.

- Well, dear, who is next., - asked his wife, even though the guys. I'm going to smoke now and go, okay

- Well, what, then you smoke, slut, let's pose - This is Kerya.

The wife got up on the couch and squatted and closed her eyes and bowed her head. At the same time, Shaved, taking her hair, raised his head and inserted his drooping limb into her half-opened lips.

- Come on, suck, but it is completely lazy, - he grunted, improve qualifications.

Everyone in the room sniffed. Anya smiled and began to suck this member, and he began to gradually increase and swell in his mouth. After a while, he stood like a stake and began to put her head, mouth, lips on his cock for hair. Kery looked at it, poddrachivaya its member. When a member stood up, he came up behind my wife and, and it all started over again! Slapping belly on his wife's ass, champing her mouth, moans muffled by a member! Sighs, oohs, fluttering, champing, sobbing, splashing, champing !!! The guys changed each other, coming in turns from the front, then back to my wife. Nobody paid attention to me. I slowly slipped out of the pantry and went by taxi to work. I did not want my wife to know that I saw it all.

When he returned, Annie was already at home. She was wearing a tights and a turtleneck, which tightly closed her neck. I, overpowering myself, hugged her and kissed her on the lips. Before the eyes of the picture stood: Anya sucks from her mouth sperm flows interspersed with saliva swollen lips, sucking dick. I almost vomited, but I overcame myself and made me smile. What to do if it happened ...?!

- How was your trip? - not looking at me, asked his wife.

- Yes, good. There was a lot of work, - I answered, trying to give a cheerfulness to my voice.

Author's e-mail:

  • July 22, 2013 10:30

    Zhestkach. Strong.


    • Rating: 0
  • Anatoly (a guest)
    August 26, 2013 11:19



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  • Dima (a guest)
    October 1, 2013 19:31

    From such a whore slave must be done


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  • Vera (a guest)
    October 19, 2013 16:37

    thought about the question: why not actually? can there be freedom in 2 people ...


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  • Laura (a guest)
    March 11, 2017 10:55 PM

    Good question, men think that only they love variety.


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  • Alexander (a guest)
    September 1, 2015 10:49

    Here after these! Us for men and do not consider.


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  • Zmey Heroini4 (a guest)
    June 19, 2016 16:37

    Already the fourth, or fifth version of this story I meet.
    The main differences are that for the event and how to get to it,
    What contingent is hanging out, whether the protagonist is exposed or not, whether he fucks the “hero of the occasion” with everyone, when he and she return home, and then there is a sweep of the organizers of this party.


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  • Anonymous (a guest)
    July 15, 2017 8:48

    I had a chance, four freaks tried to rape my wife, so all four of them burned alive in the car :-)


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  • vitali (a guest)
    October 24, 2017 17:59

    Husband is just a condom! I heard that they got her drunk and they spiked it. need to act! to protect my wife! rag!


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