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and cried out softly when the streams that I emitted began to strike directly at the uterus.

This breathtaking woman was the perfect partner: first, quickly took everything she wanted, and then gave everything without reserve. Through the enveloping my mind, the fog felt like it quietly slipped out from under me and covered with a blanket. Then I was gone ...

In the morning, when I woke up, Tanya was not there. Apparently, she slowly washed off. Quickly washing and shaving, opened the suitcase prepared for me with things. Antonelli provided literally everything - from underwear to several fresh shirts.

So, it's time to leave.

Happiness that was summer, and both girls easily gave up the desire to pack with them a mountain of things. Both wore tight jeans, light woolen blouses that were still more revealing than their flawless and insanely seductive forms concealed. Father and daughter kissed vigorously and could not tear themselves apart. Then the boss came up to me:

- Well, Sam, I trust you only daughter. Watch her, guard. Tanya has a weapon and a decent amount of money. Do not do anything stupid and take Nina to a place safe and sound. Do not disappoint me.

It may sound too dramatic, but he could not get rid of the feeling that in the end, this adventure is about life and death. Serious guys who have planned the abduction will not be puzzled for a long time over whether to spare Tanya and especially me. It was clear, and our only chance was the modesty of the car. Well, of course, a little in my skills as a private detective.

In a few minutes our Porsche was already racing along the highway. Nina pulled us into a conversation with a lot of frivolous hints. So flew a few hours. The sun had already risen very high, and the car became really hot. Up to this point, the trip was just lovely. Fast as a doe car and two amazing beautiful girls in it - what did I need her?

Sometimes we were overtaken by heavy arms. And when they passed one of these dinosaurs, some unconscious presentiment stirred in me. It seemed that the man sitting with the driver picked up something like a microphone as soon as our Porsche appeared in his field of vision. Above the roof of this monster sticking radio antenna. Actually, there was nothing unusual in this, but nevertheless I somehow did not like it.

The further ride up to our first long stop went smoothly, except for the fact that Nina almost sent me to the forefathers. Unable to withstand the heat, she pulled off her blouse and sat down in the corner, clasping her arms around her neck and smiling with pleasure. In the rearview mirror, my eyes saw a slightly quivering, sharp little breasts and wagged pink nipples protruding upward. The car swerved, and I had to grab the steering wheel even tighter. Tanya shook her head accusingly.

“I didn’t think it would disturb you.”

When it was already beginning to get dark, we got to a small place where Antonelli ordered us to spend the night. It was a long building with a flat roof, on one side of which there was a restaurant. In the registration window of the guests, we first had to break our heads what to write in the forms, but even here Big Boss took care of everything and ordered us numbers under different names. The girls rushed to their rooms to quickly take a shower.

I wanted to inspect the environment. The doors of our rooms opened onto a long corridor. Fortunately, the rooms were at the very end of the corridor, and my room was the first of three. This greatly facilitated my task of observing Nina.

In the registration window were a polite young girl and an elderly man. Sure, they were "real."Around the motel there were a lot of trees and, as it seemed to me, too many shrubs. Especially in the corner of the house where Nina settled down, who occupied the last room, the bush here stretched almost to the window itself. I was somewhat worried.

And so I knocked into the girl's room to see how protected the windows were. Hearing Nina’s polite response: “Come in!”, He opened the door without any ulterior motive. But it would be better for me to immediately turn around and leave. Nina was completely naked in bed, her hands behind her head, legs slightly apart. When she saw me, she stretched with pleasure:

- Well, our compelling racer, what happened?

Immediately I felt that I was blushing, and this happens to me infrequently. Nevertheless, he could not tear his eyes away from the pretty girl's womb. Dark hair was very short, but thick and curls went to where the hips were spreading and where a narrow slit was clearly visible.

- I ... uh ... I think I need to see how your windows are equipped. Outside, the bushes are too close to them ...

Nina laughed and rolled closer to the windows so that now she was right behind my back:

- Oh, that's it? So they fit? And what conclusion do you make from this, great detective?

This angered me:

- Listen, you little girl. Your father will take off my skin if I don’t do my best to protect you from all the bad things in this world. Clear?

She giggled and rolled away from me to the other side of the bed:

- Well well. And dad thinks that you are the most suitable person for this?

In anger, turned to her. But who could continue to get angry, seeing all that she got up? Nina raised her hips high, rhythmically set her legs together again and again. Whenever she spread them out widely, I could clearly see the small vagina, the pink lips, glistening from the moisture that had already protruded. And, honestly, I didn’t want anything, except how to bend this young creature under me, but instead said in a hoarse voice:

- Listen, this is not a fair game. I need to smack you like a child.

She instantly turned over and gave me a little ass, which is more appetizing than anything is hard to imagine.

“Here you are, my strict teacher,” came a squeak from under the pillow.

Yes, in some ways she was just sweet. True, Antonelli hid this treasure from the outside world for too long and too strictly, and now it is experiencing a need, a very powerful need to catch up. Therefore, I slapped Nina lightly on the bottom and walked to the door. She looked disappointed after. If it goes on like this, the whole trip will turn into one complete test.

Then everyone met at dinner. The food was great, and when they were drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes, Nina offered to grab something to drink and go into one of our rooms to continue the evening that had begun so well and have fun.

Tanya strongly opposed this idea, and therefore decided to drink something else at the bar. We watched some broadcast on television. The hall was almost empty. Only in the corner, half-hugged, sat a young couple. My lips reached for the glass, when suddenly the door opened and two types of strong build fell into the room. Undoubtedly, truckers, as they called long-distance transport drivers, were immediately visible by their clothes and behavior. They sat down not far from us and immediately began to arrogantly examine my beauties. One of them laughed, whispered something to his neighbor, after which both literally burst out laughing. Nina looked at the men with a smile, and Tanya only said “pff” and threw back her red hair.

The arrogance with which the two types looked at my beauties excluded any suspicion. But who knows? And at my signal, the girls obediently seed them into their rooms. And I wanted to take some usual measures for monitoring the ward.Making sure that Nina and Tanya dispersed in numbers, quickly washed and went downstairs. When ... Read more →

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