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I wanted to regulate the “invasion”, but this didn’t stop me a bit. After a slight jolt, the swollen head entered the moisture-blowing opening, and immediately the hot heat engulfed the barrel pulsating with tension, pierced with a desire to penetrate even deeper. However, this was not as easy as we would have liked.

The hole was narrow, even very narrow. It took several energetic pushes before he could move on. Then he stopped so that, God forbid, do not end right at the entrance to the temple of love, but the hot shell in which the member turned out, inexorably pushed for orgasm.

Linda's big breasts stood like a young girl, slightly turning right and left, respectively, and her nipples boldly looked straight up. When I captured one of these wonderful creations in my mouth and began to suck energetically, the movements of the hips of the blonde accelerated. She squirmed like a snake, trying to cling to me as tightly as possible. The vagina was filled with love juice, and my trunk slid easily inside, penetrating every time, probably, to the very bottom of this hot cave. Suddenly, the blond head buried in my shoulders, and then I heard quiet sounds similar to meow. I didn’t even believe that I managed to bring this arrogant beast to a similar state.

Each of my push widely spreading sex lips, although a few centimeters of my penis remained, so to speak, unaffected, and my scrotum every time hit the place where the lovely buttocks began. Gradually, I began to feel that somewhere somewhere between the shoulder blades, I had an exciting tickling, which rapidly spread down, pierced my eggs with a pleasant convulsion, passed to the tip of the penis. And I simply did not have the strength to hold back - I had to pull the trigger. Directly into this narrow hot space, into the womb of this gorgeous blonde.

Somewhere far away, in a half conscious, I heard a short scream when Linda took my first jet, and felt that she spread her legs even more and rubbed her nipples frantically on my hairy chest. A member is already weaker pitching continued to spew sperm, which has accumulated in me enough, because for several days now no one fucked.

However, Linda suddenly vigorously shoved me away, so my trunk jumped out and hung, continuing to clump slightly before entering the garden of pleasures. She straightened up and almost instantly became the inaccessible lady again.

“Can you give me a handkerchief or something?”

My hand reached for a paper napkin, which she almost pulled out of my hands and pressed to my lips. And literally in a minute Linda was already wearing a dress over her head, after which it was cold, as if there was nothing between us, said:

- Well, are you convinced? One more trial will not be.

“It’s a pity,” my face twisted in a sour grin, “could have done further tests.

She sighed loudly, as if hersing:

- This is definitely not do more! If I tell him how ... well, how you are arranged below and how you can use it on occasion, then, I am afraid, nothing will work with your work.

I laughed:

- Scared for your daughter? She's still a girl, huh?

“I don’t know, but she doesn’t let people like you like me.” If this were not my responsibility, and I would not ...

She faltered when she saw that my trunk had risen and was ready to break into this sweet gorge again, which he liked very much.

Blonde scared clung to the wall.

“Listen, Sam, I ... it was just a joke.” Don't come to me, I don't have time, I ...

I came very close to her and pressed the head of the penis into the stomach already hidden by clothes.

“My sweetheart, if you once again act so arrogantly with me, then I will spread it across the table and hustle me away so that you forget your name, understand?”

She gasped for breath.

- Yes, yes, Sam. But now, please, get dressed, we need to go.

It sounded better already.

When they left the house, it turned out that there was a huge black carriage at the entrance. I wanted to sit next to the driver, but a powerful hand reached from the salon and literally dragged my body inside. Actually, I do not consider myself to be weak, but surprise played a role here.

It must have been at least forty minutes before the car stopped in front of the mansion. The doors opened, I was pulled out of the cabin and led into the house.

In the living room I sat ... my old acquaintance, imposing Tony Antonelli, whom I had not seen for almost eight years. Earlier there were rumors that his money sailed to him through dirty channels. Some even called on the mafia, although no one could check it out and did not want to.

And now this type was sitting in front of me and smiling in his mouth:

- Sam, old friend, how are you?

= Rubbish. And explain what all this masquerade means? You know me and therefore could just call.

Antonelli theatrically raised both hands:

- Oh, Sam, things, all the time things. And among them there are those from whom just sick. Do you understand? Therefore, I, the old unfortunate person, need to hide - dive to the bottom and hide. Otherwise, tomorrow there will be an impudent person who wants to come to me and take everything away. See how simple it is, right?

I had a not unreasonable fear, some vague feeling that there was simply no way back, and therefore it remained only to extract the maximum benefit from all this.

- And still I would like to know what I have to do?

“You see, Sam, it’s very difficult to have a daughter.” If she is also beautiful like my Nina. All the time I have to watch out for nothing to happen to her. In addition, there are frivolous smarties who hunt for Nina and my money. Yes, all this is terribly sad.

Suddenly, Antonelli clapped me on the knee and straightened up:

“Have you forgotten how to drive a Porsche?”

Again this idiotic hint!

- Not. So what are we talking about?

“You will need to take Ninotch very far away from here.” And you have to do this so that no one knows where you are going. Clear?

- Is there a good reason to take your daughter away?

- Yes, and therefore Nina needs to be removed from the line of fire. You have to understand this, okay? But do not be afraid - the reward will be appropriate.

“Oh, Kei,” I agree with a sigh. “And where should I go?”

Antonelli waved his hands and laughed:

“Just don't rush, just don't rush, Sam.” We must go far. But the exact place ... you will learn about it only at the end of the trip, okay? And also: so that you don’t have the desire to seduce my daughter, you will be accompanied by Miss Forks, who is charged with monitoring your behavior.

- OK boss. Tell me to be taken home. I want to get ready for the road.

- No, no, Sam, you stay here. A travel suitcase has already been prepared for you. It has everything you need.

Antonelli shouted loudly:

“Miss Forks!”

Just a second later, another woman-dream appeared. In my opinion, she is even more beautiful than Linda. Tall, a little full. Red long hair. She was wearing a cropped skirt, but there was only a bikini top on top. Thin fabric barely kept the fullness of the white, like milk, hemispheres. She approached us with a smile.

“This, my dear Sam, is Miss Forks.”

In a pleasant chest voice, she asked if we could bring anything. Antonelli nodded. Even a rather wide skirt could not hide a delightfully full strong ass. And suddenly from the terrace there was a loud laugh. Then something burst into the room, instantly flew past me and clasped Antonelli around the neck.

Apparently, this was Nina .... Read more →

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