In our group in vocational school №27, there were only four girls, me, Marina, Olga, Irina and Sveta. As it always happens, among the girls, we became close friends, shared our “girlish” secrets, talked, and almost always had a rest together. I and two other friends of mine were no longer virgins, which was one of the main topics of our conversations. And then in one of its own beautiful, spring Monday, after the first couple, as I remember, it was literature, Olga, a brown-eyed, stinging brunette, with a conspiratorial air, dragged us to the toilet for a smoke break.

The first words she said to us were: “Oh, girls, you can congratulate me, it happened, I broke up with this hated chick!”

And in her eyes, lights of happiness lit up. We naturally, as best we could, congratulated her on the first time and asked how this wonderful event happened. And that's what she told us, then I bring the story from the first person.

“We went with him to his nine, to his dacha, to a shish kebab. He said that we would go early to tidy up a bit, and everyone else would come a little bit later. But I guessed that no one else would come as soon as he opened the door of the problem. Girls, you will not believe, there were no less than fifteen bouquets of flowers: there were proud roses, charming lilies, and even modest asters, lurking somewhere in the corner. In general, what kind of flowers there just was not! And besides, my favorite music was playing. He said only 5 words: “Darling, this is all for you!”

A festive table was set up in the dining room, twilight was skillfully created with the help of curtains, and three candles were burning on the table in the old, bronze chandelier ... We drank champagne, biting it with fruit and talked only about us: about our first meeting, about our love, our future and our present ... After we drank two glasses of champagne each, he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom, where he put me on the wide, bed of his parents, covered with the most delicate, silk linen ... it was wonderful, I was not afraid to hurt me I knew that he would be attentive and would do everything very gently and carefully ...

And so it happened, at first he was tender like a teddy bear, constantly asked how I felt if it hurt me, but gradually he began to act more confidently, like a tiger caught in a “deadly” trap seeking to regain lost freedom ... I never been so good ... In general, girls, it was my most wonderful weekend in my life ... "

She dragged on, for the last time and having looked, with a triumphant look, denoting one thing - I COULD, went out into the corridor. After some time, we came out. Frankly, honestly, I envied her, because for the first time she had turned out not so much for me. She had it, a fairy tale, not burdened, neither drunk quantity of alcohol, nor fear because of the imminent arrival of parents, she had a skilled lover, who knows how to create a romantic atmosphere and, probably, even more important, the same mood ... All the next couple, I compared, I regretted that she had so great, so confusing, and not like me and the other girls.

Judge for yourself:

First, I lost my virginity once in a routine, at home, on an old creaky couch I got from my older sister, with constant fear from the sudden arrival of my parents, how could this compare to the magnificence that Olga showed her Darling? When everything is done in a hurry, and the feeling is created that the old sofa, which once caused you to envy, made you angry at the fact that it belongs to your sister, and not to you, responds to your every move with a squeaky creak, as if it were alive, and she wants to loudly tell you that it is wrong, that it is impossible, and that parents will find out about everything anyway ... How can this be compared with Olga's first time?

The second, Irinka, in her village, somewhere in the hayloft, passing along with her village boyfriend, after watching the club (probably many still remember these old clubs that were used as a place for meetings, cinemas in the afternoon, and in the evening there were dances , with such indispensable attributes as a billiard and an obligatory fight after closing ...) of the film, Fanfan-Tulip, which she saw for the first time. They, as she later told us more than once, were interested in how to do this, lying in hay. And they decided to go and try, prove to themselves that they are already adults, and that they will remember this sex for a long time.

But the only thing she remembered were merciless injections, freshly dried hay. The blades of grass stabbed everywhere: their snow-white back and her wasp waist, arms, legs were subjected to treacherous attack, but the most unpleasant and offensive was that this wicked, withered body did not regret even the most intimate places of her, let's say the truth, truly beautiful young body. the grass ... Like with thousands of needles, she was tearing at her flesh, responding to every movement, and there was no way to change it ...

At the third, Svetka, she broke off her unblown bud, her then boyfriend, with whom she had been dating for 3 months, and who worked as a driver at a bakery. This happened in the cab of his truck, after he delivered the bread to the shops ... Svetka was a peasant girl, but her boyfriend also had a strong physique ... And all the time we thought how they could fit together, small cab zilka? In general, she, too, had nothing even remotely resembling all this magnificence, this joy, happiness, share of Holguin ...

A month passed ... And somehow, after an ordinary student party, I, Olga and Sveta, decided not to go home, but stayed overnight at our friend and classmate Dima ... I and Svetka went to bed for a folding bed, and Olga with Dima laid down on the bed, well, in general, apart from these cots, two chairs, a bed and chairs and a table standing in the kitchen, nothing more than furniture was observed ...

We didn’t have time to fall asleep when we heard Dima's persuasion, by which he tried to convince Olga to spend the night with him, saying that they still sleep in the same bed, and no one will know about anything ... Olga categorically refused, saying no, she does not want sex, that she is tired, that she is too drunk. This lasted for quite a long time, after which I could not bear it either with a shout: “Give it to him and don't interfere with sleep !!!” - I went to the kitchen, where Svetlana went after me. I wish I was silent !!! Since, because of my rash phrase, we didn’t manage to sleep this night))))

First, Olga occasionally ran out to our kitchen, bringing her things, which for some reason she took off one by one and motivated it by the fact that she might not find them tomorrow, but she could not go to school without them. After she brought us her lace, satin panties, we thought that everything: they will do their job and we will be able to go to sleep. But it was not there. After some time, strange sounds were heard from the bedroom, it felt so much that someone was hitting someone, or he was beating his head against the wall ... Intrigued from head to toe, we decided to look, and what was actually happening there and quietly sneaked into the room. A picture opened up to us: Olga lying on her back tried to crawl out from under Dimin's mighty torso, because of which her fragile body was not even visible, and at the same time she could crawl only to the headboard, about which she was beating her head. Dima is constantly, taking her by the hips pulled back and continued to do his job ...

We barely restrained from laughter, and, after watching minutes 5, slipped into the kitchen ... We thought a little bit more and our torment would stop, and at least a little sleep this night, but to our deepest regret, this did not happen one prosaic reason: Dima, who was under the influence of alcohol, as is often the case with men, could not finish ...

Somewhere in an hour, having guessed that these blows with his head on the headboard, would never end, we decided to make a joke, and lighting a candle, entered the bedroom. We held this candle over our tireless lovers and anticipated how to tell our Irka about this, Dima and Olga, strangely enough, we did not notice. Both were busy with their business: one tried to crawl away, occasionally beating her head against the back, and the other patiently dragged her, making all the same, already bored movements ... But as they say everything comes to an end, and now you can see that some reflection Candles, Dima, looking up, met his eyes, with our laughing eyes, and realizing the whole picture of what had happened, fell with Homeric laughter, then he could not continue (And thank God). Olga, freed from the gravity of his body, rapidly turned into a sheet and ran out to the kitchen ...

Laughing, we went to her. She sat on an old, shabby stool and tried, with trembling hands, to light a cigarette, and tears flowed down her cheeks, either reddened by shame or excitement ... But the most important revelation for us was grabbed treacherously alleles of small droplets of blood. Intercepting our eyes, Olga said: “Girls, I lied to you then, I was a virgin and lost her only today, forgive me for deception ...”

Many years have passed, but I still remember this in my own way both funny and tragic case. After all, it’s not for nothing that we became friends: we all had our first sex not as we imagined it, we realized that not always everything happens like in a fairy tale, that there is a harsh truth of life. But still remembering about the candle, I understand: I could be worse, and I can not stop laughing. Sveta and I are the only people who, with a clear conscience, can say: “Yes, we held a candle !!!”

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