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sex without bending legs. In the reflection, I saw how the skirt crept up and opened the gum stockings for review.

"Fine! What you need! ”- I thought.

There was only one detail left - the top of the blouse, but this was the purpose of the thin sweater that I wore. Fortunately, it was raining outside, and he didn’t make me sweat much. Pinning up my hair with a barrette, I put my shoes in the bag and, wearing comfortable short-heeled shoes, I ran to the school.

The lessons were held as usual. The optional lesson started at 16:00. Having gone for dinner, I began to prepare for the second part of the Marlezonsky Ballet. In laboratory I connected a video camera, which I brought from home in advance, to a VCR. I inserted a new cassette into the video recorder and aimed the lens spicy on the table, which stood opposite, against the wall. The clock was about two. I checked that everything is being recorded, and put the remote control from the "Vidac" right on the table and started checking the test work, which the tenth grade wrote yesterday.

About three, I finished checking the “control”. I got my shoes out of the bag and changed them. Anatoly was about to come. Half an hour before the beginning of the elective course there was a knock at the laboratory assistant's door. I took the hairpin from my hair, put it on the table, walked to the door and opened the lock. On the threshold stood Anatoly.

- Hello, Evgenia Sergeevna.

- Hello. Just let's do without patronymic and you?

- Come on.

- Come on in, what are you going to read today?

- And, I will do an introductory lecture. I'll tell you about the faculty, what specialties, etc., etc.

- Clear. Do you want some tea? There is still time.

- Yes, thank you, - he went to the table and sat down.

I went to the nightstand opposite him and turned on the kettle. There was silence in the laboratories. He began to study the open on the table notebook with the "control", which I finished checking. At this time, the kettle boiled. I went to the nightstand and began to brew tea. I looked over my shoulder, Anatoly studied the notebook with interest.

"Oh well. It's time to act, ”I thought, and dropped a teaspoon to the floor.

Then, without bending my legs, I slowly leaned over and picked up a spoon. Turning around, I saw that Anatolia’s face had acquired a reddish tinge, and there were lights in the eyes.

"Fine. Stockings he saw.

- Hold on, - I handed him a cup and sat on a chair that stood at the table, where he sat.

- Thank.

I began to drink tea and, as if by chance, threw my leg over my leg. The skirt rose slightly and the elastic on the hip reappeared on display. We began to discuss the upcoming lesson, but Anatoly did this poorly. His eyes all the time ran down on my legs, or rather on the gum stocking, which was seductively peeking out from under the skirt.

Fortunately for him, this torture did not take long. There was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door. There was a group of students who were going to listen to electives. I opened the door from the hallway to the classroom and let them in. Then I returned to the laboratory and called Anatoly.

We went to the pulpit. The disciples were already seated in places and prepared to listen. I introduced Anatoly to them, and I myself left the class and went to prepare for myself a “retreat”.

I went downstairs to the first floor, and walked over to our guard, who opened and closed the school. I asked him to stay until seven o'clock, since I still have to work with the notes of the classes with the graduate student after class. He quickly agreed.

I climbed back and entered the classroom. Anatoly quite fascinatingly told about the University. I quietly went to the party and sat down at the last desk. She leaned back in her chair and again crossed her legs. Anatoly looked up and faltered a bit.

“Aha! I saw my stockings again, ”I thought.

Fifteen minutes later he finished the story and began to answer questions. I got up from the desk and went to the laboratory.Ten minutes later, he peered through the door and announced that they had finished. I turned on the "video recorder" on the record and went to the class. Reminding the students that the next lesson will be in a week, said goodbye to them and when they left the classroom, locked the door.

- Well. Starting you! - I congratulated him when we returned to Labarant.

- Thank.

- I propose to celebrate this case with a joint "drinking" of tea.

- I agree.

We drank a cup of tea. And I decided that it was time to start the third part of the “Marlezon Ballet”. With words:

- Phew! Something has become hot! - I pulled off a sweater and hung it on a chair.

When I turned to face him, poor Anatoly nearly fell off his jaw. His eyes directly pierced a huge hole on my wonderful boobs.

"Fine! Everything goes according to plan".

When speechless returned to Shred, he told me that it was time for him to go. I asked him to wait for me, because today I really need one book. He agreed.

I began to look for her for a look. First on the table, then on the bedside tables.

- Oh, I remember! She's in the closet on the top shelf.

It should be noted that the cabinet, which I pointed out, was about three meters high. And in order to reach the highest shelves, I had to climb on the nightstand.

I quickly, so that Tolya did not have time to offer his services for retrieving a book from a shelf, climbed onto a bedside table and, spreading her legs shoulder-width apart, began sorting through books. Tolya stood below and watched me digging there.

"Pancake! I need to do something! ”I thought, and it dawned on me.

I pretended that I had turned up my heel. I turned my head and said:

- Tolya, these damn heels will drive me to the grave. Support me if it's not difficult for you.

Shreds came up from behind, and his hands lay on my knees. It was not exactly what I wanted.

- Tol, are you afraid of me?

- No, where did you get it?

“Then hold me properly,” I took his hand and laid it on my hip. - Like this!

He put his palms on my hips and pressed them. Now he had a breathtaking view of my stockings and panties, which covered my smoothly shaved "pussy" with a thin striped strip.

I rummaged around for another three minutes and, grabbing the first book I got, announced that I had found what I was looking for. I turned to face him and looked at him. He tried to look me in the face, although his gaze kept breaking up under my skirt. On his pants grew noticeable mound. He stretched out his arms and, taking me by the waist, took me off the nightstand. We were standing very close.

- Well. Found the book, now I'm going?

- If you want to go, go, but how will you go with this? - and I put my palm right on his hillock bulging from jeans.

I began to stroke his penis, hidden behind his jeans. Tolya seemed to have turned to stone. Then I pulled him to me with my other hand and kissed him. He fell as a striker from a tensioned spring. His tongue burst through my lips and met my tongue. His hand penetrated between my legs and began to stroke my "pussy" through the panties. With his other hand, he tried to break under the blouse to my chest. I threw it aside and, in one motion, yanked the upper cord, untiing the knot on my shoulders. I pulled away from his lips and let go of the top of my blouse. His gaze opened to my gaze. My nipples are already hard. Shreds took one breast in the palm and began to massage it. My breathing became deeper, his fingers had already pushed off the strip of panties and began to caress my clitoris. With my fingers I pushed the rosette from the nipple that covered it.

- Caress his mouth!

“With pleasure,” he clung to my chest and began to tickle my nipple with my tongue.

He licked it, sucked, bit it. I began to moan. My "pussy" began to swell under his fingers. The pleasant warmth began to spread over the abdomen .... Read more →

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