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Time flew. Life and work has entered its course. Tolya and Kostya came in turn every Wednesday to conduct electives. Tolya tried to pester me a couple of times, but I “pulled off” him with a smile. My goal was Kostya. But he did not give in to all my tricks. It even enraged me a little. But then I calmed down and stopped making attempts to seduce Constantine. I went week after week and then tomorrow, 2 months after the start of elective, I and the students had to go to the university.

Yesterday elective was conducted by Konstantin. As usual, I sat on the last desk and listened lazily about what he was talking about. The time was quietly adjusted to the end of the lesson, and then Konstantin addressed me:

- Evgenia Sergeevna! And on Friday we planned an optional excursion for our visitors to the department.

- Yes! Very interesting! And what time do we have to come and how do we find the department?

- Come to 17 o'clock, I will meet you at the entrance.

- And in time, how much will it take?

- The usual tour lasts about an hour. So the maximum to half past six we finish.

- Well. We will definitely come!

Constantine collected the paper and went to lab. Pupils began to gather. I got up from the desk and went to the laboratory. Kostya sat at the table and put his papers in his bag. Hearing that I entered, he lifted his head and said.

- I hope you will come on the tour too?

- Why? - I asked in surprise.

- Yes, there is nothing. Just for you, she too will be informative, - in his eyes sparkled sparkles.

- It's just great! - I replied.

Kostya got up from his chair, threw a jacket over and, taking the bag from the table and saying goodbye, left the laboratory assistant.

"Interesting interesting! What was he hinting at? Did he finally fall for me, eh? ”I thought.

I took my purse and wore a raincoat. She went out into the corridor and, closing the door, went home. On the way, I began to puzzle over what to go on a tour. If my guess is correct, then you need to wear something unusual and at the same time, if I am wrong and nothing will be there, then in an exotic dress I will look like a fool. Difficult task.

I came home. After dinner, went to the wardrobe and began to choose "equipment". First, black stockings with a narrow lace band and a belt to it flew onto the bed. Then a light blue suit, consisting of a jacket and a short skirt with a small slit in the front on the left leg. It remains to pick up a blouse and underwear. Then my eyes focused on a dark blue corset with straps to support stockings. It fastened comfortably in front with a velcro and matched in color to the suit. And since the upper button of the jacket was fastened on the chest, it seemed that there was nothing else under it. And in a set to the corset he attached small panties on a thin string.

I put everything on myself and looked in the mirror. It turned out on the one hand strictly, but on the other very sexy. Only something was missing. I went to the sideboard and took out a box of jewelry. I took out a short gold chain with a pendant in the center, which was sparkled by a small cubic zirconia. I put on the chain and looked in the mirror. Everything! So go. The pendant fit perfectly on the chest, just above the hollow of my chest, which the corset pushed upwards. Only shoes are left, but you can get them tomorrow.

I undressed and, having looked a little "telly" I went to bed.

Morning and day passed, as usual. After the lessons, I gathered the whole group and said that everyone would go separately. Excursion is voluntary. Explaining where to go, I warned that we meet at the entrance to the university 16:50. And she ran home to change clothes and clean up.

Disguised, I pulled out black stilettos put them on. Wearing a raincoat, I ran to the bus stop. The bus came quickly and at 16:45 I was already standing at the entrance to the university. They began to "catch up" guys.Exactly to the five of the doors, Konstantin came out and, after greeting him, led us through the checkpoint and led us along the long corridors to the pulpit. By this time, there were few students. We went up to the third floor and entered one of the classrooms.

- Here you can leave your jackets and bags. We will close the audience, and no one will get here until the end of the tour, ”said Kostya.

The guys began to undress and put things on the tables and chairs. I undid the cloak and began to take it off. Suddenly, I felt that they had picked him up from behind and helped him to take it off. I turned and saw Kostya, who was holding my raincoat in his hands. When I turned, his gaze crawled down and stopped on my chest.

“Thank you,” I took the raincoat from his hands and folded it in half, laid it on the table.

Kostya departed from me and invited everyone to follow him. Everyone left the audience, and Kostya locked the door. Kostya went along the corridor, and the tour began.

We passed through the laboratories in which students are engaged. He told about the teachers of the department, showed a computer class. Konstantin very interestingly and cheerfully told how he himself studied here recently. The guys listened to him enthusiastically and looked at the equipment with interest.

Almost immediately, I noticed that Constantine constantly cast his eyes on me. There was a kind of mockery and a strange interest in his eyes. I pretended not to notice his views.

After about an hour, Konstantin finished the tour, and everyone moved to the audience for things. Kostya opened the door, and the guys crowded into the audience. I already wanted to enter, but he held me by the elbow.

- Evgenia Sergeyevna, you are not leaving now. I spend the guys and come back. I need to show you one thing and talk to you.

“Okay, I'll just take my coat.”

I entered the audience took a raincoat and went out into the corridor.

The guys got dressed, and Kostya led them to the exit. I am left alone.

“Wow! I think he pecked. Or I don’t understand men at all, ”I thought.

I felt a little warmer in the abdomen.

“Wow! I'm already looking for some! ”

There were steps from the stairs. Kostya appeared from around the corner.

- Thanks for staying. Come on.

He walked forward, and we came to the door with a sign "Postgraduate".

“Come in,” he opened the door and turned on the light.

I entered the room and looked around. Opposite the door by the window stood two tables. One of them had a computer. There was a leather sofa against the wall, the upholstery of which was already pretty worn out, and opposite it there were two shelves with books on the other wall.

Then I heard the door close behind my back and snapped the lock. I turned sharply and looked at Kostya.

“Why do you need to lock the lock?”

- This is so that no one bothers us, - Kostya smiled evilly and put the key in his pocket.

- What is this secret? - I began to play the fool of myself.

- What is the secret? - Bone puzzled wrinkled forehead.

- Well, what you wanted to show me.

- BUT! I'll show you now. You put a raincoat on the table, otherwise it will disturb you.

- interfere? Is it something big?

- Of course.

He came to me in a tight, took my raincoat from me and threw it on the table.

- Hey, be careful! He will be forgotten!

- Nothing will happen to him. But with you ...

- What about me? You will explain everything to me now or I will leave!

- Where are you going! The door is locked, there is no one at the department. So if you scream, they won't hear you.

- Why do I scream?

- Of course you will, when I will fuck you in all the holes !!!

He screamed the last phrase and pushed me onto the couch. I fell on him from all over the fly and looked at him. Kostya pulled off his sweater and started to slowly ...

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