More than two years have passed since that momentous event that was described in the first story “My Defloration”. I still continued to meet with Olezhek. The first year I was extremely happy with him, and I thought that it would always be like this. I dreamed and waited for us to get married. But gradually his attitude towards me began to change. Our relationship is not interrupted, but has been reduced exclusively to sex. We began to spend less time together and go to the company. I was constantly thinking about it. In bed, he assured that he loves me and I am the best lover. In response, I cried, said that I would not let him go, that I could not live without him, and tried to keep it trouble-free. According to my close friend, I initially behaved too accessible and dependent. Therefore, he lost to me a different interest, except to come and fuck when itch. Sex with him wildly turned me on. And despite the fact that I had other boyfriends, I only fucked him. He still, when his parents lived in the country, came. We talked about nothing, then he laid me out and fucked all night. In the morning he left and so on until the next time. Sometimes he began to disappear for several weeks. I learned that besides me, he constantly sleeps with another girl, but was silent, because she was afraid of losing him completely.

But I was distracted. So it was summer. My birthday was coming up. I decided to celebrate him at the cottage with my girlfriend and her husband. Parents for the weekend remained in the city. I have not seen Olezhek for a month now and on the advice of my girlfriend I did not call him and call first.

“Stop serving him on duty,” she sawed me.

But the night before, he called himself. Congratulated, asked how and where I celebrate, and, despite my cold tone, asked for a visit. We arranged for six in the evening on Friday. It was a warm June evening. My friend and husband have already arrived. I warned her that there will be Olezhek. In response, she grimaced in disgust. At seven o'clock, without waiting, we sat down at the table. He arrived at nine with a friend I did not know. Apologized for being late - did not have time to train, and presented a huge bouquet of roses. Maxim, that was the name of a friend, took a bottle of vodka and Campari from his bag. I seated the new guests at the table, and we continued the party.

Somewhere in about two hours the husband of a girlfriend became very drunk and fell asleep. I decided to put them on the first floor, where there was a large double sofa. And I, Olezhek and his friend, taking alcohol and snacks, moved to the second floor of the villa. We settled on the balcony. The guys made toasts, told jokes. Olezhek was pouring me all the time. At some point, I felt completely drunk and happy. I leaned against Olezhka. He hugged me and kissed me. Then quietly put his hand on my thigh and began to stroke its inner surface. A friend was sitting opposite, and the table was hiding from him what was happening between us. I was pleased, and I slightly spread her legs. Palm accepted the invitation and lifted her skirt to her panties. Having pulled their edge, the finger penetrated inside and, having felt the clitoris, began to massage it. A minute later I swam so that my temples pounded from excitement. Olezhek began to pull off my panties. I tried to catch his hand and groaned weakly.

- What are you doing?

He raised me, skirt zadran, panties down to the middle of the thighs, and led to the couch. He undressed me, then undressed himself and lay down beside him. I reached out to him. Our lips met, tongues intertwined. His hands wandered over my body. My nipples tightened. Heat covered the abdomen. I felt rested head member. Fingers opened his lips, sent a member inside, and he entered me, filled out completely and froze. I felt a slight friction of his swollen head. Wanting to feel it stronger, I began to compress and then unclench the vaginal muscles. He hugged me tighter and whispered: - You are lovely, do so again.

We lay motionless, weeping the throbbing contacts of our organs.Unable to bear it, he began to move slowly in me. Then stronger. The sofa began to creak.

“Hush,” I said, “your friend hears everything.”

I even turned red with shame, but I could not help myself. Moreover, from the thought that someone was listening to it, I came to an indescribable excitement, which sharply aggravated my sensitivity and desire. Olezek increased pressure. The sofa creaked to the accompaniment of my squishing vagina: Chpok, chpok, chpok, chpok - it was heard loudly in silence. And now a wave of growing pleasure covered me, and I huddled in orgasm. But Olezhek, without stopping, continued to fuck me ... For a long time, hard ... The ottoman creaked unceasingly. Feeling the approach of a new wave, I wrapped my legs around his buttocks, and began to beat my backside with a rhythm. But I did not have time ... The blows accelerated, and I felt like a member in me was shaking, releasing a jet of sperm. Olezhek froze, squeezed my shoulders and moaned in satisfaction. We fell silent and froze. I went out. Olezhek sat on the edge of the sofa and gently stroked me on the back of the head.

- Did you feel good?

“Yes, thank you, honey,” I replied, and kissed his palm.

- I go out on the balcony, have a smoke.

- Good. I will wait...

He got up, went to the balcony and spoke to a friend.

Maxim: - Fucked?

Olezhek: - Yes!

Maxim: Well, how does a birthday girl fuck?

Olezek: - (unintelligible)

Maxim: - Let's drink for it.

I did not hear further, and, looking at the wall, I began to scroll in the consciousness of the still-cold sensations of the act. Refusing, I did not notice how Olezek returned. Stroking my back, he lay back and immediately leaned against me. His penis attached itself to my open hole and squeezed deep. It seems that it has increased in volume. I advanced my ass to meet it deeper. The palms fell on my thighs and began to rhythmically stretch me on the penis, alternating a strong blow with several weaker ones. Every deep penetration caused a wave of pleasure in me. These waves burst into me one after another, until they merged into an orgasm that shook me, and my moans - into a happy cry.

“What are you doing with me,” I muttered, shaking my head.

And he continued to string me and peck. One orgasm was replaced by another. How many were there? Three? Four? Five? I lost count. But now, uttering a victory cry, he began to finish. I felt a powerful jet of sperm hit me. Next one more. The member slipped out and felt a pool of sperm flowing from a crowded vagina flowing under me.

- How I was great! - Having recovered my breath, I whispered, turning to Olezhka, and ... I saw a naked Maxim beside me.

Olezhek smoked on the balcony and looked at me through the open door. I looked away and, clasping my knees with my hands, whined ...

1 comment
  • Sim (a guest)
    July 7, 2012 10:06

    not bad


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