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it also turns them on in earnest.

I crawled into the room half-bent, the girls splashing in the shower for a long time. I sit on the bed, more precisely on a huge mattress, lying right on the floor and occupying half a room. A sort of sexodrome.

Actually, besides him, there are racks with a huge TV and a music center, there is nothing else in the room.

I prepare containers with drink for the next run. Irka and Lenka appear here, wet after a shower. Very sexy.

- What do you want, birthday boy? Today, any of your whim, and everything is possible.

- Is that all?

- Aha, with only one condition: if at least one living soul finds out about it, we'll tear it off, you know what.

- So I dead. I want to see you.

No problem. Arranged near. We roll. And here it begins. Irka hugs Lenka and passionately, as an adult, kisses on the lips.

Her hands are wrapped around her friend, caressing her breasts, buttocks, thighs. Lenka is not far behind. Both eyes are closed, breathing is lost. It can be seen that this is not a performance for me, and they already have a certain pleasant experience in this matter. Both it delivers a real thrill. Well, even more so for me. Before that, I did not see anything like that, except in the same fascist porn. "Oh, ya, das ist fiction!" Bullshit it all, men, nothing compares to a live action. Irka turns over and turns out to be a face in Lenkina inter-nosity, at the same time exposing his Lenkin lips. Both spread their legs wider, (I see everything perfectly) and dig into each other's flesh. The room is filled with their moans, the girls go into a rage. For a second, Irka raises a wet face, finds my hand with her hand, puts it on the dick standing and makes several up and down movements. With a look encourages: "Come on, they say." I understand that I have no one to be shy and nothing, and I “give” to the fullest. With Irka, we often engage in masturbation (this, by the way, she unwound me, Rogue, wanted, you see, to see how a man does it), so what is there to do. All yours.

My first sail Irka. Her whole body is straining, twitching, beating in sweet convulsions. How many times have seen how she ends, but still impressive. In a minute, Lenka is catching up. Clutching her fingers to the white spots in Irkin's ass, she cries out and pulls her thighs wildly. Also, apparently, not frigid. Falling apart from each other, exposed to me. And I did nothing.

Without saying a word, they turn around to face me, spread their legs and start masturbating. Fighters, what can I say. Imagine a picture: an adult uncle and adult aunts are sitting on a mattress and jerking off to self-forgetting, like children in a pioneer camp. In short, I soon shoot back, pouring a decent portion of myself on my stomach. My hens immediately crawl up and, with gentle tongues, do not allow goodness to disappear. Goodies. Roll again. With all the kahal we go to the shower, bathe, slap each other on bare asses, laugh. Those who have already submitted all decently, the girls do not miss. We return to the room, we fall down on the mattress, we smoke, we try. Today we have one theme for tryndezh. All about the same.

I hug them, my hands travel wherever they want, girls just giggle and also use skillful hands. I feel a new surge of strength and desire. With a jerk I put Irka on myself and we merge into a kiss. Lenka lies next to each other. One of my hands rubs his tight Irkin ass, the other finds Lenkin a hot clit and gently massages it. The reaction is instant, Lenka starts to moan and helps my hips. Irka comes off my lips, slips off of me. Whispers:

- Come first her.

Understood, not a fool. I lay down on Lenka, from the start I plant in my hot warrior's wet pussy and begin to hammer. Lenkin's attractive face twists the grimace of pleasure, she tightly wraps her thighs and sweeps me. Although Lenka is a woman who has given birth, she has a little pussy and has a tight cock. Feelings - class.Irka is lying side by side, squeezing my ass with one hand, the other is tormenting her crotch. I get up from Lenka, abruptly turn her on her stomach, lift her round ass, kneel down and enter again. My favorite posture. The view opens and the Borodino panorama rests.

Irka, meanwhile, sits on her knees behind me, presses her whole body and tries to repeat all my movements. Launches a hand to me from behind between the legs, gently and firmly snatches the palm of the egg and pulls them back to failure. And where just picked up? I am a little crazy about novelty, but I do not slow down the pace. Lenka, pushing his chest against the bed and sticking out his ass, shakes his head, squeals in his voice and batters with his fists. Irka for completeness of sensations enters my thumb into the anus. According to the characteristic movements, sensual, which she does not forget about herself. Well, everything, I can not more, finish. The girls also came. Creek stands on the whole district. Poor neighbors.

Smoke break, now longer. Catch my breath would be. The smoke in the hut is a pillar, but no one pays attention to it. Vodka and grub in bulk, reinforced. We poison stories about sexual life. Girls admit that they have been playing with each other for a long time. Noticeable. Irka swears that she has never been better than me, Lenka gives a drunken testimony and regrets that I am already busy. I know that nonsense, but still nice.

My young ladies, although they have fairly accepted them, do not move away from the theme of the matinee, and again they start to caress. Lenka extracts something outlandish for me: a medium-sized artificial member, mounted on silicone panties. Very similar to the present.

Irka puts on this structure. Looks very exciting. It comes to me that this is exactly what I dreamed of seeing in my most advanced erotic dreams: a gorgeous woman with a protruding member. Who saw, he will understand. Laying Lenka on his back, Irka falls on her, enters the member into an insatiable crotch and fucks, completely copying the male movements. Damn, turns this spectacle specifically.

I move closer and try to put the rebellious warrior Lenka in my mouth. But the blowjob does not work, Lenka shakes his head and screams. They finish at the same time. They are - yes, but I am not! I put Irku crustacean, push aside a strip of silicone, gently insert a finger into a tight butt, after having moistened it with saliva. I begin to gradually develop a gentle ring. Irka trembling all over with impatience. Hold no more strength. I squatted on my back and slowly drove the penis. Irka relaxes, bends back and lets in a member entirely. Lenka creeps closer and, opening his mouth, looks like my trunk disappears completely in a brown rosette, sticks his hand and pulls my eggs. I am stepping up the pace and already literally ramming Irkin's ass. I know that for a long time it will not be enough, from fucking in the ass Irka ends literally in a few minutes and very rapidly.

This is what happens. Irka wheezes, shudders and falls on his side. Her face is twisted, her mouth grabs the air, her body twists in sweet convulsions. Lenka, widely stretched legs masturbating. I lay on top of her in pose 69, I bury my face in her pussy, I try to penetrate my tongue as deeply as possible, with my hands I firmly squeeze hot buttocks. My dick is in Lenka's mouth, from somewhere below you can hear smacking sounds. I feel the back of Irkina's body from behind, her strong arms spread my legs wider, the sharp tongue caresses, licks my anus. Kayf. Lena and I are in a frenzy. Irka changes position, tongue is replaced by a finger, which abundantly lubricates my ass with cream. Well, there it is. Now I will be fucked. Instinctively trying to twitch, and then I think - to hell with him, albeit. I continue to lick aromatic Lenkin hole. Irka does everything carefully and gently, slowly introducing his toy. At first, it still hurts a little, but the pain passes quickly. Irka, holding me by the hips, is gaining momentum, in my opinion, my cock already reaches Lenka's glands, eggs slap her on the cheeks, under Irkin’s pressure I’m just fucking her in my mouth.

Strangely, I am a healthy hairy man, I stand cancer in a completely fucking pose, an awesome woman fucks me in the ass, another one swallows my stick, not only is it not painful and not embarrassing, but wildly pleasant. It takes me specifically and I roar in Lenkin's throat with a roar. As she did not suffocate, poor.

There was a lot of things before, there were many after, but, I swear: SO I never finished.

Well after midnight, we finally calm down and fall asleep. At dawn I cling to the warm Irkina ass, throw a farewell wand, kiss and thank both of the little ones for a WONDERFUL gift and clean up, leaving them to sleep. That's it.

Everything that I told you is true, with the exception of a trifle: Irka, of course, is not Irka, Lenka is not Lenka, and I am not Lyoshik.

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