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It was a long time ago, six years ago. I just turned thirty-six.

I get out of work, go to the car and then a familiar voice:

- Le-yoshik!

Lyoshik is me, and I recognize this voice from a million. Irka, of course, in person. Stands nearby, lybaetsya in all its thirty-two snow-white. Although it is February in the courtyard there is a cold frost, but it is, of course, without a cap, there are snowflakes on the magnificent red-red mane. Good infection. Irke is thirty-three years old, under one hundred and eighty height, a short fur coat, high boots. Call her beautiful language will not turn. Large, irregular features, but she is all so bright, spectacular, the men on the move out of the car fall out to get a better look.

I am familiar with this treasure for four years already. We met at the next drunk at the neighbors in the office (completely girls, by the way), where she turned to her friend Lenka. Seeing her gorgeous, downright luxurious ass, covered with expensive jeans, I was numb for a while, my jaw dropped to my navel, and I let it go: I love beautiful asses, there is a sin. If the ass at the young lady - that is necessary, much is ready to forgive her. And here - just a masterpiece.

In spite of the many handsome men who were famous for our glorious team, Irka immediately laid eyes on me, which was soon announced publicly. The explanation for this fact has not been found so far, but oh well.

In short, Irka and I have begun to spin since then - Mama Do not Cry. In sex, she was absolutely reckless, devoid of any complexes detached. For her, there was no prohibition. The only thing that jarred her were rude, in her opinion, words, for example, “ass” or “jerk off”.

And where we just did not fuck: in the office of Lenka, in my office, in the car, and sometimes just in a secluded corner at a party. Irka is a terrible extremist, got a wild buzz from unusual places, well, I was accustomed to this. Adrenaline swallowed by the most I can not, because at any moment we could be caught.

However, she could fly anywhere, many times, she loved this thing very much. What won me over in her - for the entire time of our acquaintance, I never once hinted at any material reward (well, like so many girls love), and even more so, at stupid things like "Let's live together ...". Of course, he gave her some knick-knacks, he drove to a restaurant several times, and that’s all. That is - for love.

Soon, some rich Lenkin haxal took one odnushku close for that, by the way, from work, you know, for what.

So the problem of the place was solved by itself.

Lenka, a kind soul, without unnecessary words, gave Irke the keys to the hut, and we there with her all the hearts tumbled. One thing is pitiful - not as often as I would like. Irka is the woman you fuck and still want to.

By the way, it rarely happens to me at least.

Yes, so: "Leo-yo-chic!".

I went over, the frosty smack in the cheek (do not forget to wipe off the lipstick later!) And crackled:

Lyoshik, my dear, happy birthday to you, I'm sorry, I could not congratulate you yesterday, but I have a gift for you, if you do not mind, I will give it to you tomorrow!

And at the very eyes of vicious, already glow. I wish I could be against it, I know these gifts: fucking in Irkina’s performance is still a present, you can only dream of it. The hint, in general, is understood, just then my boss and the deputy roll out of the office, I’m talking to them:

- The breadwinners, there is such a thing ..

They, too, by the way, are notable walkers, of course they see Irka (and it’s impossible not to see her!) And treat the problem with understanding:

- A day is enough?

- Thank you, - I say, - oshchachu! - I love my superiors.

I again to Irka:

- Tomorrow in the morning at Lenka, as always?

In response, another smack (lipstick, damn it !!!).

- Till tomorrow...

I get in the car, I press home, I inform you that tomorrow I will be in command, it’s generally normal, so everything goes smoothly.I turn around all night long in anticipation (that's how much time it is with her, and everything, like the first time!), I really do not sleep, in the morning I grab a commanding briefcase, jump into a car and at a well-known address. On the way, I taxied to the market. Zatar full - vodka, snack, zapivka, smoke. All in all, a day of jam, after all.

I call to my home already almost the door, opens Lenka. In the house dressing-up, kisses me on the cheek:

- Happy Birthday!

Irka, my darling bitch, is already here, from the threshold - right on the lips. Breath intercepts. Well, of course, some excitement in the pants.

- Well, girls, lay the table, we will celebrate.

That they instantly. It is ten o'clock in the morning, and we are already fine. Thoroughly we roll, we fray about everything little by little, they are both talkers, rather cool, still rolling, then more.

Lenka, I look, somehow slightly razomlela and get out is not going to gather. I told Irka little by little:

- You Lenka, then let them out gently, otherwise I now have a zipper burst on my pants.

What is my favorite horse, looking at me with completely innocent eyes, (well, a first grader is an excellent pupil, honestly!) Declares, and loudly:

- And Lena is not going anywhere, she, of course, if you don’t mind, wants to stay with us today. This is my, or rather our gift with Lenka! How are you?

Good question. Already in the mouth was dry. Like me? Of course, I am "FOR" with all of my body parts that can take part in the voting, but I cannot say anything about it. Therefore, mumble something inarticulate and nod a drunk head that there are forces.

- Then let's get smart in the shower! - laugh girls.

I don't need to beg for a long time. I am standing under a warm taut stream, I don’t believe in my happiness, it all seems like some kind of jokes. I tried so many times in my life I tried, but in order for two women at once: I barely have time to wash off the foam, the door opens and both my absolutely naked girls tumble. The picture, I tell you, is cool. The girls, hugging each other, stand at the door of the bathroom and consider me in the most arrogant manner. And I them, respectively. Well, on the body of Irka there is not the smallest corner, which I haven’t examined or treated about. Wonderful big butt, long legs, heavy melons of breasts with brown big nipples, long neck, juicy full lips.

Lenka is also good, nothing to say. She is thirty, below Irka, thin waist, small breasts, flat stomach, neat pubic hair, round ass. Spout upturned, capricious bending of the lips. Both eyes are drunk and fucking.

Looking at all this beauty, my soldier jumps up and knocks on my stomach with a red head. My girls just this right. Immediately approach me, standing in the bathroom, and surround him with such care and affection that the roof completely breaks me. Gentle fingers touch my testicles, slide along the trunk, the head becomes maroon and then disappears in the Irka's, then in the Lenkin's lips. Irka mine is a genius of a blowjob, and Lenka, it turns out, does not miss. Now Irkin, a soaped finger, confidently paves the way in my ass (she loves this caress very much, and, frankly, I am very excited). I am somewhat bewildered (at Lenka something!), But Irka, without letting go of her mouth, slyly winks at me with a green eye, they say, no more! And I do not bdo. Now all do not care.

Only I feel that today everything will be very fun.

Girls' lips are increasingly found on my head. I, as I can, try to get their boobs and slightly twist swollen nipples.

It is only in German porn films that their stallions can entertain in such a way for an hour, but I’m just enough for a maximum of a few minutes, then a powerful wave rolls on me and, snarling, finish off abundantly on these shameless faces. Girly, moaning, lick cum from a member and from each other. Looks like everything ...

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