Kolyan sat at the table and waited for the start of classes. The course was clearly late, and all the other students sat in their workplaces and talked to each of their own, finding a group of like-minded people. In auditing, there was a monotonous noise, similar to the sound of a computer kyler, as vryp it all suddenly stopped, a young pretty woman came to them. With a cautious wait of the antelope, I sat down quietly behind the chair, looked at my student brady, and waited, when at last it was worthy of it, and this noise would decline. Gradually, more and more new faces noticed her, waves of mysterious whispers began to pass over the group, and soon the young woman began to:

- Hello, I am your new teacher in the discipline "Philosophy". My name is Natalya Evgenievna, in order to get to know you better, let us preach something like a questionnaire. Today I will not be long to hold you back, write your work, pass and you can be free, and I will get to know more about your creativity. We will begin if ready.

Then followed the traditional question of questions and answers, directed towards acquaintance with revealing who is who, why he is learning, and whether he needs to be here, can only be crying for the Motherland ... Everyone wrote some kind of crap and delightedly dispersed with great joy. When the surrender process took place, Natalya Evgenievna immediately spotted Kolyan on his vystupyvayuschemuyu from the dignity of virtue, and made for himself a Koy-kakyyu note.

For the next day, the classes went along an ordinary tensioned chart, resembling an unregistered working day, the last couple was “Philosophy”, wishing everyone a happy holiday, Natalya Evgenyevna asked Kolyan to stay, he didn’t catch up with why, but he stayed, because he had no favorors on his face. one can see a sterile smile or a fucking smile, just don't understand it, but something has come to her and she started:

- You know, after reading your work, I could not understand anything. You wrote some kind of brad that looked like the comic book “How I Became the Promoter ...” and tried to pass it off as worthy student work. In this case, I have to categorically discompose you, otherwise I simply could not appreciate it and now we have to do some extra work.

Kolya never liked classes, and even more so, the other thing to do additionally with a beautiful and pretty young teacher in a completely intimate atmosphere, left alone, strongly deceived him, and there was nothing to do at home too.

At the beginning of their ensuing dialogue, he answered her questions, she carefully heard the answer and asked the following. Many questions had a specific sexual character, they alternately alternated friends, sometimes she especially asked her several times, which made Kolyan hesitant and constantly gave different opinions on the same tasks assigned to him. .

Natalya Evgenievna looked at him with ever increasing curiosity, their classes lasted for the second hour and by her was her stagnation, from which she, probably in forgetfulness or in the heat of passion, sat, relaxed and slightly stretched her legs, in advance, this thin line watching her ward now. She sat there for some time and, noticing that something was twitching in the pants of the lagging student, said the following:

- I suggest you not to build a wedkkind out of yourself, but to compromise, it can only be the same and not the other way I can appreciate your hidden talent and get to know you better.

During the hearing of this incredible monologue, Kolyan came to notice that in a special way she singled out a set of words like intonation * and the village sighed deeply and languorously. Immediately having caught in what way he continued to prikidyvatsya with a hose, trying to be a defective moron. Natalya Evgenievna continued her control:

- You know that for additional education a certain fee is taken from the students. So, your money I do not need, and so that you are not my debtor, I now just fuck you.

With these words, she began to approach Kolyan, who was sitting on treason, taking off her blouse, then she slid his legs together, squeezed them in hers and seemed to get on top of him. Having grasped her heads with her hands in her beautiful group, making wave movements with her hips: “Call me your slut!” The young practitioner began to demand. “I can't” - tried to explain Kolyan. "Why?" “I already have a whore, her name is Olya” - only he finished his job as Natalya Evgenyevna used to press hard with her knees on the eggs that were diminished from the cream, which began to drain onto the floor on Kalyan’s hairy legs. Their lips merged into a kissing kiss, with this one pykami she razminala others her lips and another straightened her mouth, her british little chick stroked her dick, pressed along its entire length and gently rehearsed, causing her to call her. Working language is ppobypila all potovyyu cavity, forcing them to weave in a love dance, then slowly ppopyteshestvovala he tely in nappavlenii down, licking and pokysyvaya his nipples ppobezhala bystpenko he shepstyanomy topsy until he finally spystilas the headquarters of the military pazvedki, eccentricity dislotsipovalsya y Kolyana right between the legs. Trying not to breathe, she withdrews with her lips, or rather just fell short, smelly unwashed trysy and with disgust threw them into ebalo, proposing how to acquaint them with aunt Asya. His tensed member of his formidable towered above the middle composition, a pair emanated from him, and he ny directly asked for someone else's rotik. Kolyan himself would be glad to suck, but after thinking about deciding to put it off as befits a real gentleman, he put his hand on a powerful anvil, she could not resist and began to swallow him energetically. Zybami she touched the head, why Kolyan jerked, not expecting such a painful shock, and then poked the tip of the tongue at her, as if in charge of all his pains. At this moment, her movements were most like words from a children's song “... so come back here, you and me are sweet ...”. She moved her mouth like a pick of a mechanism clinging to her ass with his cheeks, forcing him to move to meet her. From such a tightness, Kolyan gathered his trove eggs into a kylak with his last forces, finished her in Havan. Arrays of fluid in abundant potions flowed from its depths. Natalya Evgenievna began to absorb her love juice, once a long time she was hungry for him, but the special was too much and she ran down her nose dripping on the floor, then she began to rise again, but already in the direction of the top, reaching the head relish sucked Kalyan, o he pochivovovat in ptyy some parano-ria priporitny prefix, and it dawned on him, it turns out that he had finished in his mouth itself. Having swallowed a viscous liquid, he heard:

“Hit me, ny, come on, make me hurt, you as follows, but not from your foot,” Natalya Evgenievna asked plaintively.

Our hero could not refuse the lady, but by that same she categorically did not like her prank with a kiss, full mouth of cum, and wanting to wrestle her as follows decided to help her in this trouble. Even without aiming at her like a pussy shot, she flew in the free state of his purge into the face of the adversary in the manner of the people and reached her goal, ruthlessly setting herself on the head of the offender, who did not expect this. From ydara, she fell asleep and did not move, but breathed, passing through the blurred interview: “Fuck!”. Kolyan understood that she was now without any virtues, quickly collected and fucked her half-heartedly. Having undressed her, he happily gleamed over the body of an unconscious woman. He put his body as an instructor as soon as his imagination allowed him, by the way he fucked her in all the cracks, as only in such a state he allowed his lust to be turned to the full extent. Then, a little ystav, lifted it and put it on the pair, stretched its legs to different sides and fixed them with her own gear so that they would not converge back and with great pleasure would get satisfied, but with his tongue.

Presenting to himself at this moment that he was frozen in front of him was licking it, like little girls do. I broke off the legs from the steel and wound up a tpyka that wiped all the writing from the board, in order to reduce all uneven places and roughness in the place of breaking and began to poke this crap with ***** in my schoolchildren, then the blood fell along with the excretions. Revenge still continued to live in his mind. He also scooped the full mouth of this mad cocktail and finally kissed her lips, which had begun to cool, filling him completely with a woman who did not understand anything. Having spit out all that was left, he lifted her head to help her biosocies penetrate the body of the body, then dressed, found the keys to her office in the room, closed the door and went to look for the necessary medicines for urgent assistance.

When he returned, she was unconscious, and again he split up, doused his face from the top in the ammonia spirits and began to lead her in the dark, giving his medical phallus a start-up blue face. The teacher went to herself, but she continued to remember what they had stopped their occupation. She quickly climbed onto the parapet, lay down on the back and bared the crotchet, to be more precise, then pulled out the chair, giving Kolyan an opportunity to send her away for nothing. In this position, he started to fuck her further, she screamed furiously from every thrust, and the couples rasped and reeled, not holding out such powerful pressure of energy. Stroking her maiden girdle with her hands, she laughed, cried, squealed and moaned, because of these wild cries our trailer couldn’t focus properly on her work and he shoved her fingers into her mouth, hoping that she would hide this raster but she would only put her fingers at her mouth, hoping that she would hide this background, but she only left her face, but she only left her fingers, hoping that she would hide this background, but she only left her fingers, she only left her fingers, hoping that she would hide this background, but she only left her fingers. , tried to suck and began to scream even louder, then Kolyan pulled her to the very elbow, and the noise stopped. In the event of the next strong death, he pulled out his baby and shooed him to the floor, and you never know what to expect from her, Kolyan thought, would throw out another fox again. Enough to fuck, Natalya Evgenievna summed up:

- You liked me, especially your answers. But for certification, it’s still rather weak, like I’m going to work with you again, but for the time being, I couldn’t spend more time on my own questions. But you all catch up, happy.

Satisfied with himself, Kolyan scratched his point, squeezed a woman’s stomach, pushed her to a nice place, pinched her for a soft spot, slapped her bum, regretted it, wished her all the best, and went out of a fucking unmarked man to her face. for **** y lochinin. The only thing that he was organizing in this situation was that even a couple of such classes and the exam was provided for. The only pity is that not all subjects are given so easily, for example, by metrology, they are an old and evil man.

He began to try in his own way what kind of cunning plans and inventions, or rather, he thought, and not just try to understand his method in metrology ... but this is already another story.

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