By orders of trying ones, who are requesting a continuation of this breach and nonsense, we try to continue to monitor the misadventures of the poor student.

So, in the foregoing history, we stopped at how he overcame all possible gains of air, since the area of ​​respiratory troubles fell on his region of the respiratory tract, in the form of a fat maiden on call.

He didn’t suffocate the poor, as his wife, for pleasant pastime, began to fill up with his feelings of pity and kindness for the poor success of the marriage of men. She was all bursting with tears, begging him for forgiveness, and that she would no longer be so. The type of such kaptiny Koljan too spazy pazmyagchilsya became chyvstvovat guilty for all the pazvpatnye actions that he ppimenil relative to obekty ydovletvopeniya, namely, because he chyt was dostychalsya to the neck with vnytpenney stopony head when he tried to otodpat it in hlebopezky . She, in her turn, fell in front of him to her knees, for the fact that she shamelessly and impudently exposed him to violence, and also tore off, but only in the ass.

At that moment they looked like two lovely angels or crowning heads. They gently hugged the friend of a friend, caressing their erogenous zones with the heel of a partner. Gentle, inaudible glances followed every gesture, directed the fells and the other languages ​​to each other in order to achieve greater satisfaction. A little later, when all this crap in the form of a love game and foreplay was finally finished off both of them, and there was no sense from this, we decided to rest ...

Hakinyv on someone's old greasy gown, Olya went to the kitchen, h ** to prepare some kind of food, and Kolyan also once admired her view from behind, because on this dressing gown was a big burned hole in the ass, but apparently she did not notice. After observing how slowly and gracefully it went away, he was a powerful kick in the corporate code of the old “QUARTZ 340”, which apparently still remained from the previous owners, recorded the same TV program and began to view the night programs, the key-code or the pattern-maid, or the program-mate, the programmer, or the programmer. and "Road Patry". In order not to dwell on thoughts about food, he constantly got up and switched channels, since there was no passenger in him, but he still wanted to push things faster.

... finally, she was letting him. Kolyan willingly got up and went to the call of his gall. In the form of a covered glade, his lower jaw fell off by some means, hurting his toes. Not mentioning in my fridge anything that was now on the table, except for a pack of noodles for 3 p. and lyka. Of course it was impossible to say that everything was up to the fig, but nevertheless it was more than enough.

Nevertheless, they got together and started to quit their appetite, which they had come to them a long time ago. He suggested that she finish off half a bottle of “KUZMICHA” and she easily agreed. On the reason that there was nothing more to drink, Kolyan got dressed, put on a cigarette, borrowed money from her and went to get some beer. When he came out on a street in search of a kiosk, for a start, he sat down on the bench, in order to weigh all that was called for and against. For a long time he tried to move at least some kind of convoluted convolution, but nothing came of it. The only thing that he now understood was that to expel her, at least now, he would not get it. For the first time, he experienced some kind of new, incomprehensible feeling, forcing him to be careless and acciry, so as not to upset her, to address Olya.

In such an incomprehensible state, he entered a small, damn little shop and drowned himself in a beer with a fish. Upon exit from Kolyan, he met his old military comrade, his own handler and his co-worker in one person. Having embraced, as they had not seen each other since year 2, although in fact the last time they drank three days ago, they walked a little and began to talk about the hopelessness of Kolyanina's situation.

Having come to one and the same consensus in the end, we decided to open the wheelbarrow and they did it. For their happiness, there lay a spore with a suitable styling for the student.They went to the same small, damn little shop, poured some more vodka and went home, where someone had already waited for someone.

Going to the huys, Kolyan introduced Olya to his friend. After exchanging pycopopathies and evaluating glances, they went further by the whistle and sweeping off from the table all that would fall. At this moment, Olya looked at the newcomer only as a new, in no way customer, of which there were an infinite number of her. When at last, everything was drunk and devoured, including the tap-dish, the friend Kolyan took out a pack of cigarettes and poured all its contents on the table. From here, a small convoy fell, wrapped in foil from Kinder-Surpise. Everybody guessed right away what that was for the subject, they said loudly: “WOW !!!” and zaploplodipali legs.

Holy Trinity at a frantic pace began to master the bullyyator, and then they immediately hapnyuli in turn all the contents of deshki. After making this procedure, their eyes took a quad shape, they began to press like a table of wild horses without a stop. When at last, on bezymno-hellish laughter of Face skpychilo in typovatoy gpimase vsazhennyh, they fell off stylov and ppinyat beat my head against the floor, making mipno gylyayuschih here bedbugs and tapakanov in stpahe ynosit their paws on nappavleniyu to the houses, where finally arrived worried about them small cars ...

I had plenty of rest from all life's enemies, they began to think what to do next. And then Olya offered them to arrange a large-scale group, and they naturally agreed.

Kolyan turned on the pornoy again, because after the rest of the holiday he had never stood in practice, and with the wild nature of the ancient man he pounced on Olya. None of them, except her, never acted in similar, massively mass-scale enterprises, and somehow started to feel themselves constrained, a little shaken from the constant contemplation of the shnyagi of her colleague, and the disfavored Oleena Pyozda, who was hung out of a room and had a nice hang-out, which was suitable for hanging out of his colleague But with time they got a little bit more and already didn’t pay attention to such trifles.

Kolyan, with a friend in the queue, had Olga in all the breathing and piercing openings in her body, which they dared to find on her. From the constantly changing format and size of members, Olga got an unforgettable pleasure.

She didn’t succeed in quickly processing the child-bearing organs of the two distracted from the Beccrusters, as well as those who are still the same, as the plan and vodka, and even one-on-one colleagues, who operatively shoved her immense penises into the gap, which, under the influence of the head of the 15 Then Kolyan began to fuck her between the boobs, and he shut her nostrils with a hem, because he mistaken them with a pom by mistake. Then, when none of the well-known forms of gratification had already arrived in their backward heads, they began to force the clever Olga to remove the cigarette with their **** oh. Somehow having attached herself to such a form of sexual depravity, she with the greatest bliss blew smoke out of her genitalia, and these two men already came to her pubic region and inhaled it with pleasure, delivering to the friend of the mass of inadequacies and enjoying the beauty of the inadequacies and enjoying the beauty of the inadequacies and enjoying the beauty of the inadequacies and enjoying the beauty of the inadequacies and enjoying the beauty of the inadequacies and enjoying the beauty of the inadequacies and enjoying the beauty of the inadequacies and enjoying the pleasure of breathing in the pubic region.

Soon from such an abundance of vulgarity Kolyan otrybilsya and fell into a deep sleep. Olya, who did not expect this, was offended by him and immediately began to piss poor Kolyan on her face, but he was already in FIG. Then the remaining friend began to continue with Olya to craft different pieces in such a ditch, for example, he reversed her, and kept on her shoulders, threw her tongue into the clitoris, and she dangled, because she stood, she licked her tongue tickle the eggs with your fingers in order to reach orgasm as soon as possible. Then he finished, she flew away and dodged her head about the battery, breaking the central heating system, Olya lost consciousness and he began to rotate it differently, continuing and continuing to fuck ...

Finally, he, too, was stunned, the body of Olya's unconscious body strongly pressed, he used her memory to the battery, so that she did not freeze, stumbled towards Kolya and peacefully bumped, fraying her hot point ...

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