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She was not enough, but he seems not to come to his senses soon. “Calm down” - ordered Marina. They sat for another half an hour, smoked. Sasha treated her with tea.

On the street it was getting light, send trams.

- You probably have to go. And these "Gavriks" will soon be released, why should they sit here.

Marina was shocked - she behaved like a whore and she was kicked out. She got up and went to the exit.

“Marina, can I call you,” Sasha said after him.

Why, she thought, but she nodded to him — yes.

I drove to the house quickly. The husband was asleep, but only she entered the apartment, woke up and made a scandal. He had no strength to answer. Having dismissed him, Marina went into the bathroom.

Undressed, she stepped into the shower. Water brought her to her senses. But the abdomen ached. She put her hand down.

Three days passed, but there was no call from Alexander Vasilyevich. At least Andrew called, but she did not leave him her phone number. If Magomed does not go to the mountain.

Marina decided to go to Sasha herself. Chose the time closer to the evening, then more likely that he will not be busy.

Going to the door of his office, she caught the characteristic smell of booze. The smell of vegetables, canned fish and tobacco smoke was in the corridor. Knocking on the door, Marina entered the office. Sasha was sitting there and another young man. On the table were the remnants of the feast. Seeing Marina, Sasha stared at her in amazement.

- Hello. I drove past, let me think, I'll stop.

- Hello. Not expected. Kolya, leave us, I'll be busy.

The second guy, without objection, took his jacket and left the office.

Marina without an invitation sat on a chair.

- Something happened, Marina? - Sasha was concerned, he did not expect to see her at the moment.

- I waited for the call and did not wait! - Marina laughed.

- Somehow there was no time to call, sorry. - Sasha hesitated. - Well done, that came.

- At the time? - Marina asked, looking intently into his eyes.

- I did not understand, - Sasha said with downcast eyes.

- What you do not understand. Are you a woman now do not want? - Marina, smiling, looked at him.

The answer to this question was his smirk. He came to the door for the first time, closed the lock and went to Marina. This time he unzipped his pants and took out his tool. And Marina this time sat still.

- Come on! - Sasha was drunk and in his voice were command notes.

Marina was silent. She wanted him, but she wanted something else, not knowing why. Sasha brought the already standing member to her lips. Marina felt the already familiar taste of his member. Slowly opening her mouth, she let him in and immediately began to caress him with her tongue. She gave him a blowjob like never before. I tried to run it away. Sasha caught her wishes, moved her hips and began to fuck her in the mouth. This Marina has never experienced. She felt like the last slut, once her fucked in the mouth. She already did nothing, but simply sat with her mouth open, where a member of Alexander was moving like a piston. But she was not interested to sit, doing nothing, and she first began to caress his testicles, and then touched his anus. Sasha screamed and Marina realized that he liked it. She began to stroke his hips and constantly touching the anus. It did not last very long. Powerful jet of sperm hit her in the throat. Marina had to drink semen before, so she calmly swallowed it.

She thought that Sasha, as for the first time, would sit in a chair to rest. But he, having stood a little with his eyes closed, took off his pants and shorts and sat down on the table.

“Come here,” there was impatience in his voice.

Marina came up.

- Lick me.

Sasha raised his legs and bared his anus. Marina at first did not understand what to lick him. But her inner voice prompted her.

She parted his buttocks and touched his anus with her tongue. Sasha groaned. “He likes it!” Thought Marina and began to lick there. Sasha definitely liked it. She noticed that he began to jerk already fallen member.Marina brought it even more and with some bitterness she began to lick him. But very soon she was tired, and Sasha felt it. He began to lower his legs and Marina pulled away. She squatted and looked at him. "I will do everything he says!" It hung in her head.

- Marisha, you are a very sexy woman. And I am a sexy man, but I have not tried a lot, I just want to. Can you help me to realize my fantasies?

Marina did not answer. She wanted full-fledged sex, and here some fantasies. Sasha repeated the question.

- And what do you want?

- I want to fuck you together.

- But I have never tried.

“Don't you want it like that?”

For two minutes Marina understood what she heard. Then she nodded her head softly - yes.

“Tomorrow I'll pick you up tonight?” Lada?

- Yes.

The next day, when Marina left work, she was met by Alexander. Marina was in a tracksuit - her husband said she would go skiing. He invited her into the car. On the driver's seat was another guy. Sasha introduced them. The driver's name was Andrew. Marina sat back, Sasha next. They went. Sasha hugged Marina and stroked her breasts all the way through her jacket. Came to some kind of house.

“Everything has arrived,” said Andrei, and they got out of the car.

We climbed to the third floor. Sasha rang the doorbell of the apartment on this floor. A few seconds later the door was opened by a man, somewhere of the same age as Marina. Three, she thought, and entered the apartment. She was helped to take off her coat and was invited into the room. She realized that she was already appreciated, first Andrei, then the owner of the apartment (his name was Yura), and they were already determined to come off her today. "Well! I wanted it myself, ”thought Marina and asked Yura where the bathroom was. He silently showed his hand.

Marina entered the bathroom. Undressed. The evaluator looked at herself in the mirror. "Yes, I still nothing!" - She was delighted and began to take a shower.

Her body was really nice. Not a model, of course, but for her age is quite a decent figure. The chest just hung like the ears of a spaniel.

After washing, she went into the living room. Men sat on chairs and couch and drank beer.

- Marina, come to us, - said Yura, not embarrassed in the least, that Marina is absolutely naked.

Marina sat on the sofa and drank a glass of Yuri beer.

- Boys, just keep in mind, I do not accept anal sex.

- Everyone understood, Marisha. Do not worry about it. And, an indiscreet question, and where to end it is possible, we are without prezics, - Andrey did not take his eyes off her gorgeous breasts.

- Wherever you want.

- I see. Guys - in the shower! And I already took. Well, what, Marish, went to the bedroom?

Marina got up and went with Yura. Looking at her wagging ass, Sasha realized that tonight would leave no regrets.

Sasha entered the bedroom first, Andrei after him went there. Yura was lying on the bed, and Marina sucked his dick. Judging by his sighs, she brought him pleasure. Since Marina was standing with cancer, he launched her hand between her legs. His penis instantly increased and he inserted into her wet cunt without any preludes. Marina pushed backwards. Andrew came in here. Since there was no place for him, he sat down next to her and began to knead her hanging breasts.

The orgy lasted two hours. Her mouth and cunt were not empty. And when it was over, she could not get out of bed. The men went into the room, and Marina lay on the bed, fucked, with sperm on her face, chest, thighs.

Sasha and Andrey left soon, and Marina stayed with Jura until the morning to sleep. As he himself said, he once again fucked her, but she lay like a log. But when she wanted to still fuck in the ass, she woke up and began to protest. As an alternative, she offered to lick his ass, to which he agreed.

Sasha and Andrei repeated this orgy four more times with her (but without Jura). Sasha embodied his fantasies with her, but that's another story.

The story is real. Some names are fictitious, but the name Marina is real.

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