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Marina got married "late" - at 23 years old. Many of her friends have already managed to give birth to children. But she did not lag far behind them and gave birth to her husband two - a daughter and a son.

Family life went on as usual, neither great success nor big failures. But that all changed when she was already 35 years old. Her husband suffered a serious illness and, as a result, lost all ability to be a man in the full sense of the word. He understood that Marina needed sex, but. At first he satisfied her tongue, his hands. His wife thanked him for the pleasure that he brought, but she did not have enough of it. Thoughts to find a man on the side she did not have, because she loved her husband. He became disabled and she alone dragged the whole family. Although her work was not too profitable - the salary and small awards sometimes.

Six months after her husband's illness, she returned from work and accidentally met her classmate, whom she had not seen since graduation. Having exchanged duty phrases, Marina suddenly remembered that she even liked him at school. Andrei, that was his name, invited her to a nearby cafe to drink coffee and talk - hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

The conversation in the cafe dragged on, after coffee they drank a little cognac, and Marina got drunk, because she drank alcohol very rarely. Suddenly, she had a wild desire for sex with Andrew. “It's from alcohol,” flashed through her mind.

I didn't want to go home. What is there waiting for her, and here is an interesting and likeable interlocutor.

Chatted about that, about this. Somewhere around 9 pm, Andrew suddenly remembered that his friend had a birthday, and he promised to come and congratulate him.

- Marisha, come with me. Come, congratulations, and I'll take you home by taxi. You are welcome.

Marina reluctantly agreed, although in her heart she was very pleased with this invitation.

In the apartment where they arrived, the banquet was in full swing. There were many people. Many were with their wives, and Marina quickly became friends with many women. The fact that "they stopped for a minute," she quickly forgot. The time was nearing midnight. Almost all the guests have already left and left, except the birthday, two of his friends and Marina and Andrey. Marina's companion was very drunk and was dozing while sitting in a chair.

What happened afterwards, Marina remembered vaguely. Someone hugged her, stroked her breasts and legs, kissed her lips. She did not particularly resist, because she perceived because of a drunk as a joke. She, too, “played naughty”, then passionately responded to the kiss, then giggled when they touched her breast (and you can’t call her small breast - size 4), then she pinched the sticky guys for different parts of the body, including intimate ones.

Somehow it just happened that she was laid on the sofa and lifted her skirt. She began to realize that these three men were about to fuck her. She tried to explain to them that she did not agree to this, but the traitor had squeezed her mouth with a strong kiss. Meanwhile, she pulled off her pantyhose with panties. Marina was terrified - she was being raped. She saw that Andrew was fast asleep in the chair and could not help her with anything. Her legs sharply parted and she realized that they would enter her now and it would be painful, because she herself was not excited and everything was dry below. But instead, someone's tongue fell on her clit. It was both painful and pleasant.

Her breasts were already dangling - the blouse was unbuttoned, where was the bra, she did not understand. Someone was kissing her nipples. Fear was gradually replaced by excitement. But suddenly someone rang the door. Igor, the owner of the apartment, pulled away from her lips and went to open the door. Immediately, some people in uniform with machine guns flew into the apartment. Sharp and skillful movements put those two who were with Marina on the floor. They told her to dress. Without thinking, she found her pantyhose (she did not find the panties). I buttoned up my jacket and took them all to the street. Then it only dawned on her that these were cops. They put everyone in a “UAZ” and drove them. The guys were shocked and did not say anything.Igor, who apparently received a gun on the head when he opened the door, was generally like a zombie. After 5 minutes, they were brought to the police station. The guys were put in cells, and Marina was told to stand at the window of the duty station.

She stood and tried to comprehend what happened. Where did they come from, why did they bring them all here. The duty officer asked her something, she answered something. Marina almost did not understand anything, but still it dawned on her that she was a victim, that she was trying to rape.

Soon another cop arrived, dressed in civilian clothes and led her to the second floor. He introduced himself - Alexander Vasilyevich. She sat in front of his desk and he began to ask her about what had happened. From the conversation with him, Marina realized when she was laid on the sofa, she screamed and the neighbors called the police. And now these guys will be raped. The investigator began to fill out the protocol. Marina suddenly realized that this was not a dream. And she told this young man that she would not submit any application.

“Why,” the investigator asked, “because they were raping you!”

- Well, I myself gave a reason. They are not to blame for the fact that I behaved in this way, ”said Marina with difficulty.

Alexander Vasilievich thought about it and in a few minutes began to persuade her that she had nothing to fear, that the rapists would get what they deserved.

And Marina was already here, in the office of this young investigator. What she experienced there, in that ill-fated apartment, again returned to her. What is she to those idiots who wanted to fuck her, she after all WANTS.

The guy took a cigarette, but could not find a lighter. Not listening to what this cop tells her, she said quietly.

- Take me.

The cop did not understand at first, it seemed to him at first that she said: “take mine (lighter)”. But after a moment, he understood and stared at Marina. And she sat in front of him and looked at him imploringly. He understood everything.

Alexander Vasilyevich, although because of his youth, Marina decided to call him by name, went to the door and closed it from the inside. Then he hesitantly approached her. She sat on a chair, legs crossed. Sasha stopped in front of her and did not know what to do next.

Marina took the initiative in her hands and quickly unbuttoned his belt, a button on her jeans and pulled her pants down. Cowards took off with jeans. Her eyes appeared impressive size member. Erection was not in sight. Sasha silently watched Marina. And she took this tool and quickly captured it in her mouth. Blowjob she knew how. How many times she tried so to raise a member of her husband. The cop took a deep breath from such an “attack”. And Marina sucked with lust. His cock quickly increased and filled Marina’s mouth. Her lower abdomen ached. She was ready for anything now.

Removing his cock from her mouth, she stood up. Quickly took off her skirt, pantyhose and underwear and sat on the table. Sasha stood with his jeans down and a standing member and looked at her questioningly. Thinking that his open pussy was not enough for him, Marina unbuttoned her sweater and freed her chest from under her bra, which, with a wave, fell onto her upper belly.

Sasha was thinking a moment. Came up to her, raised his legs and sent a member.

- Not there, please! - Marina shouted.

Sasha realized that in the twilight he almost entered her ass. Marina herself grabbed his cock and sent him into her pussy, which was languishing in desire.

It was the height of bliss. How long has she experienced this? How many times she finished is not known. It came to her.

- Where to stop?

- Wherever you want.

- And in the mouth?

Marina removed Sasha and sat down. A member immediately broke into his mouth and a second later her mouth filled with sperm. “Do not spit it out,” flashed through her head, and she swallowed everything.

She was still squatting, and Sasha was already seated in her chair and a baldel. Marina wiped the remnants of sperm from her lips and began to dress.

“Thank you,” she said softly.

“This is for you,” whispered the young man.

Marina got dressed, sat on a chair and lit a cigarette ....

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