Near the kiosk, opposite the stop of General Potapov, two long-legged brunettes were talking peacefully. Eugene, squinting in a businesslike manner, turned ...

“Girls, we are Jehovah's Witnesses.” Do not you think that today, for some reason, people are moving away from each other? ..

The girls didn’t seem that way, but the stranger’s gaze was so severe that they waved their heads in the affirmative.

After a couple of minutes, his hands slid along their appetizing thighs, while Zhenya himself, striding along, talked with inspiration.

My rapprochement took place somewhat differently, or rather, I was completely forgotten about me, and I followed along, crumpling in my teeth a long-dead cigarette. From time to time they threw sharpness, after which the conversation stopped, and an awkward pause reigned.

One name was Lena, the other - Katya. They were dressed stylishly ... boots, skirts, blouses ... Each handbag over the shoulder, on the fingers - rings, and

ears - earrings. Painted too with taste ... bright red lipstick, shadows ...

Lena looked educated girl ... she liked Akhmatova,

Katya is a bit more modest. She admitted that she was engaged in trade and bought twelve pairs of Turkish boots that week, sold seven, and some Tanka, took as much, sold nine, but only because she has two points in the market, and Katya has only one , and that Tanka has a husband, and she, Kate, has to do everything alone, and it is hard for one, if there was a husband, then ...

She finished with a rhetorical question ...

- What am I, bad Tanya? ..

My friend graciously picked up ...

- No, Katya, you are much smarter.

The latter gave him a bewitching smile.

Having walked about two hundred meters, we found ourselves in the Triangle megastore. The spacious hall was filled with an abundance of goods and service personnel in blue uniform. I bought a book by Goethe “Faust”, Zhenya - champagne and vaseline ...

While drinking a bottle of sparkling wine, he constantly inspired ...

- Understand, girls, our house is your home!

Those in response to joking ...

- Register us?

- Of course! We are with serious intentions ...

... A partner immediately dragged Katerina into the bedroom. I culturally suggested to Lena to go to the kitchen.

Over a cup of coffee started a conversation about the sublime. He remembered all the poems he knew by heart. To make an impression, touched the work of Sergei Yesenin. Lena - Anna Akhmatova. Enthusiastically gesturing, quoted ...

... to the roses I want, in that one garden

where the best in the world stands out of fences ...

I unzipped my fly.

She broke off and looked at me in bewilderment ...

- What are you? ..

Voices came from the next room ...

“Am I a prostitute !?”

- No, honey, of course not! ..

Grinning, he took off his pants and scratched his groin ...

- That's how we live!

Helena's pupils became round, his hands reached for the curtain and began to pull her lace edges unsurely. Fell eaves. I did not attach much importance to this and still stood in front of the girl in shorts.

- Lena, I want love.

Having rejoiced at his resourcefulness, he laughed playfully, but they did not support me ... It was necessary to smooth over the mistake made. Two options were spinning in my head ... one more time to recite "A lonely sail whitens ..." or pour brandy. Chose the second ...

Alcohol acted adequately ... the girl no longer looked like a wolf, but on the contrary, from time to time she winked with her left eye. I understood the hint in my own way and took her left breast. To my surprise, she tried to escape, however, I, in turn, grabbed tight. Lena ran a nervous tic in his face.

- What are you doing?

Without catching the question, I asked in reply ...

- In terms of?

- Why do you squeeze the chest?

The girl from the heart slapped her face. I had no choice but to be embarrassed.

- What's wrong with that? - I still tried to save face.

- The chest is not yours! ..

I had to remove my hand. “Crazy,” thought to herself, but said aloud ...

- It is logical.

We were silent for a few seconds. I drummed on the table with my fingers, she chewed a sandwich with salami and was looking for something in her bag. Behind the wall were erotic sighs. Eh, wih ... Good boy! He sees the chicken for the first time - and has already saddled! ..

Breaking the silence Lena ...

- You know, yesterday in the library was ...

- True? - I tried to portray the maximum interest. - And what's there?

- Chossera wanted to read, but, unfortunately, he was already taken apart.

Nodded knowingly. Then he decided to be smart ...

- Is that the one that is jeffrey?

- Yes.

- Do you like it too?

- No, just like that, for erudition ...

My knowledge of medieval literature was quickly exhausted - and our dialogue was choked again. But there was no more alcohol left ... Lena also ate all the sandwiches with salami ... The evening reached a dead end. Finally, I got sick of it all - and I got up from the table ...

- Where are you going, kobelina?

- Zhenya to visit.

The question was asked so unexpectedly that only after I answered, I realized that they called me. Turning, he measured Lena with a cynical look. She took off her clothes.

- What are you doing?

The girl quietly continued to pull off her pantyhose.

- I want love, Egor.

Just a minute ago I would have run up to her and gladly offered my help, but now pride has started talking in me ...

- Sorry, baby ... I'm not a slave to my dick!

Lena retorted simply, but very tamely ...

- And whose member are you a slave? - and undid the blouse.

Could not find an answer.

- It seems to me, Egor, - she got to the bodice, - you are a very notorious boy ...

The bra fell to the floor - and the girl's naked chest opened to my gaze (the left one in red spots). Mentally appreciated it at four points on a five-point system.

- And why is that? - I'm a little fussy.

Practically invisible hand movement Lena figured out the clasps - and the panties themselves slid down the pretty legs.

- Because, Egorka, that a girl came to visit you, and you told her everything about verses and verses ...

She went to the stove and put the kettle on. While I was lighting the burner, I was closely looking at the forms from behind. Cellulite is not. Fine!

- I decided to boil the tea?

- No, coffee. - Lena smiled temptingly. - I like to drink a cup after a healthy sex ...

Thought it out.

- Well, let's just rake the table - and I removed the first plate with scraps.

- What for!? Don't you like it when two bodies intertwine in a fit of passion - and everything flies around, falls? ... - the girl was waiting with hope for my verdict.

- Not. To what it is. Yes, and sorry for the dishes. I want everything to be businesslike!

Walking over the table with a dry rag, he clapped his hands.

- Well, that's done. Lean down ...

... We had sex. At the same time, I smoked a cigarette and considered moles on her back, and Lena, whining, looked at her manicure. Whistled the kettle.

- Hear, we have already finished coffee. For replacement - only chicory.

Having made the last puff, he threw the bull into the sink.

- Goon !!!

I always liked that word ... there is so much expression in it. However, then it sounded pretty disgusting. I pushed the girl aside, offended and turned off the gas stove.

- You can not joke? ..

He wiped his sweaty forehead with a towel and put on a T-shirt. The girl did not let up ...

- Hey, you, come on! ..

Entered naked Zhenya.

- What are you doing here?

- Chicory brew ...

I closed the bathroom door behind me. While washing and brushing my teeth, the sounds of fighting came from the kitchen, then again ... erotic sighs. That is how it happens in life! And it always seemed to me that Lena was monogamous. Eh, wih! Gad! ..

There was no place to go - and I wandered into the bedroom. Katya was lying on a bed under a blanket and was reading a cheap magazine. Unobtrusively nestled near. The girl did not resist, but even, on the contrary, played along with me, having grouped in the right position ...

Grace. Finally, and on my street holiday! It is a pity that there is no video camera. Today I am clearly in shock! Well, just a male! Haha How she moans !!! Wow! Envy me! How beautiful Katerina, wallpaper scratching in unconsciousness! She probably has an orgasm. Yes, exactly an orgasm! Or, maybe, after all pretending? ... No, where to her ... Orgasm! He is! See, Katya, this is not for you to trade boots! ... Hehehehe! And let Zhenya suffer with Lenochka, tells her poems ... Well, I will finish. I'm tired.How much can you in the end ?! You, too, come, not iron! Really, Katyusha? This is it! Smoke, baby! ... It is time for me to shower ...

... The girls left early in the morning. Eugene, stepping on used condoms, began to brew coffee (he took out a couple of packets from somewhere). So, I'm really a goon!

- How do you Kate?

- And you Lena?

Almost synchronously each other answered ...

- Fine.

Out on the balcony. The sun was shining brightly, the tram was pounding the wheels. Spat down. Saliva flew along an intricate trajectory and fell on the cap of a policeman standing near the entrance. He instantly reacted, raising his head. Signed up. Soon our door bell rang ...

Zhenya, still unsuspecting, laughed merrily ...

- Again, someone asks. Do you still have the strength, bro?

I shook my head sadly, and then I looked doomed to my friend ...

“It seems that now our turn will bend down,” and after a short pause he added, “Go, Evgeny, open ...”

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