It happened on New Year's Eve. I then studied at the fourth year of philology.

I remember, we went to buy products on Lybidska. Like a madman, ran through all the shops, looking for a hundred-millimeter "Camel" ...

... At one tedious lecture I went to the toilet. They smoked here. Asked for a cigarette -

an unfamiliar blonde with unbuttoned fly stretched out a long

started pack of camels. Dragged on. Good cigarettes, however.

Having finished the bull and dropping a syringe from someone’s window sill, I returned to

audience. Be sure to buy them for the New Year ...

... Did not buy. There was not a single store. Normal and no filter, but there is no hundred millimeter.

He returned to the hostel when it was already dark. I went into the half-empty twelfth trolley, found the place more comfortably, sat down. Stared out the window. Flashing billboards, store signs, people. The traffic lights wink red more often, so they stopped at every intersection.

I remember Irina. Walking through the woods. Our argument is that from ten meters I’ll fall into three thin trees with snowballs. Got it. And he tried to make love to her right in the snow. Ira resisted for a long time, but I got hit again. And then he treated prostatitis for two months ...

Next to me in a yellow coat and pink jeans nestled some kind of bespectacled. He asked what time it was. I did not answer. After crying about something else about nature, about birds, he suddenly put his hand on my knee and said sweetly ...

- My name is Albert Nikolayevich, and you?

“Peter,” I lied.

- Very nice, Peter. You do not want to go to me, drink a glass of brandy? ..

... came down as soon as the doors opened. Well, of course. As I did not immediately guess! Glasses, pink jeans ...

Forty minutes traveled on foot. Wind, snow, minus centigrade. And all because of a pederast! ..

Everywhere there is an atmosphere of the upcoming holiday ... shouts, laughter, songs. Here and there girls scurry about in bath robes, boys with towels at the ready. All - in the shower. The ritual of pristine purity before the night of temptations and vices.

An hour passes, beats the chimes. Two thousand year has come.

Toasts replace each other, dishes ring. Freshman Mitya, either because of inexperience, or excitement before his elders, drops a glass of vodka into potatoes.

Ivan is already trying to explain with a stray language how the “Stolichny” salad differs from Olivier. True, no one listens to him, but nevertheless he continues to shout with enviable persistence ...

- Green peas, boys, this is for you no bounty ...

Makar, with one hand hugging the cross-eyed Svetka, the other launched under her skirt.

Svetlana, occasionally flinching, pretends that she is watching the New Year's concert on TV ...

- Let's play cards?

Katya appeared on the threshold. She studied second year at the Faculty of English and Psychology, and lived on the third floor in the forty-fourth room. The girl knew everything. Rather, it stood out among all of its huge dimensions, for which he received the nickname - Godzilla. Besides, Katerina knew how to sing.

We are sullenly silent. Who cleaned the orange, who picked the toothpick in his mouth. Little Kat wasn't paying attention. She was about to leave when I shouted ...

- Come on, - and walked behind his beautiful femina. First left along the corridor, and then down the stairs to the third floor.

We went into the room. I simply suggested playing a fool for undressing. She willingly agreed.

From the cassette came the voices of Ivanushek International. Kate was sitting in front of me in panties, bra and pantyhose, sang hard. I took off only red cowboy shoes and was silent. I tried not to pay attention to her breasts. This, I confess, I could hardly. Repeatedly I caught myself thinking that I was trying to guess the size of the Katya's bodice. Fourth or fifth? Or maybe much more? There are miracles in the world!

- Once we play and that's enough for today!

My legs began to sweat ... I did not expect such a blow of fate. The body insisted on continuing the evening ...

I succumbed. Catherine calmed down a bit.

So, I will win the next batch - it will remove the tights. Begin to get nervous again. I will try to persuade her, they say, God gave, God took, today you, and

tomorrow is me. Let's play one more time, and there ... Where it already goes!

But I did not win the next game. Moreover, I lost three in a row. Katya exulted ... she saw my whites in the daisy family.

I, on the contrary, did not feel well. All sorts of horrors got into my head ... as if I were standing on a wooden table in the nude, and Katerina, lounging vulgarly on a chair, yelling into a drunken stupor ...

- Shibche tap dance, stallion, faster!

With a trembling hand, dealt cards. It was not only the feet that sweated. Slowly he began to open ... Queen of Spades, seven of diamonds, club nine, peak ace with a king and diamond of jacks. Well, that's all, dear! No mercy ...

I wrapped my arms around her from behind. The girl balked, and then shortly, without a swing, struck me with an elbow in the chest. Then - in the liver. More and more. I realized that I can not stand for long. The brain frantically went through all sorts of options and combinations. Sobered finally. The hand reached for ... The blows were weakened.

She threw my dystrophic body on the bed. Lay beside - the net bent to the floor. How many did not aim - all by. Unable to withstand my useless fiddling, Katya squeezed strictly ...

- Mattress on the floor!

Covering my shame sheet, I obediently executed the order.

Katerina behaved extraordinarily. Probably spotted in some Hollywood cinema. Going to the window, she poured a teapot full of water over her head.

The last thing I wanted was to take a cold shower that winter evening. But Katya thought that this would give our relationship a particular zest, and did not ask me.

Fell on top - it became difficult to breathe. Affected by the difference in weight categories. I timidly suggested changing the position. It did not help ... hard carpet rubbed his knees.

Rose to me. New bed and three mattresses instilled already extinct, it was, faith in success. We again entwined in a fit of violent passion.

At first everything went well. In some moments I even enjoyed it. When behind the backs suddenly came the sound of tearing paper.

I turned around. My sexy devil touched with her foot a map of the United States hanging on the wall.

What was this card! A month ago, I gave her one American. That day I walked around the hostel impressed. Show off. Repeatedly told how I was joking, and how she laughed. He called every comer to his room to evaluate the gift. In short, everyone is tired.

Now on the site of New York with Washington could see the yellowed from time to wallpaper.

- Get on the table!

Katerina flattened herself in anticipation, smiling at something stupid. I earned it as an energizer. With triple speed and power.

Ticked watch. On the wall ran a cockroach. Katyusha moaned to the beat.

Hryas !!!

- ЄGor, be on guard with the lamp, good? Won znayomih my sisters, - such a farewell gave me a neighbor Tolik, leaving for the holidays home.

“Don't fuss, Tolyan,” I reassured him. - Everything's under control...

... The lamp lay crooked on the floor and showed no signs of life. As it turned out, she was not at all ...

I escorted Kate to the door. Fatigue cast a dream.

- If you wish, come in.

She looked down at me, straightened the belt on her robe, and squeaked in a hoarse voice ...

- And you're angry, zayuhugan.

I closed the door. He looked at the broken room, then at his bloodied knees and, already wrapping himself in a duvet, whispered ...

- Yes, honey, I'm so!

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