One September day I was invited to celebrate the birthday of my friend. The audience gathered very heterogeneous, and I did not know much about anyone. But, nevertheless, it was fun, noisy and comfortable ... in any case, I was not going to leave, and one guy just bore me with his eyes, which I could not dislike as a very interesting lady for the male sex.

A little later, I left the bathroom to fix the makeup, I went into it, closed the door ... stood over the sink, opened the tap with water and, picking up cool moisture in my palm, wanted to rinse my face ... like the guy who was watching me the whole evening went into the bath and instantly closed the door on the lock. I didn’t have time to say a word as he clasped my waist with one hand, while my hands were tightly pressed to my body, so I could not move ... with the other hand he sharply pulled up my short dress, under which there were no panties and brazenly I ran my hand into my pussy ... from indignation, shame, I felt dizzy, my thoughts were confused, but the sweetness of anticipation is stronger than me ... Having slightly touched my slightly wet, he roughly inserted his index finger into the vagina ... making them a couple of movements he sharply stuck it out and looking in the mirror reflected neither, and my eyes in him, raised his hand to his face and breathed noisily, covering my eye with a smell ... said:

“And you smell like lust and it turns me on ...”

Then he licked his finger and let me go, opened the door and left. I stood for a minute and just slowly came to my senses ...

A little later, I left, but what happened did not allow me to calm down. You have to come to your senses, relax a little ... this is an interesting thing, which one ... but I liked it !!! My tempter followed me after ... I am delighted and I want to continue ... but how can I confess and God forbid come to say ... that is, frankly offer myself to him, no, there will not be this, it will not be all!

After a while, all the guests were pretty drunk, they began to disperse around the apartment looking for more secluded places, someone was going home. Well, I deigned to help a friend with cleaning after the celebration, stayed overnight. When it was all over the company was left not big, three guys including His ... birthday girl, me and the sister of one of the guys. Still having a little food for a dream coming light wine, we began to prepare for a dream. I was assigned a room, and since I was a lonely girl for that night, I went to sleep ... after having taken a bath in which I was haunted by what happened.

Coming out of the bathroom, I caught myself thinking that it was - it would not be very bad to run into Him in the corridor ... but this did not happen and I safely entered the room. Without turning on the light, I began to go to bed ... as I felt His presence ... He was lying in my bed !! Oh dear, is it really all the way I wanted? But for a moment it seemed to me that this was far from being ... He grabbed me abruptly and, with a little hoarse voice, said:

- Quiet little rubbish ... otherwise it will hurt, believe me ...

The moonlight, which made its way into the room through the window and covered its silhouette, betraying a charm to what is happening ... Then he grabbed my hands and, twisting them behind my back, took them with one hand, with the other I examined my breasts, lightly pinching my nipples, which without that they were already erogated ... A moan of sweet languor escaped me ... He abruptly tore my hand off my chest and hit me in the face ..

- I told you quieter!

I was taken aback ... but it was not painful, only palpable that you are at the mercy of this wild male ... My bosom treacherously ached and began to fill with moisture ... He began to touch the lips of my neck ... then, gently nibbling her, , artfully kissing and pouring hot breath ...

- Well, baby ...? Let's start playing for an adult ?? - He said.

From his voice, actions, and my desire, I wanted to shout: “Yes, yes, yes !!!” But his view allowed me only to nod in agreement.

Then everything that happened began so quickly that I could not even object, the guy who entered the room entered after ... Going to the bed, he leaned over me and, taking me by the chin, pressed my lips into my lips ... so powerfully no one kissed me firmly and brazenly ... he demanded a kiss ... and received, enjoyed it. My tempter let go of my hands and began to take off his clothes ... appeared before me in all her naked beauty ... you won’t believe how much this bewitching sight, molten body ... there was one thought in my head ... to touch him and give him to have oneself ... The guy who eagerly kissed me until that time, took the back of my head with my hand, forced me to get out of bed ... the tempter came up to us and, putting his heavy hand on my shoulder, commandedly said:

- Get on your knees and take his cock in your mouth! The slightest disobedience on your part and you will regret it !!! Open your mouth wider !!

I didn’t even understand how my penis was deep in my throat, which was literally choking me, tears were rolling out of my eyes ... and this monster was becoming more and more ... literally not fitting in my mouth ... completely I slipped out and let me play with his head with my tongue ... gently sucking on the purple head from excitement, then again rushed inside my neck. At the same time, the tempter held my head and pushed her towards the member, as if pushing me onto this stake. Having finally made sure that there would be no resistance on my part, the Tempter turned me around so gently and eagerly, tearing him off from a member of his friend and holding his penis in his hand, started lightly at first, then smacking them hard on my face ... in this moment... ??? Not to convey ... a mixture of shame and humiliation of the fact that everything happens not one-on-one, but in the presence of another person! Then he began to drive his head over my lips, pushing a little, she slipped into my mouth, I began to suck, taking it from the base with my hand and moving it back and forth, not forgetting his testicles, tender bridle to madness ... Then everything happened in a dream ... I was laid on the carpet, one spread my hips and lowered to the center of the universe ... his experienced language begins to dance, the pace of dancing slows down, then accelerates to the beat with the movements of my body ... he strokes the clitoris with his lungs, like a feather, with a touch of tongue, it gnaws eagerly with its whole mouth ... it pinches my clit gu bami, and his tongue starts circling on his head ...

- Go on, more ... please, do not stop ... - I whispered slightly parched lips ...

but apparently I shouldn't have said that, he immediately stopped everything and, lifting my legs, put my ankles into the hands of my tempter, who was kneeling at my head to hold them ... slightly touching my crotch with his hand stuck two fingers into me, stuck out ... and touched my little anus ring ... just pressed him ...

- Either you let me go, or I will hurt you myself ... choose, baby!

I resigned ... his finger penetrated millimeter by millimeter ... the index finger already plunged into the bosom ... He began to ignite me, not large amplitudes then forward then back ... I wanted to cry out from pleasure, but this mistake led to that I had a dimensionless member of the Tempter in my mouth ... it moved like a piston in me ... not giving a breathe ... When I didn’t understand anything and was about to discharge, they raised me and led me to the chair .. The Tempter sat on him and pulled me to his back, lowered to his stake ... holding my buttocks He asked a crazy pace and came second ... ... bit of squatting ... I began to resist ... not least turned his huge dick into the same hole where already reigned full member of the tempter !!!

- Not! Do not...

but their strong hands didn’t even give me a chance to get off this game ... When he penetrated me, there was a feeling that I was torn into two halves ... good, I was wet and I didn’t damage my flesh ... Guys earned me mad speed and the room began to swim before my eyes around me ... them ... us ...and at that moment suddenly, like an explosion, it was fantastic - an enchanting discharge ...

- oooooh ... yes, yes, yes, yes !!!

The guys, apparently, could not cope with their tools at the time of my orgasm, and began to finish, pouring in my flesh with their juices ... they did not fit in me and it all flowed down our thighs ...

But this meeting was not the first and last ... :-)))

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