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I am in a strange house in an unfamiliar place. My eyes are blindfolded and this is the main condition of the game. I do not know the rules, I do not know where I am and who brought me here. As soon as I agreed to participate, I was immediately offered to get in the car and blindfolded. Now I am standing alone in the middle of an unfamiliar room and I do not know what will happen to me in the next minute.

I was promised to pay a tidy sum for this adventure. I was almost unfamiliar with the person who suggested this. One day, about three months ago, he gave me a lift late in the evening, apparently feeling sorry for the woman standing alone at the bus stop, and I have not seen him since. He did not charge me any money, saying that he had enough of his own, but he asked for my phone number, adding with a sweet smile that he would call him somehow. It was dark in the car and I didn’t see him very well, especially since I was sitting in the backseat, but it seemed to me that he was tall, blond, between the ages of 30 and 40. I could only see his large arms with long good shape fingers holding the steering wheel confidently.

I waited for a while, in the hope that he would still show up, but week went by week, but he never called. And now this is an insane offer. My first reaction was to say no, but he, without even hearing my answer, succinctly announced that he would call back in two days and put the phone down. I sat and senselessly listened to short beeps that came from the tube, being in a state like a stupor. Then, finally, I woke up and told myself that it was just a joke, someone's stupid joke: I never had sex for money, and in general: What kind of nonsense! But the catty inner voice persistently twisted the same stupid phrase "It's never too late to start:".

Money, of course, needed desperately. For almost six months after my divorce from my husband, I lived alone and my teacher’s salary was sorely lacking in living. My last lover drove off to Canada for two years with his family. Honestly, I didn’t have any particular regrets about this, because our relationship had long been exhausted and he was married to everything else, which did not suit me at all. So, saying goodbye to him at the door of my apartment, I sighed with relief, once again firmly promising myself not to get involved with married men. But he was the only person who somehow helped me, throwing at least small but constant amounts of money for current expenses.

And here I am: Despite the reality of what is happening, somewhere in the depths of my soul, I still believed or wanted to believe that it was just a joke, and the situation in which I was was so absurd.

First of all, when they brought me here a few minutes ago and left me alone in this room, I, of course, wanted to remove the blindfold, but I remembered the words of the driver who drove me here, that this cannot be done without special permission, and I decided not to tempt fate. After standing a couple of minutes motionless, I tried to independently examine the place where I was now. But before she could even make a couple of steps, she suddenly heard some rustle. Someone was next to me! I carefully took another step and suddenly something touched me. I quickly turned in the direction from where, as it seemed to me, I heard the rustle of clothes and someone's breath, trying to grab a ghostly creature, but I did not have time, but waved my arms in the air stupidly.

Again touching someone's fingers, they became more and more ... From fast turns, my head began to feel dizzy and breathless. There were so many touches and they were so persistent that I understood: “It started!” It was absolutely pointless to fight the horde of ghosts and I tried to relax, mentally persuading myself that they said you decided to come here and now it’s stupid and dangerous. backtrack.Someone's hands touched my chest, neck, buttocks: In their fascinating movement there was no rudeness, they just caressed me, stroking and as if soothing. “They stroke it like a race horse before a race,” I thought, and it suddenly became funny to me. “I’d put a piece of sugar in my teeth!” I continued to have fun.

My lips involuntarily stretched into a smile and I even giggled a couple of times out loud. My fear suddenly passed, and I smiled again, imagining how great I am now, probably, I look. My clothes were in total disarray, the buttons on the blouse were unbuttoned and everyone could see my protruding chest, which someone probably already longs for, imagining how it smacked into her pink nipples. A skirt quickly ripped off by someone has long fallen to the floor, and my legs in lace stockings may no longer allow someone to breathe peacefully. Well, it seems I guessed right! Somebody's warm breath touched my cheek, followed by lips that slid easily around my neck, a strange smell of male cologne, a slight unshaven stranger's cheek, someone's hands on my already bare shoulders: I threw back my head back, trying to dodge unwanted stupidity of someone else the mouth trying to kiss me, but then other sensations captured me completely: Someone approached me from behind and rested on my buttocks with something hard and hot, and then strong hands jerked off my panties and spread my legs. The stranger's wet fingers, sliding down the stomach, pushed my lips and began to caress the clitoris, the other two fingers massaged the entrance to the vagina from behind, each time slipping deeper into the depths, where I was already slowly and irreversibly growing agitation in me, flowing in transparent drops inside the walls of my vessel.

A member of a stranger who pressed against me from behind, gently rubbed between my buttocks, someone's hands caressed and tugged at my chest, while another participant of the game, whose smell of cologne I remembered for life, suddenly tilted my head down so that I almost lost my balance. My hands rested against something soft, perhaps it was a sofa or bed. The man standing behind me pressed even closer to my ass, continuing to work with my fingers, from which there was no escape, and my excitement grew with the speed of a storm wave: I felt someone climb between my hands and lay right under me. Almost immediately two men, judging by the size, hands, squeezed my breasts and someone's tongue began to lick my nipples. Suddenly my face was touched by a smooth and hot penis head, which is difficult to confuse with anything. I reached for her, caught my mouth, let go, then stuck out her tongue and licked it in a circle like ice cream, opened her mouth and sucked in almost half of the already excited member, released again and so time after time, sucking and smacking like a child, selflessly sucking lollipop :. One of the strangers groaned with pleasure, probably the one whose excited nature I licked so hard. The fingers of the second suddenly unexpectedly slipped from the depths of my body, and instead of them his cock entered abruptly, so deep that I felt strong male eggs at the very entrance to the vagina. The man began to move immediately at a frantic pace, literally hammering his powerful weapon into me to the end, he was clearly of strong build and tall. His hands tightly gripped my hips and I almost jumped into the air from the powerful shocks, shaking my body. My feelings were so strong that, in spite of the pain, with a long moan I almost finished and the waves of the sharpest pleasure still shook my body for about forty seconds. My unfamiliar partners continued without respite, uttering now groans and sounds, like roars:

After five to seven minutes of the mad tempo of our mad love for three of them, they, too, had a discharge. First, with a hoarse roar, he finished the first one, who so furiously drove his cock into me from behind, and a hot jet of sperm flooded my vagina.The man twitched convulsively several times, squeezing my buttocks to pain, then slowly took out a noticeably softened member, and disappeared somewhere. I was still standing with my legs wide apart, and a warm liquid was leaking from my gap, slowly and frivolously dripping onto the floor. I constantly sucked and licked the second stranger's member when I felt ...

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