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she opens her eyes and catches on herself a half-drunk look of a woman caressing herself between shamelessly spread legs, something suddenly spreads out downstairs inside, she tries to absorb him as deeply as possible. Tatyana sees how her legs are beating in convulsions, flowing drops flow from her nipples, so she shouts something, the jet hits her, and for the first time she falls so hard, so hopelessly ...

She wakes up after a few hours, dressed in luxurious English lingerie, and standing up, at first does not recognize herself in the mirror at all.

The door opens and a blond man enters. There is something repulsive in it. I lay, as usual, with raised flesh, and therefore I try to hide behind the edge of the sheet. He turns a chair towards me and sits down.

- Tell me, who do you like better: my wife or Jeanne? Who are you thinking of here?

I internally try not to develop this thought.

- My wife. Zhanna - this wounded pride and everything else. Okay. Get up They themselves will understand.

“Max?” I think in a tree-lined corridor.

In the darkened hall, he takes me to the brightest place in the middle. I can be clearly seen from all sides, especially from the chairs where they both sit. I hide myself, but it's funny to hide something.

Jeanne in a transparent short cape in dark stockings. Another outfit consists of a jacket and stockings. In the corner, the smoke from a cigarette, all cocktails.

“So,” says Leah, “with which of us do you dream to make love?”

She fits and with two fingers alternately removes my hands.

“Handsome,” she takes up her head, a few light drops dripping down to her skillful fingers. “It's bad to be excited for so long, you know?” Who do you like more. Well, don't upset me. You like the way I love.

She turns around:

- Ask him or her. Choose me, it will console them. Under the lowered eyelids of Jeanne, there is something that can go crazy.

“Well, then, I will show what I can do,” Leah squats, spreads her legs wide ... her fingers pierce between her lips, her head leans back, her body responds to their every movement. In the silence you can hear her breathing. Her legs move and she falls to her knees, her back is bent and she crawls towards Vadim with half-closed eyes. The lips touch the hard flesh, the tongue rises up, then her whole mouth fills the quivering nature of Vadim ... It seems that this sweat hurts my eyes. Jeanne rises, the fire of the fireplace sculpts her figure.

She comes up to me and her hand from her shoulder comes down on my chest, on my stomach, she is watching her.

“And this is all about you,” she says, smiling, and leaves my humble eyes.

Her leg rests on the shoulder of a seated Vadim, his tongue is already inside, connected by sparks of touches to her languor.

- Oh, - the bliss fills her and she forgets this man who moves in her faster and faster towards ... And she is sweet about what she slowly thinks about whom she wants to think about.

I see how her buttocks are tightened, then go up, behind me I can see her full breasts on the sides of a wet back. She wriggles, leaving only his penis motionless, and I can already hear the familiar sobs.

- Ay! She cries, her hair is shaking, I want to dig into her. Behind Leah strongly pushes me, then again, until I feel the hollow between the blades of Jeanne with the head of my penis. Any torture would have caused me less suffering: after all, her overturned face right in front of me, her wet eyelashes, her mouth ajar, a trickle of saliva running down her cheek. Just one point I touch her moving body. Leah holds my hands behind my back. It seems to me that Joan does not feel me, my intense call ... But suddenly she makes a backward motion, strongly clinging to everything around him, and my jet weaves into her hair. I frantically jerk my body, then fall to my knees in front of the quivering buttocks, in order to temporarily leave this moment.

For the first time in three days, they return my clothes and bring me to the sun.On the terrace on light wicker chairs sit two such real women and a man, all in dazzling white suits.

- Good morning, Kesha, - Jeanne Pavlovna cooing. - How are you feeling? Looks like your fever goes away and we can all have tea together. Get acquainted, this is my sister Leah and her husband Vadim. And this is one of my students - Innocent.

Leah smiles sweetly, Vadim stretches his hand. In a slightly dazed state, I sit down at a table and prudently decide not to raise the topic of Max.

“Imagine, we are with a friend,” says Zhanna Pavlovna, “they picked up about three nights on one of the deserted streets, absolutely nothing. Apparently, this marked the end of the school year. Who is Kesh?

- I'm trying to remember.

- Why? That's nice, says Leah.

“We need to switch to weaker drinks, old man,” adds Vadim, laughing.

- Well, and since Kesh lives alone, unlike Maxim, we decided to take him to the country until he recovers. Now it seems that his temperature has passed.

I try to smile and show that I do not pretend to investigate ...

- And today we will take him home ..., - with my appearance I show that I agree.

But from the table, where there was tea with milk, I go out into a state of severe intoxication and, in close to this state, I reach the room where I had to spend three days.

Having said goodbye in thoughts with a hospitable home, at 12 o'clock, as was due, I open the living room door to go home.

And I see Vadim’s hand exposing Joan’s entire thigh and holding him close, their lips and tongues merging in the same movements. And her hand caressing a penis.

Having a bad idea of ​​what I was mistaken in, I step back into the shadow and leave quietly.

Half an hour later, having waited this time for me to be invited, I am going to the “nine” with all the nicely talking company. On the face of Jeanne is not noticeable and a shadow of doubt, but jealousy is choking me, to tell the truth.

Max could not explain anything intelligible about the last week. I found him in the apartment. Love holy believing that he never left her.

- Kesha, I'm in love. I say this with her, do not hesitate. Who would you think?

- In whom? - a chill appeared in the chest.

“In her,” he pointed at Luba. - And only in her!

- Tuba needs a shower.

- I've already been.

- Do you remember the basement?

- Which one?

- Dacha?

- You take note - I'm in love!

- And very drunk.

- It does not interfere.

Further conversation did not make sense, I had to congratulate them and leave. White costumes, bare leg, hands, two figures pressed to each other, all that stood before my eyes.

I didn’t need a lift, I ran up the stairs, and, gasping, repeated and repeated the words of this song: I wanna hate you. I love to hate you.

Open the door, she says:

- Here is Cash. Come on in.

And they smiled sweetly at me.

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