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her voice is calm. She leaned back on the couch and spread her legs. The floor of the robe slid off, and a dizzying darkness opened between them.

- Come here, get down on your knees, - I approached, got up. My face was between her legs.

- Close your eyes.

I closed. At this point, she raised her legs and put her feet on the edge of the sofa, I slowly approached something hot. I buried my lips in a dimple and began to kiss and lick it. She moaned. From somewhere on top flowed liquid. I licked it. Five minutes later she moaned:

- Search above, this is not that ...

I was surprised and stuck my nose in something soft and hot, wet and inward. I lost my head and absorbed everything in myself. I was stupid and deaf, not feeling anything around. Suddenly her legs tightly squeezed my head, and my fingers gripped my hair to the pain, my body jerked and hit my lips. I pulled away. The next moment, she pressed me to this place with such force that I almost choked. She shook, kicking me hard on the head. I was afraid that she was angry and tried to escape. But she dug her nails into the back of my head, I screamed. My teeth touched some kind of solid tubercle. She screamed, bent strongly, we fell on one side, then on the floor. She didn't let me out, just now I was on my back, and she was sitting on my face.

- Suck it.

I did not understand.

- Suck ... and ... and, I said ... and ... suck, do you hear ?!

Now she moaned hard. I caught it, and no matter how it spun, I did not let it out ... Suddenly, it became easy for me to breathe, the light hit my face, my member felt wet and hot. He was somewhere inside. I opened my eyes: she sat on me and moved the pelvis. Understanding nothing, I screamed and forgot from the sweetness.

While I was telling this, Tatyana finished several times with the fingers. Lying on her back, she looked at me wildly, her legs flew up to her pale face.

- Well, give me where you made a mistake, faster, Cash, I ask, faster!

I realized that I could not. She opened her eyes.

“Find Serge quickly,” she said through clenched teeth.

Still wondering where he could be, I stumbled upon him in the hayloft. He smoked and drank beer.

- Serge, your wife wants you immediately. By all means.

- Is that so?

- I am not able to.

He rose:

- Do not go. We have to talk.

It is always pleasant to drink in the hay, when no one bothers, no one jerks, nothing climbs into your head, always when you feel alone in the still quite young for this life ...

- What is it that you brought her so? - forty minutes later asked Serge.

- I imagined what kind of first woman I could have been.

He quickly looked at me, took a can of beer, opened it and drained it without stopping.

- You're not stupid, it became clear even at your birth. You screamed a little.

Pigeons cooed quietly.

“This is her weak line, old man,” he said.

- I myself - a weak chord.

- Well, we will check it, I promise.

- Tonight?

- I guess - and the characteristic cold shine.

- Saleswoman?

His eyes calmly pulled out my soul.

- I hope you understand that now follows from this. You agreed.

- Another weak string? - I lowered my eyelids. - I want to sleep.

- And there is. Until the evening.

I was returning to the table with an English underwear package.

- What for? - brother was finishing tea with cognac. - Perhaps you are right.

I also took: tassels, a narrow black silk bandage, a gel, a pair of artificial penises, a bottle of Muscat “Loel”, a lash, a pack of “Carlton”.

“Cash will invite you,” Serge told her.

We rush into the store. Among the dim light behind the counter - the blonde that is needed. There is no one else. Serge grabs her hair and knocks her to the floor. Scream and thud. I hook the door and turn off the light. I know that Serge is now tying her hands with wire. I slowly fall to the floor along the wall, open the pack and light up. The room is small, there are few things, it was here only two times, in my opinion, I bought soap. Serge comes out from behind the counter.I rise and pick up the lock from the nail, open the hook and enter the darkness, the door closes behind me. I put the lock on the outside. Click. I am delayed for Tatiana to find me. Her silhouette is separated from the branches, the black velvet of the night touches her cheeks, in return she gives up an excited glitter of her eyes ... I embrace her waist and whisper:

- Like the first date?

Suddenly I press it against a tree and squeeze my chest tightly. She is not breathing. I kiss the neck, and with my hand I hurt unbearably. She moans. I push her away. Now her breath is greedy, these kisses and pain now, when ...

“Take off your jeans,” she takes off.

- Come on, I take her by the neck and lead her around the store, to the place where the house of the blonde saleswoman is attached, who still does not realize that we are also waiting.

The room is quiet, the curtains are down, the wine is spilled. Saleswoman tied to the back of the bed. She is still in her dress, frightened, her hands and ankles are burning.

Serge and Tatiana settled down at the table. I take a chair and sit next to the bed. I like that she is beautiful.

- We would like to know your name? - my hand gently touches her feet. - Oh well...

- T ... Toma.

“Do you like peaches, Tom?”

The world is slowly turning to meet the guys with peaches:

- Y ... yes ...

- And men?

She feels that the dress no longer covers her legs, his hand slowly moves them apart and bends them at the knees. Suddenly, the tenderness of the brush tastes the chest.

- Men, Tom? Men? After all, you tell me? True?

Serge jumps up and grabs her hair:

- Do you like men, bitch?

“Yes,” she breathes, shocked.

Serge sits down and finishes his glass. I caress her toes. Then I put a rough peach on her parted dry lips.

- Bite him, Tom, faster, even faster!

She frantically swallows warm bits.

- What do you like to do with men? - I ask her in my ear. - So?

I nod in their direction. Serge, kneeling, gently leads her tongue on the inside of Tatiana's leg, her eyes are closed, her fingers are white.

“Then just wait,” I whisper in my ear. I leave her ear and take the lash.

- Do you like us? Tom, don't be silent. Well, say no!

Her belly shudders with a whip.

- Say no! Well, say no!

I beat until I hear Tatyana scream for her screams. I fold back the whip ... I smooth her disheveled strands:

- You are very beautiful and I like you.

Tatiana has already fallen on all fours, and he licks her from behind.

- Do you like it so much? - I ask, since her heart stops from the trembling Tatiana's lustful legs.

I slowly close her eyes with black silk, then squeeze the gel onto her belly. She lies in front of me and the gel shudders. She doesn’t see anything, but she feels like a gel, caressing, goes down and down ... I put one of the toys that I’ve taken with me into her hands. Her hand shudders in surprise and novelty. I fall to the floor, throwing my hands behind my head, closing my eyes and hearing her moaning. Later, I am not surprised already by her cries of fright and pleasure under the body of Serge, although at first he moves gently, suddenly a sharp jolt, then slow, then again ... so he better catches the waiting shudder of the walls ... But when ... Read more →

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