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there is traveling road. "

The girl, not even waiting for my further actions, became agitated, pushed up and down with her pelvis, and I heard her uneven, intermittent breathing.

“So you have a road going there, you say?” - it dawned in my head - “Well, then go on like that. There will be no mercy to you. And from all over, I didn’t hold myself any longer, I plunged my dick deep into the hot flesh of the girl's backside. Lena just had to. She screamed, crawling to the very end on me, sitting down, rather, even, literally screwing her anus. From the actions of this sweetheart, I cried myself. I don’t know who had whom at that moment ... My dick was tightly grabbed by the back of the gangway, the girl’s direct intestine was making me hysterical.

We finished at the same time. While I was shaking from my experience, I was pulling on my clothes, Lena, as if nothing had happened, jumped up and threw a little dress over herself, threw her arms around my neck: “You are good, dear, yes? I was just wonderful. I knew it. I love such light, blue-eyed ... Here all the guys are black, dark, like me. And you ... such a firefly. "

We moved back. I experienced a strange mixed feelings. On the one hand, I really was good, I was in trouble with a good, supple girl, experienced a full-fledged orgasm. And with a friend - it seemed to me all the time that I was raped, that there was absolutely something above me ... As if I was being used, I was a stranger, a weapon of satisfying the impersonal lust of this girl. She needed an orgasm, needed a man, and now ... pozhalusta. Man found and used.

We walked in silence, holding on to our hands. It happens sometimes. The minutes of intimacy have already passed, and it is likely that there will be no prolongation, either for the sake of, or for animal strivings, not to be denied the recent sexual partner, the man and the woman will still hold their hands for a long time. Their hearts, their heads have already moved away from each other, and their hands are still physiologically reaching out, automatically wanting to extend a moment of intimacy.

Suddenly, behind the trees, we heard some sounds. Getting closer, we hid behind the thick trunk of an old beech tree. The group of people stood out against the background of the black sky. A woman was put to the back wall of the summer summer forest. We realized that this is a woman by the silhouette of a female figure, standing with her legs spread wide, with the hem of a dress thrown over her head.

Nearby were several men. It was very dark and only the shapes were visible. But it was very quiet. Music on the dance floor has long ceased to play, only the sounds of nature were heard - the sound of the waves of the near sea, to the lines of cicadas.

Men quietly talked to each other in a foreign language. One of them went up to the woman, raskopachychennoy against the wall and, having unbuttoned his pants, thrust into her ... The woman loudly, hacked a hoarse voice. She was standing, bending low, and far behind her ass. The man wore her rudely, in strong pushes. With each of his movements, a painful moan broke out of the woman, she barely kept the balance, all the while hitting her head against the wooden wall, which she clung to with her hands to resist.

Lena and I stood behind the tree, closely hugging each other and holding our breath. “Well, I thought so,” the girl whispered in my ear, “They found the next one. They almost every evening so having fun. Dragging some of the girls resting here, and play with her. I really know that ... It came through through itself. ”

When the first man finished, he was immediately replaced by another. The rest stood nearby, moving from foot to foot, smoking and exchanging some kind of replicas. The woman moaned more loudly, then quieter. Suddenly one of them, the next one, jumped up during intercourse, and jumped onto the woman’s naked ass. He continued to fuck her, sitting on top of her. The woman dumbly called out. We saw her shake under the weight of a healthy guy sitting on her. For a few more seconds, she preserved her previous position, but then she still could not resist and her legs buckled.She fell heavily to the ground, and wailing plaintively, without a word, without words, ...

Lena and I died, waiting for what would happen next. Men crowded around the fallen. Suddenly, one of them came from behind, and, bending down, pulled as wide as possible the legs of the woman lying on the ground. Then he stood over her, and, with the toe of his boot, struck her between the extended legs ... A cry rang out. The guy hit the second time, third. The ring of those who stood apart, and it became clearly visible that in this way the woman was really able to be raised. Not ceasing to cry out loud, she rose and, holding her hands between her legs, again stood in the previous position, gently otklyachiv ass. I will not forget how this white pop looked, trembling, waiting for new blows, substituted by him. The moon was shining in the sky, and in her light the woman's ass, her straining white thighs stood out among the surrounding blackness.

We inspected everything to the end. We waited until the guys were probably full of food for the first time, and then we went somewhere. At the same time, one of them was leading a woman, winding on her long flowing hair. She no longer moaned, and obediently walked with everyone where she was led. It was only visible how she hesitated for a moment, pulling off her shoes.

When everyone hid in the dark, Lena and I moved closer to the scene of action. In the grass there were several burning cigarette butts, they glowed, twinkling like little fireflies. Lena lifted from the ground a shoe dropped by the abducted woman.

“Poor, that's why she fell. She broke the heel of gravity. Try, pull out on yourself such a health as Tahir. He's a bull, so I know. Heels put on shoes on dances, but what dances were for her "...

I came closer and did not believe my eyes. Rather, I could not believe it. These were my Tanya's shoes ... Lena explained to me that she knew the whole company. All of them come here from the neighboring trees, and having fun with the tourists. That is the way. “They don’t put their own women into anything, let alone those who are visiting ... Arriving for them, it’s all the same what a toy, a thing, worse than a dog. What are they pulling out? Why am I so open from behind, what do you think? Do you know? Here they will let you go several times through such a conveyor, so you will understand then. You can now be thrust into me from all sides, after these, here are these ”...

Where was I to run? Looking for Tanya?

“Go to the sea. They are probably there, ”Lena waved her hand. And I'm not going to go further. Get your daughter-in-law yourself. When I was in her place, no one went to bother me, ”.

On the sea it was completely quiet. Shelestela on the sandy beach is the world wave of the Caspian Sea. Nearby was a small fire. There I crawled, behind the bushes.

The fire is between the boat station and the warehouse of beach accessories. Five men were sitting by the fire. They drank something from two big bottles, peregotovpalis fun.

In three steps away from them, illuminated by the light of the fire, lay naked Tanya on the sand. She lay face up, throwing her erect legs to the sides. In turn, the men were distracted from their conversation, got up, approached her. Tanya was given a bottle in her hands, she drank from the neck, and then they fucked her.

She was brought to the fire. There, my Tanya lay on the sand at the feet of men and reached for the pants of one of them. The men laughed, and the one whose member she took out, propped up Tanya in the head: “Well done, girl, got a taste.”.

Tanya sucked him, and I looked at it all from behind the bushes, unable to move. They all finished in her mouth, and when she sucked the last one, the others stuck a stick into her vagina from behind and began to stir it. Tanya shouted, but a member of the mouth is not released. She howled, but I felt something new in it. She enjoyed it. It was obvious to me and obvious to all five men. It was obvious for Tatiana herself. She turned her back on, stumbled on a stick, moaning, expired in a storm in the storm of endless orgasms. Who else, if not I, knew what an old girlfriend was? For all four years of our life together, I have not seen anything like this in her.

I could not look at this comment any further. Slowly, I crawled away and swinging from side to side, went to our cottage.I wanted to get drunk all that night, but I didn’t even need alcohol — but I was so tired and exhausted by this abuse. As soon as I did not scare Tatiana - and a prostitute, and a bitch, a lustful female. Violence males more hostile to her than my affection. Incomprehensible ...

In the morning I grabbed the door. Tatiana entered the room. Half-naked, in a broken dress, barefoot, with knocked down in blood, legs and feet ...

“I saw everything. I know what you did this night. ”


"Yes I saw. How do you explain this? ”

“Nikak.” Tatiana looked at herself stupidly. Her tormented appearance contrasted sharply with burning eyes, a spiritualized face.

“My dear, I still now, you saw it or not. I do not care how you feel about this. I was well this night. Yes, good. I was a woman. ”

“You were a bitch, a female, a whore”

“Yes, probably. But not a bride, not a wife, not an engineer, not a tourist, not a citizen. Was a woman. And I want to be her. "

I was silent, dumbfounded. Tatyana got up, a little help. Apparently, everything was sore below her. Such intercourse with the gift does not pass.

“Honey, I'll go. Now only I want to bring myself in order, to change. And ... I'll take my things. And you rest here alone. Get yourself someone. You will be well. ”

What idiocy. She talked to me like a stupid child. She regretted that I did not understand. She pities me! She - a miserable bedding men from the coast. Evening evening, a respectable respected young woman in just one night was made a shameless whore who bathes in all this, and even glances down at me condescendingly ...

Tatiana slowly dressed in a new dress, collected things, podmyla direct to me. It was painful to wash, she moaned, not embarrassed me. What did I worry about ...

Two days later I was in St. Petersburg. We, of course, did not meet. I began to drink heavily. The winners tried to help me, even introduced me to some girls. But no one will help a person in such a matter if he does not help himself.

And I helped myself. It was December, the city was preparing for the New Year. Christmas tree noises rustled around. I walked along the Senate Square, which was blown by all the winds, and the wind from Heva threw fine prickly snow in the face ...

Two steps away, on Galepnaya, Tatyana lived. She accepted me calmly, as if nothing had happened. She calmly said that she was detained then in Azerbaijan for another two weeks. Then, after biting myy6y, I quietly said that those ... m ... men two weeks later ... they left her, and therefore she, of course, had to go back home, to her native Peter, to her native Galernaya.

I was silent, and I was standing in the throat. Then I cleared my throat and said that I had come because I want to marry her and make an official proposal right now.

We met the new year together, as well as four years before. And the wedding was in January. How do we live, you ask, baby? Well live. I'm happy. We are happy. That's why I won't be able to give up my wife for you. After all, we love each other. And we will have to part with you in a week. As it is not sad. A week later, my Tatiana returns and I'm already waiting for her. Yes, now it's summer, she went on vacation on the coast of the Caspian Sea. She likes to rest there. ”

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