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In my hands was the envelope handed to me by my wife. Through the translucent surface, I saw a piece of paper, inscribed from the bottom of the faith in a small, double-skinned hand. My wife passed into the bedroom and calmed down there, and I went into the living room, and before I printed out the envelope, I turned it in my hands for a long time, thinking about what was happening. So, I thought, it is necessary to navigate in the past and define my attitude towards him ... My wife, Martha, whom I have known for many years, got a lover while I was in the hospital after a car accident. And if you express it more precisely, our new neighbor on the landing has started as a mistress.

That's not all. His name is Ewald, he is a merchant. In addition, I know from the words of my wife that he, this mysterious Ewald, possesses an incomprehensible magnetism and, therefore, is capable of fascinating women, turning them into obedient slaves.

In any case, this is exactly what happened with Mapta, a woman whom I have known for many years ... She became completely different from herself in a matter of weeks. It allows you to treat yourself as a whore, allows you to mock yourself, relieve yourself, helpfully take care of yourself, wears a thick artificial member in the back pass especially to expand and become more accessible to your lover in the back. In addition, she calmly and with visible pleasure tells all this to me - to her husband. And since her feelings are clearly not atrophied, for example, the sense of shame and the ability to realize the decency and humiliation of her position, it remains only to be sure that everything that is happening gives her some kind of new pleasure she does not know so far.

And now she is lying in our bedroom, having returned from her cruel and imaginative lover. Something else he thought of ... She is silent, assured that I will not now object to her adventures. But really, what can I tell her if she herself likes her position?

Tell her she's a whore? But she perfectly knows this, and this is what gives her the main pleasure.

The most important thing at the present moment is that Ewald feels so confident, does not doubt himself and his abilities so much that he sent me a letter. Not only does he not hesitate to call my wife directly on the phone, completely ignoring the fact that I am at home. He also sent a letter ...

With shaking hands with excitement, I opened a con - vert.

“Dear neighbor!” It began. The handwriting was really small, the letters were decorated with numerous curlicues, which gave the person an inventive person prone to self-love and self-analysis. However, I already had the opportunity to make sure of it ...

“Dear neighbor! I am sure that you will not be offended at me for the fact that today, on the day of your return home after a long absence, I disturbed you and called your charming wife to me, as I always did during the last time.

Your silence and the absence of any reaction to your wife's story about our relationship with her, leads me to the pleasant thought that I am dealing with a sensible and sexually developed person. I must admit to you that Martha regards me in a regular way about her, which has devoted you to the most intimate details of our relationship with her.

I think I am doing you a generous service. The fact is that after many years of happy supuzhskoy life, you and Mapta are somewhat fed up with each other, and now your wife’s stories allow you to see her with a fugue that is new to you. The special value of such communication, in my opinion, lies in the fact that everything that she tells you is true, and she really will get pleasure from all this. And the disclosure of such new for her and for you the frontiers of her character, you will agree, is only my merit. If it were not for me, you would never know what an interesting woman is lurking under the cover of your spouse, which is your priority.

But I think that the whole situation would be one-sided and unjust if you were completely left out. I promise you that from my side I will strive to ensure that you always have complete information about what is happening, that you are a full - fledged spectator, and, one can say, a participant in our games.

In particular, today I tried to make sure that our games with Map were as clear as possible for you and you could be completely convinced of the reality of the current ...

So let me finish my short letter and sincerely congratulate you on your return home. Always ready to serve your good neighbor Ewald. "

Having read the letter, I sat for a few minutes in a chair without moving and thought. After that, I got up and went into the bedroom.

Marta was lying on the bed as she was, in her death - a nice dress. Her face was still pale and tired.

“What did Ewald write to you?” She asked in a weak voice, trying to give him indifference, but at the same time she was clearly worrying.

And you can not guess?

“No I had no opportunity to pry. "

I went up to the bed and took Martha by the hand. The hand was hot and finely moved.

"Undress" - I said - "I have not seen you naked for so long."

Marta got up and pulled the dress over her head. When she took it off, in front of my eyes, she presented a picture, which in recent times often appeared in my imagination, but for which, as it turned out, I wasn’t completely ready.

On the Map there were only stockings on rubber and nothing more. I knew that she didn’t wear trusses now, because Ewald didn’t allow her that, but seeing his wife without trusts is a test. But the most important thing was not this.

The whole ass of Marta, her thighs, sides and part of the back were ripped with a whip. The beautiful swelled hairs crossed the white body of my wife. They were flashing on her body, they were fearfully bugging>

So this is what Ewald meant when he wrote me a letter, which gives me the opportunity to be a full witness, and maybe even a participant in everything who asks ...

Marta slowly turned around in front of me, the mouth of the test gaze on me. She seemed to be waiting for my reaction.

“Is he like you again?” - I just found something to ask.

“Yes,” said Map, looking straight into my eyes. “You yourself see how much he whipped me. And how it hurt me. "

“You screamed? Cried? I asked to leave? ”“ Yes. But then I just moaned. And then - then I began to ask him to take me. And he satisfied my pleas. And as soon as he approached me, in order to get hold of me in a pose of cancer, I ended up right away. ”

Marta stood in front of me completely naked, in one stockings. I looked at her and in me, at the sight of her, a long-time concealed desire spilled. I felt how my brethren strained, how my nature began to cure them, trying to put it on. So we stood at the opposite of each other.

"Ewald only managed to get an artificial phallus out of me, which I now always wear in my ass, and prepared to take me." But I did not wait for it. I was already quite ready. When he lashed me, the orgasm was already approaching me. Only my hands were connected, and therefore I was deprived of the opportunity to help myself with my fingers, and therefore only could not come under his blows. But now, when he tied up his hands to me, and I felt his fingers push my sponges, I immediately began to flow. From me a fountain was made, which I myself didn’t expect - gave. And then Ewald laughed and took me. "

“What do you think, when you suck?” - I asked and immediately regretted the tactlessness of the question.

“No I don’t like to talk, ”said Mapta, dropping her eyes. It seemed to have shrunk from my direct question, which had found her out of sight. Probably she herself was afraid to ask this question, and now she couldn’t immediately forget.

“No, I don’t like it. But at the same time, I almost immediately finish ....

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